When Ye Feng sees Dixie and Scarlett, his whole head is covered. He doesn't know what it means that Dixie and Scarlett are also put in the container. Is there an experiment going on here?

Jesteffe patted Ye Feng on the shoulder, pointed to Dixie and Scarlett, pointed to the metal corridor above, and then made a gesture, which means that Ye Feng should go to save people, and the people in the metal corridor should be given to her and the cat face.

Ye Feng looks at jestefel with questioning eyes, and jestefel gives Ye Feng a positive look, meaning to tell Ye Feng that there is no problem with giving it to her and cat face.

Seeing that Jester fee said so, Ye Feng thought that he still had magnetic levitation clothes on him, and immediately whispered to Jester fee, "Dixie and Scarlett give them to you and cat face man, and give them to me!"

Jestefel throws a suspicious look at Ye Feng. However, seeing Ye Feng pull the collar of his maglev suit, jestefel immediately understands.

At this time, Ye Feng has begun to control the magnetic levitation clothing, and began to float up. At this time, yellow curly hair over there called, "here we go!"

Huang curly immediately rushed out with one shoulder, and the laser pistol in his hand immediately started shooting at the white coat in front of him. At the same time, the "anti terrorist elites" above immediately found Huang curly, and the laser machine gun in his hand immediately aimed at Huang curly.

At this time, Ye Feng had already floated into the air and flew directly to the "anti-terrorism elites". Without waiting for them to shoot, Ye Feng solved the problem with two or three fists. In an instant, he knocked down all the people and robbed the laser gun in their hands.

At the same time, Ye Feng throws the laser gun in his hand to the next jasterfeld and the cat face man. After they receive the gun, they immediately rush to the front with the gun. However, their goal is different from that of yellow curly hair. Instead, they go straight to the small container of Dixie and Scarlett.

The two rushed to the containers containing both dickys and Scarlett, and shot at the blank space.

Originally, they thought that the transparent container would break immediately after being shot by the laser gun. However, after they shot, they found that the laser could not penetrate the transparent cover at all, and the laser refracted directly from the transparent cover.

Fortunately, both of them are very strong, so they dodge one after another. If they don't, they are hit by the laser gun, and they immediately receive the lunch box.

At the same time, Ye Feng saw clearly from above. At the same time, he controlled the magnetic levitation suit to go towards the container with Dixie and Scarlett. At the same time, he said to Huang curly, "don't shoot at the container, it will refract!"

At this time, Huang curly hair had solved several white coats. These white coats were all scientific researchers, and the force value was not good. Huang curly hair shot them a few times, leaving only one living. At the same time, he heard Ye Feng's warning and looked up at the huge transparent container in front of him.

Seeing Joanna in the huge container, yellow curly stepped forward excitedly and yelled at Joanna in the container, "Joanna, I've come to save you!"

But Joanna in the huge container didn't react at all. He immediately went up and pointed at the only live mouth with a gun and said harshly, "open the container!"

The man shivered and said to the Yellow curly, "the switch to open the container is not here!"

"It's not here, where is it?" he asked immediately

The man continued, "in the main control room!"

The Yellow curly hair pulled up the white coat which atrophied on the ground, and continued to hold the gun against his skull, "where is the general control room?"

The man even said, "I don't know. I'm just an assistant. The chief engineer has been killed by you!" Then he pointed to a corpse whose skull had been broken half by yellow curly hair.

Yellow curly hair can't help frowning and swearing. It seems that he is too reckless. These guys are scientific researchers. What do you do with these dead hands?

At this time, Ye Feng had floated in front of the container. He took a look at the container, and then went to Scarlett to have a look. Then he turned to the white coat, put the machine gun against the man's skull and said, "I'll count to three and tell you how to open the container!"

The man immediately said, "I said, need to go to the main control room!"

Yellow curly hair also can't help saying to Ye Feng, "and he doesn't know where the general control room is?"

Ye Feng sneered, "are you kidding? If you want to deny it, you'd better change the brand of the chief engineer on your chest! "

White coat a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, looked down at his chest, but found that the chest actually has no work card.

However, Ye Feng uses the muzzle of a gun to pick on the ground. Suddenly, a work card is picked up by Ye Feng and shakes directly in front of his white coat and says, "is this brand yours? If I read it correctly, I will introduce you to the chief engineer, right

The man saw the shaking work card in front of him, and his face suddenly moved. He was speechless for a moment. Ye Feng didn't give him the chance to explain, "one..." Then he immediately put the laser machine gun against his skull.At this time, Huang curly hair took a look at the work card, and immediately pointed the butt of the laser pistol at the man's skull. "Damn, you dare to cheat me?"

The white coat even said, "although I'm the chief engineer, I don't know where the main control switch is!"

Ye Feng didn't give the white coat the chance to go on, and immediately said, "two..." Then he hooked his finger on the trigger.

"I really don't know..."

Ye Feng immediately said a "three", but his hand also instantly hooked the trigger, yellow curly hair immediately reached out to grab the gun in Ye Feng's hand, a laser instantly shot out from the edge of the white coat's hair, the man's hair was instantly swept half.

White coat suddenly scared pale, if not yellow curly hair to grab the gun in Ye Feng's hand, his skull at this time has no half, the rest of his life, at this time, his forehead is full of cold sweat, think about just now he want to forehead sweating, no forehead available, some fear.

Ye Feng said to Huang curly hair, "since he is not willing to say, why force others?"

Huang has the final say, "I rely on what people are introduced by Shrek. Are they not good enough? I will have the final say here."

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders, then looked at the white coat in front of him, but his mouth turned yellow and said, "it's no use saving his life. This kind of person has a hard mouth. We should help him!"

Don't want to wait for yellow curly hair to talk, white coat immediately stretched out his hand to point to a place, "the main switch is there!"

Huang curly hair was stunned and looked at his white coat. Then he turned around and saw the biggest switch on the control. He asked, "is that it?"

The white coat immediately nodded and said, "that's it!"

Yellow curly immediately pointed a gun at the skull of the white coat and said, "turn it off! Or I'll shoot too! "

White coat escaped a disaster, completely honest, immediately obediently went to the past, the switch to turn off, immediately after the surrounding capacitors are issued a roar, immediately stopped, and in front of the huge container surface flashed a light and shadow, instantly changed not so thorough as before.

Seeing this, Huang curly hair showed some excited and expectant eyes on his face. He just wanted to go forward, but after thinking about it, he immediately pointed to the white coat in front of him with a laser pistol and said, "go, save Joanna!"

White coat but immediately toward Ye Feng way, "although the main switch off, but there is a very electric, to precipitate about three hours will be hours!"

As soon as Huang curly hair heard this, he immediately smashed the man's skull with the butt of his gun and said, "Damn, do you still want to cheat me?"

Don't want to white coat immediately said, "this time I didn't cheat you, the original design is like this, after turning off, inside the polar electricity to precipitate three hours!"

"Yellow curly hair but sneer a way," if inside have extremely electric, don't give the person inside electrocuted dead? "

But the white coat looked back at the Yellow curly hair and said, "don't you know what experiment we are doing here?"

The Yellow curly hair hears speech, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "what experiment? It must be a shameful experiment

White coat immediately said, "we are doing the experiment of adding extreme electricity to the human body. The test object inside can withstand tens of thousands of volts of extreme electricity. The extreme electricity in the container is nothing, but it can prevent people outside from entering!"

On hearing this, Huang curly hair was shocked and looked at Joanna, who was still sitting in the container.

At this time, Ye Feng asked the white coat, "what's the small container over there for?"

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