Cat face people listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately stopped the action in the hand, side head look to Ye Feng way, "just don't know what is hiding here, so just want to pour out to have a look!"

Ye Feng said to the cat faced man, "we don't know whether this liquid is toxic or corrosive. We can't act rashly!"

Jesteffe also said to the cat faced man, "yes, don't act rashly for the time being. There are too many suspicions here..."

Just then, there was a sound of footwork outside the door. The three people's faces were all moving. They immediately looked at each other. Ye Feng immediately motioned cat face and himself to cover the tin box. Then the three people hid behind the other tin boxes and lay still on the ground.

As soon as they lay down, the iron door outside was opened, and two people came in. They went to the iron box opened by Ye Feng just now, and each of them occupied one. At the same time, they squatted down and exerted themselves to lift the iron box.

I don't want them to just lift up his tin box. I don't know if the lid on the tin box was too anxious just now. Ye Feng and maorenren didn't cover it properly. They just fell to the ground and made a loud bang.

The man in front of him didn't know what was going on. He was really shocked by the loud noise. He suddenly shook his hand carrying the box, and the box tilted over.

The inclination of the tin box doesn't matter. Suddenly, the black liquid inside began to flow out. The flowing liquid was viscous. After the inclination, the left and right sides of the tin box began to lose weight. Suddenly, the whole tin box rolled directly to one side and fell to the ground.

The black liquid immediately flowed to one side. Ye Feng and other three people hid behind other tin boxes. At this time, Ye Feng showed half of his head, but after the black liquid flowed out, there was a human like thing in the black liquid, which also rolled out of the tin box.

Looking at the human body, it was black and covered with black mucus. I couldn't even see whether he was dressed or not. However, from the physical characteristics, it should be male, but the man fell on the ground and didn't move. I didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Ye Feng can't help but move. The tin box looks like a coffin. Unexpectedly, it's really a coffin for people?

Just thinking about it, one of them couldn't help losing his voice and said, "Why are you so careless? What can I do?"

The other one was stunned and obviously flustered. He quickly reached out to lift the man who fell out of the tin box. Seeing this, the other one immediately stopped and said, "don't touch it, it's poisonous!"

But when he heard this, the other man's hand had touched the man's body on the ground, and he immediately retracted his hand.

Although he was wearing leather gloves on his hands, the leather gloves immediately gave off a white smoke and a strange smell.

One of them immediately yelled at him, "take off your gloves..." Before he finished, the other man had already knelt on the ground, holding the other hand tightly with one hand, and there was a scream in his mouth.

Ye Feng looked from the back of the tin box, but saw the hand that the man touched the black liquid, let alone the leather gloves he was wearing. Even the skin and flesh had been corroded at this time, leaving only the bones of the hand flowing with the black liquid, and the other hand was also corroded because of holding this hand.

Seeing this, his companion's face turned pale with fright and looked at the scene in front of him. He didn't know what to do. After all, he knew better than anyone that the liquid was corrosive. If he came forward to rescue now, he might be the same as his companion.

The companion on the ground was rolling on the ground in pain, just rolled into the black liquid flowing on one side of the ground, and immediately the whole body began to emit white smoke, but in less than a minute, the whole body turned into a white bone.

When the companion saw this, he immediately ran out towards the door in fright. At the same time, he also made a scream of horror.

After waiting for the man to run out, Ye Feng stood up from behind the tin box and looked at the scene in front of him with a dignified face.

And jastefer and cat face man have just secretly seen this scene, especially cat face man. His face is very blue at this time. He thinks that he wants to pour out the liquid just now. If this thing just splashes on himself, he may be the white bone. He can't help but be afraid.

At this time, jesteffe went over there, and the cat faced man cried to jesteffe with some worry, "what are you doing, girl? Be careful

Jesteffe stood on the edge of the liquid, staring at the man covered in black liquid and the white bone on the ground for a long time without saying a word.

At this time, Ye Feng also went to the side of jesterfield. Like her, she squatted on the ground and looked at the situation on the ground. Seeing this, the cat faced man took a deep breath. Then he walked over and stood behind them and said, "what do you see?"

Jesteffe said, "what else? Don't you see the clue as soon as you see it? "

Ye Feng nodded and said, "yes, it's really strange!"

The cat faced man looked at Ye Feng and Jester fee with a puzzled look on his face. Then he went to their side and said, "can you squat and see clearly? Why don't I see any clue? Isn't it the corrosive liquid medicine of sulfuric acid? What's so strange? "Ye Feng took a look at the cat face man, but shook his head and said, "you really don't see it?" Seeing that the cat faced man shook his head, he muttered, "you must be scared, aren't you?"

Jesteffe looked at the cat and said, "since the liquid is so corrosive that a living person is completely corroded in just one or two minutes, then why are the people in the tin box not corroded by this potion?"

After hearing this, the cat faced man was stunned. He looked at the man lying on the ground still. He found that although he was completely wrapped in the black liquid, and he could not see whether he was alive or dead, he could at least see that he was a body with skin and flesh, not a white bone.

Seeing this, the cat faced man suddenly patted his thigh and said, "yeah? Why? Why isn't his body corroded? "

At this time, jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you think?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "what do you think? I can't see it from both sides. I don't know why? "

Jester fee listen to Ye Feng said, can't help but frown a way, "it seems that you really lack of memory serious!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at jesterfield in surprise when he hears jesterfield say so, "what's the relationship between this and my lack of memory?"

Words just say this, immediately heart next move, facial expression slightly move ground looking at leaf maple way, "you mean, I should know this black liquid?"

I don't know if I know you, but at least it's close to a liquid you've been in contact with

Ye Feng can't help frowning at the black liquid on the ground, which is still and no longer flowing. After thinking for a long time, he can't remember where he has seen similar liquid.

Jesteffe said that if he should have an impression, then this memory should be something that exists on the planet of essf, but he really can't remember it at all.

Jesterfield said to Ye Feng at this time, "if you don't remember, forget it!"

Ye Feng then looked at jesterfield and said, "since you think I should have seen a similar liquid, in other words, you know what this liquid is, at least you know what a similar liquid is?"

At this time, jestefeld stood up and said to Ye Feng, "I once participated in a project, but at that time, I was just an ordinary technician, and I didn't even know what project I was involved in. I didn't know until many years later that our project at that time was for the FBI!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "what did you do for the FBI? What? "

Jestfeld said, "it's a kind of liquid that can strengthen all kinds of human genes. It's said that as long as the agent's body is immersed in the liquid for a period of time, the agent's body will become abnormal Well How to say, it's extremely fierce and tough... "

Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and said, "and this kind of medicine? Have I soaked in this medicine before? "

Jesteffe said, "I don't know if you've soaked in it, but I only know that the original liquid medicine is not corrosive, but after being soaked, the liquid medicine will be corrosive, but it doesn't have any effect on the soak itself!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately turn a head to see that person on the ground, eyebrow tiny Cu of ask Jie si te Fei way, "you mean, someone want to make mutation person here?"

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