The second man immediately said, "you're framing..."

Ye Feng did not wait for him to finish, immediately interrupted, "just now he wanted to speak, I also let you finish, now it's his turn to speak, you don't interrupt, after he finished, give you time to refute!"

At this point, he immediately said to the third person, "go on!"

The third person immediately said, "as I said just now, the content of the phone is basically the same as what he said, but the person who called is either others or himself. At that time, there was no such person as he said!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng pondered for a while and looked at them. For a long time, he didn't speak.

Jesteffe then asked the third humanist, "he's just like you. He's an ordinary worker. Do you mean he's talking to another person on the phone about Jack Emma?"

The third man said immediately, "I know what you mean, but what I see and hear is like this. I'm not lying!"

The second person at this time a pair of words and stop appearance, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "can I say?"

After Ye Feng nodded, the second person said, "as this lady said, I am the most common worker in this laboratory. How can I frame president Jock? Where can I get my ability?"

The third man immediately said to Ye Feng, "I can't explain it clearly, but I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears..."

The first person who didn't speak all the time raised his hand and said, "can I say another thing I saw?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately look at him, toward him a nod way, "you say!"

The first one said at this time, "this was more than ten days ago I have forgotten which day it was. At that time, I had a corpse... "

At this point, the first man immediately explained, "let me tell you first, our laboratory often kills people. Generally, the disposal of corpses is to carry them out and give them to other people. We don't know exactly what to do with them!"

Ye Feng nodded and saw that a worker lost his life when any tin box fell on the ground tonight. It can be seen that the risk factor in this laboratory is still great, and the dead should be common.

The first man then looked at the second man, "when I was transporting a corpse to the ground, there was an accident. The bag containing the corpse fell to the ground and the corpse came out from inside. I saw the face at that time..."

At this point, the first person's face became very terrible, and the second person's face also changed, instinctively stepped back.

Ye Feng saw in the eye, in the heart roughly already knew what situation, but still toward the first person said, "you continue to say!"

first, as like as two peas, he immediately reached out to second people and said, "the face that I saw at that time was exactly the same as him. Even the mole on his forehead is in the same place

As soon as the second man heard this, he immediately turned around and was about to run, but he was stopped by the cat face man who had been ready for a long time, and then he subdued the goods with a move.

Ye Feng then walked up to the man, looked at the man on the ground, and said in a deep voice, "it seems that your identity is not just that simple as an ordinary worker!"

But the second man forced to raise his head and said, "they're jointly framing me. What evidence do they have?"

Jesteffe then came over, looked at the man's face and said, "if what he said is true, that is to say, your whole face is false, as long as I stretch out my hand to tear it, if what he said is false, that is to say, your face is true, what do you have to worry about?"

The second man then raised his head and said to jesterfield, "tear it, my face must be true! They're framing me! "

Jesteffe saw that he was not afraid to tear his face, which showed that there was no disguise like a human skin mask on his face, but she sneered, "it seems that you have done the operation directly and made your face look like it is now?"

The second man immediately said, "no, I just look like this. I haven't had any surgery at all..."

The cat face man sneered and said, "since you have no problem, what are you running for? It's not a guilty conscience. What is it? "

At this time, the second man was speechless and didn't know how to explain it. He even said, "I That... "

Ye Feng this time walks to his in front, squats down the body to look at him way, "I only give you a chance!"

Say Ye Feng to make a wink toward the cat face person, the cat face person immediately pulled the tin case that opened the lid from the side.

Ye Feng said to the second person, "if you say that, I have a little doubt, you can go in and take a bath directly. I believe that you may be more realistic!"

The man's face suddenly changed. Ye Feng didn't care about him and said directly, "who sent you in the end!"

The second person is breathing at this time, trying to adjust his mind to calm his mood at this time, but he doesn't say anything.Ye Feng doesn't talk much. He pulls the man's body and goes towards the tin box. The man still wants to resist. Ye Feng goes up directly and wastes his two arms, making him incapable of resisting at all.

When he got to the side of the tin box, the man said in a loud voice, "I said, I said..."

Ye Feng sneered at the second humanitarian, "just gave you a chance, you don't say, now want to say, is it too late?"

The second person even said, "no later, no later, besides my own identity, I have other information to reveal to you!"

Ye Feng squatted down at this time, looking at the humanity, "OK, I'll give you the last chance! Take care of it yourself

The second immediately said, "I'm a geek pioneer!"

Ye Feng, jesteffe and cat face man's face changed when they heard that. Ye Feng frowned and looked at the second humanity, "are you a geek pioneer?"

The second humanity, "yes, I'm a geek pioneer..."

Ye Feng nodded and said, "go on, don't let me ask, you answer again, it seems you have no sincerity, you just say what you know!"

The man immediately nodded and said, "OK, OK, I said, I'm a geek pioneer. I'm under ricksen's command. My purpose here is to sneak into the lab of Jock Emma. The initial plan is to steal the holy things of our geek pioneer, but I never had a chance. Then my plan has changed, that is to put Jock Emma in jail and provoke him and her Then we can find a way to save him, and then we can talk with him about terms, and exchange what he needs for what we need! "

Ye Feng said immediately at this time, "if so, you can't send you alone!"

The man immediately nodded and said, "I only know myself. I don't know if I have sent anyone else. But according to past experience, I'm definitely not the only one, and their purpose may not be the same as mine. After all, it's not easy for us to come to Huck bay to save Jock Emma, and I used to listen when I was reporting the situation here unintentionally Go to the phone and talk about laser guns. They must have sent someone to hide and try to occupy the laser fort in Huke Bay. That's all I know! "

Jesteffe immediately said, "since you can sneak in, why only disguise as an ordinary worker?"

The man immediately said, "it's not that I want to disguise as a worker. In Jock Emma's lab, the technicians at the upper level have strict control. Everyone has a strict real name registration system. Even if I can disguise as them, there are too many professional terms involved. We are worried that we will miss our feet. On the contrary, it's the workers at the bottom who don't have such strict control and are easy to get confused Ricksen also knew that Jack Emma was engaged in some unknown scientific research in his experiment, so he also wanted me to take this opportunity to investigate and see what they were studying, so I sneaked in! "

Ye Feng heard him say so, then stood up and said, "what he said is right!"

Jesteffe continued to ask the humanitarian, "so you're lurking here. What have you found out?"

The man immediately said, "the research on the surface and the research on the back of Jock Emma's laboratory are two kinds of research, and the research on the back seems to have something to do with the opposition!"

Then he took a look at the other tin boxes here, and immediately said, "the people in these boxes are collected by the opposition from all over the world to help Jock Emma laboratory. I believe they must be engaged in a significant research that may have a great impact on the Federation, but what is the specific project? Because my identity is just a worker People don't know a lot! "

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