Ye Feng also noticed that yellow curly hair seems to have been far beyond the sense that this Joanna is just a task. Looking at his anxious appearance, it seems that his lover is locked up here.

In fact, it's not that Ye Feng's eyes are so poisonous that he can see these clues, but that Huang curly's own performance is too unobstructed, and it seems that he doesn't intend to cover anything.

After three minutes, the Yellow curly immediately urged the white coat to say, "time is up!"

The white coat immediately went to the master switch. At the moment of pressing it, the transparent glass cover immediately cracked, and then all of it cracked. When it fell to the ground, it disappeared.

Seeing this, Huang curly immediately ran to Joanna, who was sitting in the middle. He wanted to hold Joanna, but seeing that Joanna still didn't wake up, he was afraid of hurting her, so he had to squat on the ground and look at Joanna. Then he took her hand and said softly, "Joanna! Can you hear me? I am Gu zhaohuichi

Ye Feng took a look at Gu Zhaohui and Joanna. At this time, he heard the cat faced man on one side say, "they wake up!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately turned to see Dixie and Scarlett, but saw that they were rubbing their eyes, looking at everything in front of them in surprise, as if they were all at a loss.

Ye Feng immediately went to see a look at Dixie and Scarlett, "are you ok?"

Then, shaking his head, she stood up, looked around and said, "where is this?"

The cat face man immediately said, "you two are being held hostage. You are caught here to do experiments."

When she heard this, she frowned slightly and fell into a deep meditation. She seemed to be thinking about what had happened before.

Yellow curly hair Gu Zhaohui called Joanna a few times late, but Joanna didn't respond. She immediately turned around and asked the white coat, "why don't you wake up?"

The white coat said, "didn't you just say that she would have to wait for a while to wake up. It should be about 30 minutes!"

Gu Zhaohui's brow immediately wrinkled when he heard the words. He took a look at disis and Scarlett, who had already woken up. He angrily said to his white coat, "why do they only take a few minutes, and it takes 30 minutes to get to Joanna?"

The white coat immediately explained, "the polar charge is different, so the recovery time is different!"

When Gu Zhaohui heard Yan Leng hum, he squinted at his white coat and said, "will she wake up in 30 minutes?"

The white coat said at once, "this is for sure, it will wake up!"

Gu Zhaohui raised his eyebrows and snorted, "that's enough!" Then he immediately raised the laser gun in his hand and pointed it at the head of his white coat.

Before the white coat could hum, he fell to the ground and lost his whole head.

Jesteffe was immediately surprised and said, "why did you kill him? I still have a few questions to ask! "

Gu Zhaohui snorted coldly and put away his laser gun. "What else to ask? No one who hurt Joanna can die easily!" Then he immediately squatted in front of Joanna, quietly waiting for Joanna.

Seeing this, jesteffe took a helpless look at Gu Zhaohui and sighed.

Ye Feng took a look at Dixie and Scarlett, and saw that although they woke up, they still looked a little uncomfortable. He asked them to continue to have a rest. Then he came to jesteffe and said, "what else do you want to ask him?"

jesteffe said, "laser technology is not suitable for ordinary people. This technology should only exist in the federal General Academy of engineering If they understand this technology, it means they are from the general engineering institute! "

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "since you are sure, what else to ask!"

But jasteffe said, "I'm just afraid that in case, if they don't come from the general engineering institute, it means that there are other people who have mastered this technology. I want to know who it is!"

Ye Feng listen to Jester fee so a say, can't help but frown to Jester fee way, "even if know, have what influence to you?"

Jesteffe shrugged, but didn't say much. He just said, "now that people are dead and clues are broken, what else can we say? Don't mention it

Ye Feng seems to have something to hide from him, but since he doesn't want to say it, Ye Feng doesn't ask much. Now he just wants to take Dixie and Scarlett away from here.

Immediately Ye Feng asked a Dixie Si and Scarlett how, can stand up to walk.

Dixie stood up again and moved around for a while, saying that there was no problem. Scarlett felt a little confused after she stood up. Ye Feng asked her to continue to sit down and rest.

Gu Zhaohui then looked at Ye Feng and jesteffe and murmured, "you're not here to help me save Joanna, but someone you want to save?"

Then Gu Zhaohui stood up and looked at Ye Feng and jesterfield, "aren't you Shrek's people? Who are you

Ye Feng then looked at Gu zhaohuichi and didn't speak for a long time. In the end, he said to Gu zhaohuichi, "you don't have to care who we are. Our purpose is the same. We are all here to save people. It means that we are not enemies. That's enough!"Gu Zhaohui later heard that after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he took out a laser pistol and pointed it at Ye Feng. He hummed coldly, "if you hide your identity from me, it's enough to show that you have a ghost in your heart. It's not necessarily the enemy!"

Seeing Gu zhaohuichi like this, the cat faced man immediately raised his laser machine gun and pointed it at Gu zhaohuichi. He said in a cold voice, "how can you be ignorant? Anyway, we also helped you save the people you want to save. Now you save your people, I save our people, and the well water doesn't violate the river water!"

After a long time, Gu Zhaohui did not know whether he had figured it out or whether he was outnumbered. Finally, he put down his laser pistol and continued to squat in front of Joanna.

Seeing this, the cat faced man immediately said to Ye Feng, "this man doesn't know what's good or bad. Let's go quickly. Don't worry about them!"

Ye Feng also has this idea. Anyway, he just met Gu Zhaohui Chi Ping Shui. Originally, he wanted to wait for Joanna to wake up and leave together. Now it seems that he doesn't have to care about them.

But jesteffe said, "wait for them together. It's going to be a while before Joanna wakes up. If someone comes at this time, it's hard for them to escape!"

But the cat faced man said, "we don't know them at all. It's good to help him save his girl. Now we have to wait for them here? You have also said that if someone comes now, it is difficult for him to escape. We may not be able to escape ourselves! "

Gu Zhaohui then turned back to Ye Feng, jesteffe and cat face man and said, "you go your way, we don't need you. I can protect Joanna myself!"

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately said to jestefeld, "ah Nan, look, are you acting like a good man again? People don't appreciate it And he said to Scarlett, "have you had a good rest? Can we go now? "

Scarlett stood up again at this time. Although she was not very comfortable, she didn't feel much affected. She immediately nodded and said, "no problem!"

Seeing this, the cat faced man immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "will you go or not?"

Ye Feng then asked a Dixie, "how are you?"

"I have no problem, I can go any time," said Dixie

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately went to hold Scarlett, and then said to Gu Zhaohui, "in that case, I'll see you later!"

Gu Zhaohui is late but hums coldly a way, "is to meet again without a time!"

Ye Feng didn't say much. He immediately helped Scarlett to walk towards the door. If he didn't want to, he said, "we can't go yet?"

Ye Feng and cat face people can't help but wonder to see to Jester fee way, "why?"

Jesteffe said immediately, "we have to help him save Joanna!"

Cat faced man looked at jesterfield in bewilderment and said, "why? What does that have to do with us? "

Ye Feng also stares at jesterfield, and then whispers to her, "because she is the daughter of the federal president?"

Jesteffe shrugged. "That's right. Besides that, what else can it be?"

Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and said, "what do you want to do with her identity?"

Jesteffe said, "it's certainly not a bad thing for us!"

Gu Zhaohui didn't hear exactly what Ye Feng was saying, but when they mentioned Joanna's name, he couldn't help looking back at several people and immediately said, "don't you want to go? Why don't you go yet? "

But jastefer said to Gu Zhaohui, "we won't leave for the moment. We'll wait for you!"

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