Gu Zhaohui couldn't help looking at jastefer for a few seconds. Then he stood up and still looked at Ye Feng and jastefer. After pondering for a long time, he immediately said to jastefer, "who are you? You seem to know everything about computers and electrets. You are absolutely not a simple person!"

With that, Gu Zhaohui immediately looked back at Joanna, who is still not sober. Then he looked at jesterfield and said, "not only that, do you know Joanna?"

Jesteffe shrugged and said, "Joanna is the daughter of the federal president. I don't know how many times she has been on TV. I think there are few people in the world who don't know her except those poor people who can't watch TV all day in the abandoned city, right?"

Gu Zhaohui thought that Joanna was the daughter of the president of the United States. If you don't know Elsie, that's the first daughter in the world.

But thinking of this, Gu Zhaohui was more and more unhappy. A woman like Joanna, who was supposed to be loved by thousands of people, grew up in a greenhouse, but now she was caught here by a villain to do some research on extreme electricity.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhaohui immediately snorted, "who are you? You haven't said so far that the so-called different ways don't conspire with each other. If we are not on the same road, we'd better not go together. You go your way. I'll take Joanna and leave by myself later! "

Cat face man could not help looking at jesterfield. In fact, he and Gu zhaohuichi had the same idea. He had long felt that the girl in front of him was not the one he knew. He also wanted to know who she was.

Don't want to at this time, but jesterfield looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "just remember, we are not enemies. Now we have common goals. You can't take Joanna alone. You need our help!"

Gu Zhaohui listened to jesterfield's words, frowned slightly, and hummed coldly, "if you like, you can go or not. In short, don't hinder me from taking Joanna."

With that, Gu zhaohuichi immediately squatted down to hold Joanna's hand, while jesteffe said to Gu zhaohuichi, "your father should be Dr. Gu zhaohuide, right?"

Gu Zhaohui's face sank as soon as he heard this. He looked at jesterfield in surprise and said, "how do you know?"

Jestfeld shrugged his shoulders and said, "there are not many people whose surname is Gu Zhaohui. Even fewer are famous. Your father is the deputy chief academician of the federal Academy of engineering!"

Hearing this, Gu Zhaohui couldn't help staring at jesterfield for a long time and immediately said, "all the names in the federal Academy of engineering are confidential, except for the insiders So you're from the federal Academy of engineering? "

Thinking of this, Gu Zhaohui immediately thought of jastefer's previous performance. He seemed to know everything very well, and immediately felt even more so.

Jesterfield shrugged and said, "I'm one of your father's students. I've been involved in a lot of research with your father!"

But Gu Zhaohui couldn't help looking at it, and jasterfeld said, "as a student of my father, can you participate in the research with my father? Why haven't I heard of such a number one? "

Speaking of this, his face suddenly moved and he looked at jesterfield in a dazed way, "are you jesterfield..."

Jaster fee immediately nodded, "yes, just know, don't say it!"

Cat faced man looked at jesterfield in surprise and said, "your name is jesterfield?"

Jesteffe ignored the cat faced man, and then said to Gu Zhaohui, "should you believe me now?"

Gu Zhaohui hesitated to look at jesterfield. After all, it's not difficult to replace him by an impostor. Besides, although he is the son of the deputy chief academician, he doesn't know much about the affairs in the federal Academy of engineering. He's not sure whether jesterfield's words are true or not.

However, looking at the resolute eyes of jesterfield, Gu zhaohuichi still hesitated. He felt that he should believe jesterfield, but there was another voice in his heart that told him not to trust others easily.

Jesteffe reminded Gu Zhaohui at this time and said, "maybe you don't know that there are invisible people here. That's how our two friends were captured. What's more, if you leave the laboratory here, can you leave Huke Bay alone?"

After pondering for a moment, Gu Zhaohui nodded to jasterfeld. After all, he thought jasterfeld was right. It was easy for him to slip to Huck bay island by himself, but it was not easy to take a big living man away. What's more, he was a woman known all over the world?

But then he hesitated to look at Ye Feng and cat face man and asked jesterfield, "are they also from the federal Academy of engineering?"

Ye Feng is toward Gu Zhaohui late way, "we are the FBI, hukewan branch agents!"

Gu Zhaohui's face couldn't help but move when he heard the speech. He took a pity look at Ye Feng and said, "are you just an agent of the branch? What a pity! If you have a chance to go to longarsenic castle, mention my name, and go to the general administration to be a trainee agent, it should not be a problem. In the future, it's only up to you! "

But Ye Feng smiles and says to Gu Zhaohui a little later, "I'm kind-hearted. So far, I haven't planned to leave Huke bay!"Gu Zhaohui relaxed his vigilance. At this moment, Joanna, who was sitting over there, snorted. He immediately looked back at Joanna nervously and asked repeatedly, "Joanna, are you awake? How are you? Is there anything wrong? "

At the same time, the iron door behind him suddenly opened, and everyone moved. They even held laser weapons to the door. However, after the door was opened, there was no one behind the door. Everyone breathed a long sigh. Until the iron door was closed again, they put down their laser weapons one after another.

Gu Zhaohui was still squatting in front of Joanna, looking forward to Joanna, waiting for her to wake up. After all, it was time to wake up.

At this time, Joanna's eyebrows moved slightly, and then she began to chirp. Then she slowly opened her eyes. At the first sight, she saw Gu zhaohuichi. She could not help frowning and said, "Gu zhaohuichi? Why are you, and why are you here? "

Gu Zhaohui saw that Joanna had woken up. He was so excited that he held Joanna's hand tightly and said, "are you awake at last?" With that, my eyes were moist.

At this moment, the other people who were also locked in the small container, like Dixie and Scarlett, opened their eyes one after another. But as soon as they woke up, they immediately snorted and turned their heads back.

Ye Feng looked in his eyes. He stepped back and looked at the people who had not fainted. However, he saw that their heads seemed to be hit, and they fainted after being hit.

When Ye Feng saw this, his heart suddenly moved. Then he thought of the picture that no one had seen after the iron door was opened. He immediately said to jester, "they're coming in!"

Jesterfield's face sank as soon as he heard this. He immediately understood the meaning of Ye Feng and looked around as if he was looking for something.

The cat faced man looked at jesterfield in surprise and said, "what's the matter? "Who came in?" he immediately looked around. He didn't find anything, and his face was even more surprised and puzzled.

At this time, Ye Feng clenched the laser machine gun in his hand and took a deep breath. At this time, the cat face man seemed to understand something. He immediately picked up his spirit, holding the gun in his hand and aiming around, although he couldn't see anything.

Gu Zhaohui looked at the people in surprise, "what's the matter?"

But Ye Feng said to Gu Zhaohui in a loud voice, "didn't you mention the invisible man just now? They're coming in! "

Gu Zhaohui immediately stood up and hid Joanna behind him. But he thought it was not safe to hide Joanna behind him. He immediately put his hand around her shoulder and carried her to Ye Feng's side.

And Ye Feng this time, immediately toward all around shouting, "can come out! I know you're here! "

However, after the voice fell, there was still a dead silence around, as if there was really no one.

Gu Zhaohui couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva and staring around. Although he couldn't see anything, he always felt that there were people around him. He didn't know whether it was the psychological effect or something else.

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