Ye Feng is hesitating. At this time, he hears a sound of footwork coming from behind the door. Huang curly hair's heart moves and his face changes. He hides behind the huge container on one side. Ye Feng and the other three immediately follow him and hide behind the large container.

As soon as the three of them hid in, they saw two people in white coats coming out while they were talking. They were still holding a pile of information in their hands. They said this and walked away.

Ye Feng listened to the two people's words, mentioned the two women what, but the voice is not big, listen to is not very clear, heart under a Lin, the secret way also don't know whether to say the Dixi Si and Scarlett.

After two people left, Huang curly hair said, "listen to my order, rob Joanna and leave immediately. As long as we run out of the laboratory, there is a marked aircraft outside, and we will be safe when we get on the aircraft!"

Ye Feng heard that Huang curly hair mentioned Joanna again, but he was still hesitating. Who was this Joanna, who was this Huang curly hair, and Shrek in his mouth.

Jesteffe came to Ye Feng, patted him on the shoulder, gave him a look, and then whispered, "the daughter of the federal president is also Joanna!"

When Ye Feng heard this, he could not help but look at jesterfield, and asked jesterfield with his eyes, "can't it be such a coincidence?"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said nothing more, saying that he was not sure. But the message that the daughter of the federal president is Joanna is correct. It's just that whether she is a person with the same name or not is unknown.

At this time, Huang curly immediately walked towards the door, but there was access control equipment on one side of the door. Without access control card and identification, he couldn't pass.

Yellow curly hair then looked back to leaf maple they a few, see they are still hiding in the side of the big container, immediately toward the three humanitarian, "don't come to cover, I have time to untie the entrance guard!" Then he murmured, "Shrek doesn't know who I'm looking for?"

Ye Feng and jasterfeld immediately follow up, but Ye Feng's mind has been thinking about Shrek's name. Just now, when Huang curly mentioned the name again, an idea flashed through his mind. It seems that the name is very familiar, but he can't remember who it is.

Huang curly hair is pressing out the virtual screen on his watch at this time. A program appears on the virtual screen, and Huang curly hair keeps operating.

Jesteffe took a look at it and said to Ye Feng in a low voice, "this guy's access control method should come from the federal agent's method!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately is a Lin, "federal agent? Shrek These two words were constantly recited in my mind, and then a figure gradually began to clear up.

At this time, there was a sound of footwork at the door, and yellow curly hair immediately hid behind the big container.

Ye Feng and jastefer also followed. After the door was opened, a man in a white coat came out again. After they hurried away, yellow curly hair sighed, "what's wrong with such frequent visits?"

Jesteffe then said to the Yellow curly, "there are shortcuts in your program. This kind of access control equipment is very simple! As long as the quick crack, a key can be completed! "

On hearing this, Huang curly hair could not help looking at jesterfield in surprise, then frowned and said, "you seem to understand very well!"

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've learned it before!"

As soon as Huang curly hair heard this, he immediately untied his watch and handed it to jestefeld, "since you know so much, I'll leave it to you to deal with it!"

Jesteffe took the watch, and then went to the access control device beside the door frame. After calling out the virtual display, he quickly pressed the virtual keyboard, and a window popped up soon. After clicking to confirm, there was a click on the door frame, which was actually opened by jesteffe.

The cat faced man looked at jesterfield in surprise and said, "my daughter? Are you so good? "

The Yellow curly hair hears speech brow can't help a wrinkly ground to see to Jester Fei way, "you call a Nan?"

Jesteffe and cat face people can't help but be awed by the words. Cat face people's remorseful intestines are green, and they secretly scold themselves for their quickness.

But the Yellow curly hair didn't care much. He immediately went to jesteffe, took the watch in jesteffe's hand, nodded at her and said, "ah Nan! Well done

And he muttered, "it seems Shrek didn't call the wrong person! It's really helpful! " Said immediately opened the door, immediately toward the back of a wave, instantly jumped in.

Jesteffe breathed a sigh of relief and immediately glared at the cat faced man, meaning to let him talk less. Then he turned and followed him in.

At this time, Ye Feng pats the shoulder of the cat face man who is still regretting, and then follows him. Then the cat face man comes back to follow him.

After Ye Feng went in, he found that there was another cave here. It was such a big space. There were all kinds of things similar to capacitors all around the wall, and each one was not small enough to be a Tibetan.But Ye Feng they also dare not close, only dare to stick to the wall to walk, deeply afraid to touch the capacitor, immediately took the lunch box.

Along the gap between the capacitors, Ye Feng looks towards the center, but there is a large transparent container, which looks like glass, but from the luster, it looks like diamond, shining with colorful halo.

In the transparent container, there was a metal chair on which a blonde was sitting. For some unknown reason, her blonde hair floated completely in the container. It looked like static electricity.

The blonde woman's head was on her side and her eyes were closed. She didn't know whether she was alive or dead. She just looked like she was in a coma or deep sleep. After all, her face didn't look like a corpse.

And around the huge container were all kinds of instruments, and on the periphery of the instruments stood many people in white coats.

Cat face person pats the shoulder of leaf maple at this time, face leaf maple way, "look over there!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, if not and this cat face person is familiar with, still really think he is the undercover that the Federation sends, hide here, incredibly still dare to speak so unscrupulously.

Fortunately, as soon as the cat face man spoke, the capacitor made a roar, which lasted for more than ten seconds before it stopped. However, after the roar of the capacitor stopped, countless lightning like currents appeared in the huge transparent container, but it was only a flash.

Ye Feng glanced at the huge transparent container, and then looked at the white coats in front of the container. He saw that they seemed to be used to the current in the container. They didn't even look at it, and they didn't look back. This shows that they didn't hear the words of the cat face man at all.

at this time as like as two peas looked at the direction of the cat's face, he saw that there was a row of containers that were exactly the same as the huge containers in the direction, but only a small volume, and there were one person in the container.

Cat face person at this time toward leaf maple low voice way, "you pay attention to the fourth and the seventh!"

Ye Feng's brow wrinkled when he heard that he was going to see the fourth and the seventh. Then he heard the Yellow curly hair on one side and said in a low voice, "that's Joanna in the middle. Our goal is her!"

Ye Feng's heart moved. When he looked at the Yellow curly hair, he saw that he was taking out a laser pistol from his pocket. He nodded to Ye Feng and said in a low voice, "you'll cover me, I'll save people, and you'll be responsible for dealing with the people above!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, in the heart secretly surprised a way, the person above? Where are the people up there? Then he instinctively looked up and saw that there was a metal corridor on the huge transparent container. On the corridor, there were several people, dressed like anti-terrorism elites, holding laser machine guns.

Ye Feng understood that the emotional yellow curl is to solve these people, cover him to save Joanna in the transparent container.

And cat face person asks him again at this time in leaf maple side way, "see?"

Ye Feng a frown way, "see what?"

The cat faced man frowned and said, "Dixie and Scarlett

Ye Feng's face suddenly changed when he heard the words. He immediately thought of the fourth and the seventh that the cat faced man had just said. Then he looked in the direction of the small container over there. In the fourth and the seventh, he really saw Dixie and Scarlett. They were sitting in the same place as Joanna, just like they were in a coma or deep sleep, motionless.

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