At this time, the whole laboratory is dead silent, but so far there is still no one. It even gives people a feeling of whether they are worried. In fact, there is no one at all, but there is a ghost in their heart.

After a while, the whole laboratory was still calm. Gu Zhaohui couldn't help it. He immediately asked Ye Feng and jasterfeld, "where is anyone?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, he can be 100% sure that there are people here, this feeling has never been wrong, not once.

Jesteffe said to Gu Zhaohui, "they have special stealth devices..."

Before jesteffe finished, Joanna on Gu Zhaohui's side said, "yes, I was arrested at that time, but I didn't see anyone. I thought I was in hell!"

Scarlett then slowed down a little and said to Ye Feng, "we are here too. We didn't see people until each other appeared around us!"

Ye Feng nodded, "this shows that there are indeed these people!" Said immediately toward all around cold hum a way, "still don't come out?"

Then Ye Feng held the laser machine gun in his hand and shot around. He also hit several capacitors. Suddenly, the capacitors made a loud bang and exploded directly. The lighting system in the whole laboratory began to turn on and off, and even the lights in some places burst, and the sparks were falling to the ground.

The exploded capacitor flew directly to the center of the laboratory, where the original transparent container was, and hit the ground heavily, directly making a hole on the ground.

At this time, Gu Zhaohui, who was still dubious, noticed that in some places where there were sparks, the sparks would bounce off before reaching the ground.

This shows that there must be something under the spark that they can't see. Gu Zhaohui ejected the spark. At this time, he also began to believe that there was someone in the laboratory that he couldn't see. At this time, he immediately held the laser machine gun in his hand and shot at that side. He knew whether it was human or ghost. Since the other side refused to show up, he did it again Said that as long as he took away Joanna, all under the gun mercilessly.

However, under Gu zhaohuichi's strafe, the sound of footsteps was clearly heard there. It must have been avoiding his strafe.

Ye Feng and jastefer are aiming at the other side with their guns. At the same time, they approach the door with their feet. Gu Zhaohui immediately follows them, but the trigger on his hand keeps pressing.

I don't know if it's under the cover of the car, or if the other side doesn't plan to fight back at all, and there's no counterattack so far.

Ye Feng can't help but be curious. These guys can attack them stealthily, or even break them one by one, depending on their invisibility. However, they have no intention to fight back despite their constant design. This makes Ye Feng really puzzled.

When Ye Feng arrived at the door, the cat faced man took the lead to open the door, but found that he couldn't open it. Jesterfield immediately went to have a look. Even if he cracked the access control settings, he still couldn't open it. He could not help frowning slightly.

At the same time, there was a cold hum in the laboratory, "you don't have to waste more energy, you can't leave this laboratory at all!"

When Ye Feng hears that Yan is about to speak, he doesn't want Gu Zhaohui to be late. He immediately pulls the trigger toward the place where he makes a sound. He shoots at the other side and blows up the capacitor behind the wall. He doesn't hear any more sound.

After a long time, I heard the voice from the other side, "don't waste energy. Although lasers don't need bullets, they also need energy behind guns. Save some energy!"

Gu Zhaohui seemed to be a little dissatisfied. He immediately aimed the muzzle at the other side, but he was held down by Ye Feng. Then he said, "don't be impulsive for the moment!"

Gu Zhaohui heard that Yan's brow was wrinkled and he didn't speak yet, but he saw that Ye Feng stepped forward and said, "since they are all here, why don't you show up?"

The other side sneered and said, "what are you? If you let us show up, are we going to show up? "

Gu Zhaohui said to Ye Feng with a sneer, "look at you, isn't that boring?"

Jestfeld then said, "do you think you have no flaw in your special invisibility cloak?"

"I know you have some skills, but you don't know the characteristics of invisibility cloak, do you?"

Jestfel shrugged his shoulders and said, "the vast majority of eisf's scientific and technological research comes from the federal Academy of engineering, especially the various new equipment that have emerged in recent years. Unfortunately, I happened to be in the Academy of engineering for a few years, and although I have not participated in the design of invisibility cloak, I still know some characteristics ! For example, you have solar panels on your back... "

Before jesteffe finished, the man's face moved immediately. After staring at jesteffe for a long time, he snorted coldly, "it seems that you are really from the federal Academy of engineering? But unfortunately, what you said about the shortcomings of solar panels has been improved more than a year ago. Now the invisibility cloak doesn't need solar panels at all, so the flaws you said no longer exist! "Jasterfeld sneered and said, "if you cheat others, maybe it's OK, but you can't cheat me. Most of the energy on the planet is from solar energy, which is the bottleneck of science and technology on the whole planet. It's impossible to break through in a short period of time. These years, there's no genius in the federal Academy of engineering who has found a way to replace the sun Can we use new energy? "

The man pondered for a long time, but did not say anything. He did not admit jesteffe's words, but he did not deny them.

Ye Feng said at this time, "we know you are from the opposition. Since we are all together, why don't you come out and have a chat?"

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly changed when he heard the speech. He immediately glared at Ye Feng and said, "are you from the opposition?"

Ye Feng just took a look at Gu zhaohuichi, but he didn't speak. He didn't make any eyes. After all, they were in the light, the enemy was in the dark, and any of their actions might be within the enemy's surveillance range.

He then looked to the distance and said, "President Jock Emma has a close relationship with the opposition. Even his own research laboratory can be provided to you as a secret laboratory for the opposition. We can see how close the relationship between them is. We are all friends of President Jock Emma, so of course we are on the same road!"

But the man snorted coldly, "don't make up with us. Our order today is to stop you from leaving. There is no order to kill you. Otherwise, with your glib manner just now, your head is no longer on your neck, you know?"

But Ye Feng, like the corner of his mouth, reached for his neck and said, "then I really want to thank your leader for giving you the order not to use force!"

But the man didn't pay any attention to Ye Feng. Instead, he said to Gu Zhaohui, "if you want to take Joanna away, I'm afraid you can't do it in your life. You can send her here now. Maybe we can think about it and let you leave alive at last!"

Gu Zhaohui said angrily, "fart..." However, his voice is not down, suddenly feel a pain in the head, suddenly in front of a flash, the whole person fell to the ground.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. This shows that when they talk and negotiate, some invisible people have come to him, but he doesn't feel the existence of the other party. This is an unforgivable provocation for Ye Feng, who has always believed in his intuition.

Dixie didn't speak all the time. At this time, he took a look at Gu Zhaohui, who was lying on the ground. Then he said to Ye Feng, "now you know, why are we surrounded by them? Don't you feel it?"

Joanna saw Gu zhaohuichi was knocked down by a sneak attack, but she just frowned. After a look, she immediately said to each other, "do you know who I am? How dare you treat me like this... "

But the other side snorted coldly and said, "Princess Joanna, the daughter of the federal president, who doesn't know in this world?"

Joanna said at once, "since you know who I am? Why don't you let me go? "

But the other side sneered, "let you go? Ha ha My dear princess, have you been in the greenhouse too long? If we can let you go, why should we arrest you? "

Joanna said immediately, "if my father knows, all of you will die!"

But the other side continued to sneer, "I'm afraid that he will die first, my dear princess!"

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