Speaking of this, the man immediately said, "I only know so much, so don't kill me. What I can tell you, what I can't tell you, have already told you!"

Ye Feng looked at him thoughtfully for a while. After a while, he said to each other, "you and I have disclosed so much, but do you have a question?"

That person smell speech Zheng Zheng ground looking at leaf Feng way, "what problem?"

After staring at the man for a long time, Ye Feng said, "I'm also a geek pioneer!"

As soon as the man heard this, his face suddenly changed and he looked at Ye Feng. His eyes were full of horror. From his terror, we can see what would happen if they betrayed the geek pioneer.

And Ye Feng has already seen that this guy has instinctively started to retreat, and he can't help saying, "don't kill me, don't kill me..." Like talking to Ye Feng, like talking to himself.

Ye Feng just stepped forward. The guy was so scared that he stepped back and ran into a pile of tin boxes. The tin box on the top was directly hit on the ground, and the cover in the corner was directly hit with a gap, and the black liquid in it immediately flowed out.

The guy didn't pay attention at all, but he continued to walk back. Ye Feng noticed that the goods' feet had stepped on the black liquid, but his boots were also metal, so it was OK to step on them.

Ye Feng at this time toward three people said, "who else want to add?"

The other two shook their heads and said, "no, that's all we know."

At this time, Ye Feng nodded his head with satisfaction, and then winked at jesteffe and the cat face man. Jesteffe and the cat face man knew each other. They immediately went up to press one person on each other, and then they knocked on the back of their head. Suddenly they fainted.

Ye Feng walks towards the undercover of the geek pioneer, also facing the back of his head. The man immediately faints to one side, and Ye Feng immediately puts on his metal clothes.

Jesteffe and maorenren took off their metal coats and put them on. As soon as they got dressed and put on their protective covers, they heard the sound of footsteps coming from outside.

The three men's faces were all moving. They immediately moved the three workers to the back of the iron box pile. As soon as they hid them, the iron door opened.

The man who had gone out before took a look at the door and immediately asked, "why did it take so long? There's an order from above. Take two more boxes out! "

Then he went to the side of the iron box pile, lifted one of the iron boxes, and then said to the three humanists, "come and help!"

Ye Feng immediately walked over, carrying the other end of the tin box, followed the man toward the iron door, and went to the iron door. The man looked back at Jester fee and cat face man, "what are you still doing? Hurry up

Jesteffe and the cat face man recovered. They immediately went to lift a box and followed Ye Feng and the man.

Four people passed the long tin alley. When they got to the top, they walked between the other two tin containers. When the man stopped, he pressed a button on one of the tin containers, and immediately a hidden gate appeared underground.

Ye Feng and the man continued to carry the tin box down. At this time, they found that there was a long alley with tin on all sides. At the end of the alley, another iron door with glass in the middle appeared.

After pushing open the iron door, Ye Feng found that the space behind the door was several times larger than the space of the tin proof box over there, and there were all kinds of containers everywhere, and many people in all kinds of protective clothing were busy between the containers.

In the upper space, there is a second floor, around the middle, with floor glass windows. Inside, there are various containers and instruments. Many people in white coats are busy with their own affairs.

Ye Feng followed the man in front all the time and carried the box to a corner of the first floor. There were two piles of tin boxes over there. One was still covered, and the other had been opened, and the inside was empty.

Ye Feng and the man put the tin box in his hand in the place where the lid was not opened. After putting it in place, Ye Feng did not forbid his eyes to take a look at the situation here.

Jesteffe and maorenren also came over with the box, learning from Ye Feng and the man, and put the tin box on the pile of unopened tin boxes.

Jesterfield is also looking at everything here with his spare light. Only the cat faced man turns his head and looks around without scruple.

And then the man came over and yelled at the cat faced man, "what's good to see? Are you done with your work? "

The cat faced man was stunned and looked at the man in amazement. He replied that he was not too busy to finish, but he shook his head instinctively.

Seeing this, the man immediately yelled, "if you're not finished, why don't you go and do your own work? What are you looking at here? " Then he went to a door immediately.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately followed him, and motioned to jesterfield and cat face man to follow him. He followed the man into the door, but saw that the man immediately began to take off the protective cover on his head, and then began to take off his metal coat.While taking off his clothes, the man also said to Ye Feng and other three people, "be quick, Shrek will come soon, and when you see us dawdling, you will curse again!"

Ye Feng and other three people can't help hesitating when they see that they are going to take off their metal clothes. After all, they rely on this to disguise themselves. Once they take off their things, maybe this person will recognize that they are not the original three.

After taking off his clothes and protective cover, the man showed his original face. He was a Western-style man in his thirties, with curly yellow hair. Then he looked at the three people in surprise, "what are you looking at me for? Don't take off your clothes and follow me

At this time, Ye Feng clenched his teeth to be found. Besides, he took off the protective cover on his face and the metal clothes on his body. Originally, he was worried about whether the Yellow curly hair would recognize him.

Don't want to at this time of yellow curly hair is sitting on one side, in his watch click, suddenly appeared in front of a virtual screen, he immediately entered a password above, logged in to a system, sat there looking up what.

Jesteffe and cat face man looked at each other at this time and pushed off the protective cover and metal clothes like Ye Feng.

Just at this time, an alarm light in the room rang, and Huang curly immediately stood up. Then he went over and turned off the alarm light, and pressed a button on one side. Suddenly, a secret door appeared on one side of the alarm light, which was slowly opening.

Yellow curly hair side toward the door, while toward the leaf maple they three humanity, "follow me, sharp point!" Said at the foot of the speed is faster and faster, has never seen three people one eye.

Ye Feng, jesteffe and cat face look at each other again. I don't know whether the Yellow curly hair is careless or disdains to look at the three people. Maybe the three people's status is too low to attract his attention.

Ye Feng immediately made a wink, motioned to Jester fee and cat face man to follow him to see what happened.

Three people trot all the way to follow yellow curly toward the door, inside is a long and narrow and winding tunnel, and gradually downward detour, like a rotating corridor in general.

Soon at the bottom, Ye Feng noticed that there was a larger space below. The containers and instruments in it looked more advanced than those on the top. However, there were not many people here. A few on duty didn't look like normal human beings, but robots.

Yellow curly hair around the front of the container, along the wall to continue to move forward, and soon there was a door, yellow curly hair went there to stop, the body against the side of the door frame, this took a deep breath, looking back to Ye Feng they three.

Ye Feng, Jie stefei and cat face can't help but move. I don't know if yellow curly has recognized that they are not the original people.

At this time, Huang curly eyebrows slightly wrinkled to look at the three people, cat face people at this time have clenched their fists, as long as this Huang curly found the problem, immediately go up to solve him.

Don't want to yellow curly hair but toward Jester Fei way, "this time how there are women?"? What's Shrek doing? " Said, did not wait for Ye Feng to speak, immediately and slightly sigh a way, "forget it, you remember, for a while our goal is Joanna, other people don't care about anything!"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the words. Who is Joanna? Their goal is Joanna. What is the purpose of their coming from here?

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