However, Joanna did not begin to restrain her electret because of Gu Zhaohui's tears. On the contrary, it was gradually increasing at this time.

At this time, Ye Feng can obviously feel Joanna's extreme change through his superficial change. He knows that he can't place all his hopes on Gu zhaohuichi's and Joanna's childhood love. He hopes for this. When Joanna wakes up, he will be steamed.

Ye Feng observed around this time. After entering this laboratory, he has become too passive. Now he must take the initiative to get out of this extreme predicament.

At this time, he saw the iron door behind him and found that the access control equipment on one side of the iron door had been blown up. Only half of it was burnt and still hung on the door frame.

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move. The door needs access control to start. Now the access control is broken, can the iron door be opened? He thinks that he immediately turns back to pull the iron door. He doesn't want his hand to touch it. Suddenly, a strong current passes through his body, and the whole hand is directly opened.

This is actually good, such a large current, not directly to interrupt Ye Feng's arm, Ye Feng has been considered lucky.

If ordinary people were hit by the current, they would never touch the door again. However, although Ye Feng was hit by the current on his arm just now, he still has a kind of numbness and can't lift his strength. At the same time, he also felt that when he was shocked just now, he didn't feel any pain in his heart. Instead, he had a kind of expectation and small feeling Little excitement.

But the heart and the body are two reactions. No matter how excited and excited the heart is, the body still can't bear it. At this time, I look down at my hands. It seems that the palms are burnt by the electric shock just now. At this time, the palms are still black.

Jestfel also noticed Ye Feng's action just now, and Ye Feng's hand was spread when it touched the iron door, but she could clearly hear the sound of the electric current exploding.

At this time, he saw that Ye Feng was looking at his open hands, and immediately looked at the iron door behind him. Then he said to Ye Feng, "now the whole laboratory is full of electrets, especially this kind of metal with conductive properties, don't touch it!"

At this time, Gu Zhaohui was still chattering about his own and Joanna's past. Joanna obviously didn't like these things at all, and was not moved by them at all. The electric current on her body became more and more powerful, and even the lighting equipment in the whole laboratory was cracked because of her, but the laboratory was not darkened because of her Existence, more bright than before, the light is even a little dazzling.

At this time, the cat faced man put his hand in front of his eyes, cursing in his heart. He didn't know when he would leave the ghost place. Obviously, Gu Zhaohui's emotional moves didn't work for Joanna at all. He even suspected that Gu Zhaohui's stories about himself and Joanna were made up by him.

Otherwise, such a rough old man himself has been moved by Gu zhaohuichi's words. It's really hard to imagine that Joanna, a little girl, is completely unmoved.

Jestfel said to the cat faced man and Ye Feng at this time, "it seems that Joanna has been completely controlled by the electrodeposition. Now she can't hear Gu zhaohuichi's words, even she doesn't hear them at all!"

Ye Feng smell speech nodded, eyes are still staring at his hand has been electric paste, in mind that a trace of pleasure before, don't know what's going on.

For Ye Feng, the iron gate in front of him is like Pandora's magic box, which has absolute attraction. He can't help looking up at the iron gate.

Ye Feng knew that once his hand touched the iron gate again, his arms would be hit by the strong current on the iron gate.

But there is always another voice in my heart. It seems that I am calling myself to stretch out my hands and touch the iron gate bravely. It seems that as long as I touch the iron gate, I can know all the answers completely.

Ye Feng in this do not know where the voice of the trend, and step by step toward the iron gate there.

Jester fee looked in his eyes, his heart could not help but move, immediately reached out to pull Ye Feng's shoulder and said, "what do you want to do? Why not

However, when jesteffe's hand just touched Ye Feng's shoulder, he felt that his arm was full of electricity, as if he had touched the switch.

What's more, the electric current of Dixie and Scarlett around them, at the moment when jesteffe reached for Ye Feng's shoulder, seemed to fly between Ye Feng's shoulder and her palm. Even the electric current of Joanna in the distance seemed to flow back.

But jesteffe's hand just touched Ye Feng's shoulder and was immediately spread out, even her whole body was directly spread out.

If it wasn't for the cat faced man who saw this scene quickly, he directly reached out and held jastefer. It was estimated that jastefer might have been hit by the current.

Jesteffe finally stood still and regained his mind. When he looked at Ye Feng again, he saw that Ye Feng had already come to the iron gate and had already stretched out his hand towards it.Seeing this, jester couldn't help but move, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't make a fool of yourself! Are you dying? "

Said jesterfield also want to go forward to stop Ye Feng, don't want to be a cat face man to stop, he can't help toward Ye Feng way, "in this case, estimate all crazy, you don't want to die?"

At this time, Ye Feng's hand has been placed on the iron gate. Jesteffe's eyes can't help but dilate. He even sees that Ye Feng is directly bounced by the current on the iron gate.

However, the picture that jesterfield expected to see, but didn't want to see, didn't appear. He saw Ye Feng's hands on the iron gate, but nothing happened, as if there was no current on the iron gate.

Jesterfield couldn't help being puzzled. She looked at Ye Feng in a dazed way. She couldn't understand what happened.

But just then, jestfel felt his hair flutter in a different direction.

Originally, due to the influence of Joanna's extreme electric current, there was electric current in all the people's hair, and they all fluttered in the direction of Joanna.

But just as Ye Feng's hand was on the iron gate, all their hair fluttered in the direction of Ye Feng.

In fact, not only that, originally floating in the air, Dixie and Scarlett, as well as those who had been knocked unconscious by invisible people, their electric current began to flow towards Ye Feng.

Including Joanna in the distance, she had been completely wrapped by the electric pole, and could not see the original appearance, but at this time, the electric pole current on her body, just like silk, was stripped off.

And the stripped "silk" current is flying towards Ye Feng in the distance, including the leakage current of all the electrical equipment in the laboratory.

All the people present were blinded. Originally, Gu zhaohuichi was still standing there watching Joanna tell the story between herself and Joanna. They all felt almost desperate.

At this time, seeing the electric current on Joanna's body flying away, I thought that her story had played a role. Generally, the voice was so small that I only heard it. Suddenly, I came back to my spirit and increased the volume, "do you remember? That year we met in the actual square.... "

But at this time, no one pays attention to Gu zhaohuichi and Joanna any more. Jesteffe and cat face people's eyes are all focused on Ye Feng's body, but they see the electric current flowing in all directions, entering Ye Feng's body.

Now Ye Feng is just like Joanna before, his body gradually began to be entangled by the current, and even Ye Feng's hair began to set up.

Cat face man can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, but he asks jester, "a Nan, what's going on? How can I have a bad feeling? "

Jesteffe didn't say a word. In fact, this kind of foreboding was not only cat faced, but also her inner uneasiness.

At this time, Ye Feng still stood motionless in front of the iron gate, allowing the electric current from all directions to surge into his body, and his body did not move.

From the perspective of jesterfield and cat face man, jesterfield even doubted whether Ye Feng had been electrocuted by the strong current on the iron gate the moment he touched the iron gate? Otherwise, how could it be motionless?

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