Everyone can see that Joanna should be annoyed by the guy in front of her, and the reason why she can carry electric current in her body is related to the previous polar experiment.

What's more, all the development in front of her is not just like this. At this time, Joanna's hands and even her whole body are electrified. Not only her hair stands up, but also every inch of her skin and hair stands up with the current.

At this time, in the laboratory, a current magnetic field with Joanna as the center has been formed. All the electrical equipment around her are emitting current, one by one, just like a vivid electric snake.

Not only that, Ye Feng and jasterfeld noticed that Dixie and Scarlett around them began to be the same as Joanna, but their appearance seemed to be just a condensed version of Joanna, which did not look so serious.

At this time, the cat face man pointed to those who were knocked unconscious by invisible people not far away. Although they all fainted over there, their bodies were the same as those of Dixie and Scarlett, and their whole bodies were also emitting electric light.

At this time, all the phones including Dixie and Scarlett, as well as the current on the electrical equipment, are flowing towards Joanna with air as the carrier.

Even the people who had been transported to the lying place by Dixie and Scarlett began to float with the current, and their whole bodies were floating in the air. At this time, Dixie and Scarlett seemed to lose consciousness completely.

Ye Feng and several of them were standing at the door. They could even feel the electric current on their bodies occasionally. When they were electrified, their pupils dilated and their bodies moved instinctively.

When Gu Zhaohui saw that Joanna was like this, he couldn't help looking at her in amazement. At this time, Joanna was completely wrapped by electric current, and she couldn't even see Joanna's own body. In other words, Joanna's body is a current now.

Not only that, the man in Joanna's hand began to see clearly. At this time, it suddenly disappeared. Everyone knows that the current and voltage in Joanna's hand is too high, and it is directly vaporized.

At the same time, in other corners of the laboratory, those people who were wearing invisibility suits were hiding well. Suddenly, smoke came out one by one from their backs, and the solar panels exploded directly. Once the solar panels were broken, they immediately showed their real bodies and couldn't escape.

At this time, jesteffe was close to the wall at the door, muttering, "this is what I mean by the flaw. Once the solar panel encounters the strong energy concentration, it will burst!"

Ye Feng took a look at jesterfield, and then noticed that every inch of his body felt numb. It seemed that he was also affected by the electric current in the laboratory. He immediately said to jesterfield, "let Joanna go on like this, no one here can live?"

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "the current voltage is enough to destroy everything here. The reason why it hasn't completely burst out may be that Joanna herself is still trying to get rid of the control of the polar electricity, but once she is completely controlled by the polar electricity that her body can't control, it will be disastrous!"

Gu Zhaohui, who had not spoken for a long time, immediately asked jesterfield, "what will happen to Joanna in the end?"

Jestfel sighed, "judging from Joanna's control of the electric pole, this experiment seems to have not been completely completed. Once the body is not controlled, eventually Joanna, including us, everything in the laboratory will be completely vaporized into air by this high-voltage current, just like the person she just caught. Joanna herself is not spared

On hearing this, Gu Zhaohui immediately changed his face and said, "how can we stop this? How can I save Joanna? "

Jesteffe looked at Joanna in the distance. At this time, she could feel that her skin was slightly scorched when it was roasted by electric current. She even felt that her skin began to feel numb and hot. She immediately took a look at maorenren and Yefeng, and found that they were the same as herself. If it went on like this, they would not be able to support much It's been a long time.

Gu Zhaohui saw that jesteffe didn't speak, so he was about to walk towards Joanna, but he was grabbed by jesteffe, "what are you going to do?"

Gu zhaohuichi immediately said, "I'm going to save Joanna..."

At this time, the cat faced man endured the pain on his skin and said to Gu Zhaohui, "are you crazy? We are so far away that we are almost electrocuted. If you get close to him, you will be electrocuted immediately. What's more, people don't dump you at all. Why are you so amorous? "

Gu Zhaohui immediately said to the cat, "what do you know? Joanna was not like this originally. She was very kind to me before. It was this experiment. This damned experiment changed her temperament greatly. Anyway, I must save her! "

Ye Feng then Chao Gu Zhaohui later way, "she was not this character before?" After a while of pondering, she said, "if so, she is really affected by this experiment!"

When Ye Feng said this, he couldn't help looking at dishis and Scarlett. His main concern was whether dishis and Scarlett would change their temperament because of this experiment.Jastefer said to Gu Zhaohui, "if so, you can talk to Joanna!"

Gu Zhaohui's face couldn't help looking at jesterfield and said, "speak?"

Jesteffe immediately said, "now there is no other way to make Joanna stop. If her experimental temperament has changed greatly, it is that her anger has been out of control. As long as you talk to her more, talk about her and you before, maybe she can wake up herself before, and maybe have a chance to control her emotions …”

Before jesteffe finished, Gu Zhaohui immediately yelled to Joanna, "Joanna! I am Gu Zhaohui

But after he finished, Joanna didn't respond at all. Jesteffe encouraged Gu Zhaohui and said, "you don't have to worry about her, you just talk about your own!"

After listening to jesterfield's words, Gu zhaohuichi immediately continued to say to Joanna, "Joanna, do you remember when we were children? At that time, we were together all day. You once told me that I was your prince. When you grow up, you will marry me. I always remember this sentence.... "

Joanna seems to have heard this sentence, but the situation has not changed for the better. It seems that Joanna is even more furious after hearing Gu zhaohuichi's sentence. Suddenly, everyone can feel that the current and magnetic field in the laboratory are increasing.

At this time, the cat faced man could not help roaring out and said to Gu Zhaohui, "you say something about her happiness. Did you make it up? Why is she so angry? "

Gu zhaohuichi ignored the words of the cat faced man and continued to say to Joanna, "although it's just a nursery rhyme, I know that when you grow up, you have already forgotten this sentence when you were a child, and we don't have much contact with each other when you grow up. But you know, this sentence has been the motivation to encourage me to support for so many years!"

Ye Feng and jastefer felt that the current in the air did not weaken, but they did not mean to strengthen.

Gu zhaohuichi was just like them at this time. His skin was red and black, and even his lips were black. But he still stood there and said to Joanna, "I know how anxious I was after you disappeared. The world looked for you everywhere, and finally let me find you in Huke Bay. This is fate, I know this is the last time God gave me a chance to find you I'm here to take you to longas castle, Joanna. Can you hear me? "

When he said this, Gu zhaohuichi was already full of tears, but as soon as his tears came down, he immediately made a Zizi sound, which dissipated in the air.

However, Ye Feng still looked in his eyes. At this time, he could not help but sigh. It seems that Gu Zhaohui is still a sentimental seed. He must have suffered a lot in order to find Joanna.

Jesterfield could not help but look at Gu Zhaohui a few more times, while the cat faced man sighed, "I don't know if it's useful. I don't feel that the current is low at all! But, brother, you are such a sentimental person that I admire you! "

But Gu Zhaohui's eyes are still staring at Joanna. He doesn't need Ye Feng, jesteffe and cat face to affirm his relationship with Joanna. All he needs is Joanna's affirmation. However, Joanna is still the same as before, and doesn't seem to be moved by her words, so as to wake up her former self .

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