Cat face a person hears this words, can't help but surprised looking at Ye Feng and Jie si te Fei way, "mutation person? You mean the one lying on the ground is a mutant

Jesteffe shook his head at Ye Feng and said, "it's not mutation. At that time, it was just some drugs to strengthen some characteristics of the human body, not mutation!"

After listening to the man on the ground for a long time, Ye Feng said, "no matter the mutation or not, do you mean that someone in Jock Emma's laboratory is engaged in the same research as the FBI agents you gave to the federal government at that time, or at least similar research?"

Jesteffe nodded and said, "I think it's possible based on what I've seen in front of me!"

Cat face man suddenly thought of something and immediately said, "do you mean that Jock Emma also wants to build a team like the FBI agents?"

But Ye Feng pondered for a moment and said, "I don't think this is the intention of Jock Emma. After all, don't forget that behind Jock Emma is the opposition!"

The cat faced man immediately nodded, "that is to say, the opposition wants to set up a secret service team!" After thinking about it, he immediately added, "no, it's a mutant agent team!"

Jesteffe looked back at the tin boxes left behind him, at least a hundred and ten. He could not help sighing, "if so, Huck Bay is not so simple on the surface!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "if it is like this, that is to say, not only are we targeting Huke Bay, but also the opposition are targeting Huke Bay?"

Then he immediately corrected, "no, the opposition should have targeted Huck Bay earlier than us, or they have started to deploy these projects since they supported Jock Emma to build Huck bay into an experimental base!"

Jesteffe immediately nodded and said, "yes, maybe that's what they thought at the beginning. They used Jock Emma's scientific research project as a camouflage and actually engaged in these researches secretly!"

At this time, the cat face man frowned and his face changed again. He said in a loud voice, "not good!"

Jesterfield frowned at the cat's face. "What's wrong? Can you make a fuss? "

But the cat face man immediately said, "a Nan, have you ever thought that if you are engaged in this kind of research secretly here, then Dixie and Scarlett will be arrested..."

Without waiting for the cat face man to finish, Ye Feng and jastefer's face changed. Ye Feng couldn't help saying to the cat face man, "after you came here, you finally said something useful!"

At this point, Ye Feng immediately turned back to jesterfield and said, "will Dixie and Scarlett also be made to do these 'mutation' experiments?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "we can't rule out this possibility, but in general, this kind of experiment requires the experimenter to have certain qualities. Ordinary people can't become very strong through the experiment!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "both Dixie and Scarlett are not ordinary people. Dixie is an agent no matter on earth or in eisf. Scarlett is also a killer on earth. They absolutely have the quality to participate in this kind of experiment!"

Jesteffe said, "what you said is not right, but we don't see the extraordinary side of Dixie and Scarlett in the video, which shows that the other party may not know, so there is still a chance!"

Just then, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door. It seemed that there was more than one person. Ye Feng and the three of them looked at each other and immediately fled.

As soon as they avoided opening, the iron door opened, and then four people came in. These four people were obviously different from the previous people. They were all wearing metal clothes, and they were wearing a protective cover, including their gloves, which were made of metal.

After several people came in, one of them took a look at the situation in front of him. Then he said to the other three people, "clean up quickly!"

Two of the other three immediately lifted the man on the ground and put him back in the tin box. Ye Feng hid in the dark. At this time, he noticed that the metal gloves on the two hands did not change at all when they touched the man's body.

The last one pulled the skeleton into a bag made of special materials. The only one who spoke immediately picked up the bag and sealed it. Then he looked back at the black liquid on the ground and said to the other three people, "clean up the ground quickly!" Then he turned and left.

The other three men then took out a water gun from the iron wall on one side and began to wash the liquid on the ground. When the liquid met the water, it began to dilute, and then it began to flow in another direction along the gap between the floors on the ground. There was a water outlet at the corner of the wall in that direction, and all the liquid was washed into the water.

After scouring, the three people stood in the same place and checked again. At this time, Ye Feng immediately rushed out with a brisk step, facing the person nearest to him with one foot, directly kicking the person away.In addition, the hidden jesteffe and the cat face man rushed out one after another, and immediately subdued the other two people, and then they took off the masks.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately grabbed a man's metal clothes. When he grabbed him, he found that the metal on the man looked like ordinary iron, but he didn't look at it carefully. He immediately asked the humanitarian, "what's the matter with the people in this alley?"

That person immediately trembles toward leaf maple way, "I don't know!"

At this time, the cat faced man went to one side and dragged a tin box again. He lifted the lid and exposed the black liquid inside. He said to Ye Feng, "talk more nonsense with him and just put him here to soak!"

As soon as the man saw the black liquid in the tin box, he felt numb and instinctively wanted to escape, but his collar was being grabbed by Ye Feng. How could he escape.

Ye Feng casts a look of approval at the cat face man. Since the goods suspect that Dixie and Scarlett may also be arrested to do the experiment, their IQ seems to have risen in a straight line.

Ye Feng at this time looked at three people, and then said, "today, of the three of you, there are two people will use this black water bath, only one person can not bubble!"

Three people smell speech complexion all is a change, frighten unceasingly looking at Ye Feng way, "we all don't want to bubble!"

But Ye Feng said to the three humanitarians, "the right to decide whether to bubble is not in my hands, but in your hands. Now what do we ask and what do you answer? If someone knows but doesn't answer, or deliberately answers wrong..."

Did not wait for Ye Feng to finish, cat face immediately cold hum a, "then ask them to free bath!"

As soon as they heard this, they immediately said, "we must know everything and say everything."

Jester fee can't help but look at Ye Feng and cat face man. He didn't expect that these two people were able to sing in unison, and they really scared the three counsellors.

Thinking of jesteffe, he said immediately, "is the man in the black liquid dead or alive?"

The three men immediately said in one voice, "I don't know..."

Ye Feng can't help wrinkling his brow. "It seems that the three of you want to share weal and woe. Do you want to have a mandarin duck bath together?"

There was no such animal as mandarin duck on the planet. They all looked at Ye Feng in amazement. Although they didn't understand it, they knew it was not a good thing. They all said, "we really don't know!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, and immediately asked, "are you two new women caught here today?"

The three immediately said in one voice, "I don't know..." Seeing Ye Feng's face sinking, he immediately said, "we really don't know!"

Among them, the man who was dragged by Ye Feng immediately explained to Ye Feng, "you let us go. The three of us are cleaners here. We haven't been out here since we came here to work! We really don't know anything

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. He looks at the guy's face when he talks. He doesn't look like a liar. He can't help looking back at jesterfield and cat face.

Then jesteffe said, "they probably don't know!"

"The cat face man said immediately," that is to say, none of them has any use value Say hand on the neck a horizontal, meaning to solve them.

Of course, the three men understood what they had seen and immediately began to beg for mercy one by one.

But Ye Feng looked at the three humanitarians, "since you don't know anything, we won't ask anything. You three have a look. Who can say something you know, and we happen to be interested in it?"

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