Three people listen to Ye Feng so a ask, immediately all a burst of ponder, as if really all in the brain to think what is interested in.

At this time, Ye Feng also loosened the clothes of the man in front of him, and then dragged him to the other two people's side to squat. The man just squatted down, and immediately stood up again.

Seeing this, the cat faced man couldn't help looking at the man with a heavy face, "Oh, what's the matter? Do you still want to do it? "

The man immediately explained, "no, no, I just think of one thing. I don't know if it's something you're interested in."

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately looked at the man, "what's the matter? Say it

The man immediately said, "a few days ago, I was ordered to move a box of materials out of here and send them to the transport aircraft. At that time, I saw the Dean here, that is, Dean Jock Emma, just alight from that aircraft!"

Cat face people can't help but sneer, "what's so strange about this? Isn't this just coming back from going out?"

But the man immediately explained, "it's really nothing strange. The key is that there are no people on the aircraft..."

At this point, the man lowered his voice and said, "I saw him on TV!"

Ye Feng can't help but look at the humanitarianism with his eyebrows, "TV program? What TV show

The man immediately said, "there is talk every day!"

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but wrinkle, brain suddenly seems to appear a fuzzy picture, seems to have a little impression of this program.

Jesteffe didn't say a word all the time. At this time, Chao Yefeng explained, "this is a program run by a villain on federal television. It's a critical program for current affairs!"

After Ye Feng heard the speech, the fuzzy picture in his mind gradually became clear. A program host threw out a topic, and then the guests began to debate for this topic.

The man immediately said, "yes, the person I saw was the resident guest of the show, Yu Guohui!"

On hearing this, jesteffe frowned and said, "what are you doing? He is actually a powerful member of the opposition! "

However, the man shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know if he is the leader of the opposition. I only know that he often appears in the program" talk every day "and says a lot of anti federal policy topics, so he is very famous..."

Then he asked Ye Feng tentatively, "I don't know if it's something you're interested in?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "is it really interesting? Is there anything else? Go on

But the man immediately said, "I had a glance at Yu, and when I saw her, I had to go down to move things. By the time I came up again, the aircraft had already flown away. I don't know whether Yu went to his office with Dean Jock or by flying away! I really don't know anything else! "

Ye Feng pondered after hearing the words, while jastefer said to Ye Feng, "this can only prove that the rumors that Jock Emma is an opposition are true. Besides, we have already regarded him as a member of the opposition, and this news has no practical value!"

Ye Feng nodded, but the man even said, "I only know so much..."

Do not want to this time, squatting over there a slightly fat face immediately stood up and said, "if this is what you are interested in, I also have!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly to see to that humanity, "what did you see again?"

The man shook his head and said, "I haven't seen anything!"

The cat faced man looked at the man angrily, "are you playing with us?"

But the man quickly explained, "I dare not fool you. I really didn't see anything, but I overheard a phone call!"

Ye Feng brow is to move to look at that humanitarianism again, "what telephone?"

The man immediately said, "at that time, I was responsible for transporting some important materials to a laboratory above. At that time, I was tired after dozens of times of transportation. After the last transportation, I stood in a corner and smoked a cigarette secretly. At that time, I heard someone talking on the phone. You know, smoking is forbidden in the laboratory. I'm afraid of being caught But I dare not go out for fear of being smelled. I want to wait for the man to go away before I leave! "

Jesteffe said to the man, "you don't have to explain to us what's useless. Just say what you heard on the phone!"

The man frowned and thought for a moment before he said, "the man on the phone said," Dean Jock asked someone to find some bodies! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, immediately look to jesterfield, looking for the body thing, should be they come to the eve of the planet.

Of course jesteffe knew, and immediately asked, "what else? No more? "

The man quickly said, "and, and..." After taking a deep breath, he said, "the man said that he could take this opportunity to report president Jock to the police, and then control him in the police station under the name of this crime. Then president Jock will have no time to manage the laboratory, and they can carry out their experiments!"The third squatting over there also immediately stood up and said, "I have something to say, too!"

And the second man immediately said, "I haven't finished yet!"

Ye Feng immediately toward the third humanitarian, "you wait for him to finish!" Then he said to the second man, "go on!"

The third man could only squat back obediently, while the second man continued, "he also said that he could inform some pioneer to save president Jock, and then frame the blame on President Jock, saying that he was with some pioneer, and then he could completely eradicate him..."

Ye Feng heard here, heart suddenly move, immediately asked, "who is the person who called?"

The second man shook his head repeatedly and said, "we are just ordinary workers. There are many people in the laboratory. We don't know many people. If we can touch them, we will hear even less voices. I don't know who he is. After he goes away, I will run away immediately!"

The cat face man immediately asked him, "is that you don't have any new topic?"

The second man shook his head and said, "that's all I know!"

At this time, the cat face man immediately looked at the third humanitarian, "you were so worried just now, now you come to talk!"

The third man immediately stood up and said, "what I want to say is that he lied!"

Ye Feng, jester fee and cat face man were all pale and surprised, "who lied?"

The third person immediately pointed to the second humanity, "that's him, he lied!"

The second man's face suddenly changed. He looked at his companion in surprise and said angrily, "what are you talking about? How did I lie? "

The third person immediately sneered, "don't forget that I was in the same group with you at that time. When you smoked, I also hid in the other side to smoke. I heard the phone call you heard too!"

The second man's face suddenly changed when he heard the words. He immediately argued, "what did you say? You are talking nonsense... "

Ye Feng immediately sternly toward the second humanitarian, "you shut up!" Then he said to the third man, "tell me about your version!"

The third man immediately said, "I was smoking on the other side. Like him, smoking was not allowed in the laboratory, so we had to find a corner and smoke on our back!"

The cat face man immediately said, "you really are. Since the lab can't smoke, can't you leave the lab and smoke again? Do you have to avoid smoking? "

The third man explained, "if we leave the laboratory, we should go down immediately. We won't be given the chance to go out at all. Every time we finish our work, we steal the time to smoke!"

But Ye Feng said to him immediately, "go on! What do you hear? "

The third man said immediately, "I not only heard something, but also saw something!"

The second man's face changed and he stared at the third man.

But the third person continued, "I was smoking at that time. I heard someone talking on the phone, so I immediately put out the cigarette and thought that when the person left, I would come back down immediately!"

Then the third man immediately looked at the second man, "but I saw the person on the phone, that's him!"

When the second man heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he said in an angry voice, "what are you talking about?"

The third man immediately said, "you're the one on the phone!"

Did not wait for the second person to speak, Ye Feng immediately blocked in the middle of two people, toward the third person said, "continue to say, what is he talking about on the phone?"

The third person immediately said, "the content of the phone is basically the same as what he said, but it's him who is on the phone. He blames a fictional person for what he has done!"

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