Joanna can't help frowning when she hears that. Although she can't see each other's existence, she seems to be able to vaguely feel where the other party exists. A pair of pale blue eyes, gradually the pupils begin to shrink and stare at some place.

The man hiding in the corner, when he saw Joanna looking at himself, his eyes were obviously different from those of Ye Feng. Although Ye Feng could feel their general position by their voice, their eyes were still in a trance when they looked here. Unlike Joanna, when she looked at her, she felt that they had locked their position obviously, which had no effect at all There's the feeling of someone else being erratic.

At that moment, Gu Zhaohui, who was lying on the ground, slowly got up and said, "don't let anyone hurt Joanna!"

Speaking of this, Gu Zhaohui stood up, stood in front of Joanna, stretched his arms, and made a comprehensive posture of vowing to protect Joanna.

At this time, Joanna stood behind Gu zhaohuichi, and the light blue pupil began to condense gradually.

Ye Feng also noticed this. After so many experiences, he has never seen anything strange from the earth to eisf, but it is the first time that he has seen someone's pupil operate like this.

But after seeing Joanna's pupil loosen, Ye Feng didn't think much. After all, he was missing the memory of eisf. Maybe there was such a kind of person in eisf, even the federal president, and Joanna was only a descendant.

Gu Zhaohui stood in front of Joanna and looked ahead for a while. Then he looked back at Joanna and said, "Joanna, are you ok?"

But Joanna took a cold look at Gu zhaohuichi and said, "protect yourself!"

When Gu Zhaohui heard what Joanna said, he suddenly remembered that he had been attacked. He blushed and said, "if I hadn't seen them just now, I couldn't have let them succeed at all!"

Joanna can't help but sneer when she hears the words. She just says, "Oh? Is that right? "

Gu Zhaohui's face couldn't hang after being sneered at by Joanna. He coughed and turned away. Instead of talking to Joanna, he said to the people hiding in the dark, "don't sneak attack..."

Before Gu Zhaohui finished speaking, the voice in the corner immediately said, "it's not alone. What's the point of sneak attack? Don't you realize that we are from the opposition, and your princess is the daughter of the president of the federal government. Have you ever thought that if you hand over your princess and join us in the opposition, maybe you will have a better future! ”

GU Zhaohui immediately said, "what nonsense! I've been Joanna's bodyguard all my life!"

The man sneered, "bodyguard? I think it's more like a dog, and it's still a dog that doesn't please its owner! "

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly changed when he heard the speech. Just as he was about to speak, Ye Feng interrupted, "your goal is Joanna. It has nothing to do with us, right?"

Gu Zhaohui's face changed as soon as he heard this. He immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean by this?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "isn't that obvious? Your goal is to save Joanna, our goal is to save our friends, now the other party's goal is obviously Joanna, it has nothing to do with us! "

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly sank when he heard that, staring at Ye Feng, he yelled, "you..."

At this time, the other side sneered and said, "when the disaster comes, fly separately. Your attitude is good, but it's a pity that none of you can leave today!"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately said, "since don't let go, then come out to show a way, you don't let go, don't show up, so consume, what's the meaning?"

But the other side didn't speak for a long time, and jesterfield said at this time, "he shouldn't be able to make decisions! It's no use talking to him so much! "

Then jesteffe went on to the man, "let those of you who can speak speak speak."

The other side said to jesterfield, "I really can't be the master here, but you don't deserve to let us talk, do you? Our purpose is to keep you from leaving. We can't do anything else! "

Joanna said to Gu Zhaohui, "aren't you my bodyguard? Why don't you kill them? I don't want to waste any more time here! "

Gu Zhaohui was shocked when he heard that he wanted to take Joanna out of here immediately. The problem was that he couldn't see where the other party was, let alone kill them.

Thinking of this, Gu zhaohuichi immediately said, "Joanna, don't worry..."

Joanna smell speech facial expression suddenly move, immediately stretch out a hand to push Gu Zhaohui to one side way, "have no ability, have no ability, don't talk big, after going out, don't say you are my bodyguard inside of words, I can't afford to lose this person!"

Gu Zhaohui heard that Yan's face was extremely changed and embarrassed, but he said, "Joanna, I know I'm really not good at it, but after all, I found it all the way from longarsenic castle..."Joanna didn't have that line. When Gu Zhaohui finished speaking, she immediately stepped forward and looked around like a scanner.

Ye Feng noticed Joanna's eyes at this time, the light blue pupil suddenly began to condense again, from light blue gradually into dark blue, the dark blue and sea water in general.

People in the corner saw Joanna's eyes again at this time, and his heart was filled with awe. This was the second time he saw Joanna like this.

Finally, Joanna stares at the man, but there is nothing left. It's just that the person she looks at is very sad.

The two groups seemed to be so deadlocked that no one spoke any more. The man also tried to move the position quietly. Seeing that Joanna's eyes immediately followed him, he was sure that Joanna should be able to see him.

Thinking of this, the man immediately said to Joanna, "Gong..."

No idea, he just a word export, but see Joanna suddenly a blink has arrived in front of the man, did not wait for the man reaction, Joanna's hand has a grasp of his neck.

But in Ye Feng's eyes, they just saw that Joanna just went to the front in an instant, and then they made a hand as if they had pinched something.

Gu Zhaohui was dumbfounded when he saw this scene. Joanna, whom he knew, was a flower in the greenhouse. Not to mention these special skills, he usually didn't have the strength to pinch a flower, but now she is so powerful?

Jesteffe then walked behind Ye Feng and said in a low voice, "it may have something to do with that experiment!"

Ye Feng had thought of this when he saw this scene. If Joanna had this ability, she would not have to go all the way around half of the aesf planet and come to Huck bay to save her. This is enough to show that Joanna's ability now is the result of the experiment here.

And the next scene, more confirmed the idea of Ye Feng and jastefer, saw Joanna at this time on the hand suddenly appeared a current, crackling noise.

At the same time, everyone can clearly see that in Joanna's hands, there is a faint, flickering transparent human form.

Joanna hummed coldly at this time, "you want to stop me from leaving? To kill my father at Fort lonarsene? "

At this time, the man was completely pinched by Joanna. Although Joanna's body was petite, her strength was far greater than that of a man. He felt that his neck was about to break. With the current from her hand, his soul was about to come out of his body. He had no resistance at all!

But at this time, I heard a "bang", but I saw a burst of white smoke in front of Joanna, and then a person appeared in her hand, but I saw that the man was holding Joanna's hand tightly with his hands, a silver gray dress on his body, smoking behind his back, and his body was still twitching, obviously still enjoying the electrotherapy in Joanna's hand.

Ye Feng also thought of the white smoke behind the man. It must be the solar panel that jesteffe said. It must be because of the electric shock in Joanna's hand, so it was burned directly by the electricity. Only when the white smoke came out, the prototype appeared.

Gu Zhaohui looked at Joanna in front of him, which was different from Joanna in his impression. Even at this time, Joanna's hair began to float in the air, and there was a current between her hair.

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