But everyone doesn't know that Ye Feng's body is here at this time, but his consciousness has already gone beyond here. Just like he was in your fantasy world before, he completely entered his own consciousness space.

But not only that, he even returned to the moment when he was on the earth, after he was genetically modified, and felt that his body was full of various forces. His mind was always in a state of confusion at this time. One was on the earth, another was in the mysterious world, and another felt that he had returned to the planet of essf, and even his lost memories on the planet of essf It seems to be a little bit back to his mind in general.

It's like the electric current flowing in all directions. With every trace of electric current flowing into Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng feels a little more change in his body, and it seems that this change doesn't have to stop at all.

At this time, jestfel saw that Ye Feng's body had completely changed from a pure human body into a light body, and the electric current around him was still flowing towards Ye Feng's body. Even the electric current on Joanna's body had been absorbed by Ye Feng.

Now Joanna seems to have gradually returned to normal, but Ye Feng has become Joanna's whole body full of electricity, and the two people's bodies are completely opposite.

For jesteffe, it's not as good as Joanna that Ye Feng becomes like this. After all, they don't want Ye Feng to be the victim of this experiment.

But for Gu zhaohuichi, of course, he is eager for others to suffer for Joanna, even if this person is himself, as long as it is not Joanna himself. Now that Joanna has gradually recovered, the happiest thing is him.

Joanna's body had been half floating, at this time because of the current on her body gradually disappeared, also gradually fell to the ground.

Dixie and Scarlett, the accessories of their experiments, don't have as much electric current as Joanna, and they are close to Ye Feng. Ye Feng has been sucked clean for a long time, and they have been standing on the ground for a long time, but they are still affected by the surrounding electric current, so they haven't come to full consciousness.

Cat face person at this time Zheng Zheng ground looks at Ye Feng, on the mouth murmur a way, "this kid is doing in the end what?"? It's all right with Joanna. Now it's his turn? "

Jestfel pondered for a while. She still knew something about the extreme electric experiment. Suddenly she understood a truth and immediately said to the cat, "when the opposition first chose Joanna, it must be because Joanna's physical constitution met some of the needs of their experiment. Now in Satan, it must be because his physical constitution was more in line with the requirements of this experiment Looking at him now, even I doubt that none of his physical qualities does not meet the requirements of this polar experiment! "

The cat faced man could not help looking at jesterfield in surprise and said, "what is the purpose of the polar experiment? Just turning people into electricity? "

But jastefer shook his head and said, "the existence of polar electricity can't be explained by science. Their original intention should be to stimulate some potential in human body through polar electricity and create a more powerful human being. The reason for this uncontrolled situation is not the polar electricity, but the experiment didn't go through to the end What a surprise

The cat faced man could not help looking at jesterfield and said, "that is to say, if we don't come out to stop it, it won't happen now?"

Jastefer could not help nodding and said, "although it can't be said 100%, at least it won't be as serious as it is now!"

The cat face man can't help but take a deep breath. After pondering for a long time, his eyes are still staring at Ye Feng, but his mouth is asking jesterfield, "what will he become in the end?"

Jestfeld shook his head and said, "I don't know. If the polar experiment is successful, it should be that Joanna may become the first super human on the planet. In the future, through her serum and the improved polar experiment, more and more new humans similar to her can be created in batches. But this experiment, at least in my cognition, has been going on for a long time In the theoretical stage, there is no final conclusion. The reason why the opposition is so anxious to carry out this experiment is that, on the one hand, it must have something to do with the political ecology of the federal government. It may be that the opposition has already felt the pressure from the federal government, and even the federal government wants to eliminate the opposition. On the other hand, it may be that they have found that Joanna's constitution is suitable for the electric pole experiment, so it is necessary to carry out the experiment A combination of comprehensive factors led to the birth of this experiment

At this point, jesterfield pondered for a moment, then said slowly, "what Satan will become in the end, no one can estimate, because this experiment has evolved into a disaster, which no one can control!"

Then jesteffe took another look at Ye Feng and continued to add, "maybe this disaster is not only in this laboratory, it may turn into a global disaster!"

Cat face people can't help but take a deep breath. It even appears in their mind that the whole planet has become an extreme weather full of thunder and lightning. All human beings live in the shadow of thunder and lightning all day. Thinking of this, they can't help but take a deep breath.Jesterfield said at this time, "if it does happen, we must stop the disaster before it happens!"

The cat faced man could not help but look at jesterfield in amazement and said, "stop? We may have been electrocuted by the current on him before we got close to him! "

Jester fee can't help but sigh when he hears the words. He says in his heart, "yes, there's no way to stop the disaster now.".

At this time, Gu Zhaohui saw that after Joanna fell to the ground, her whole body seemed to collapse. She just sat on the ground and had no strength.

Gu Zhaohui immediately rushed to Joanna's side and picked up Joanna, who was sitting on the ground. He still asked her with concern, "Joanna, are you ok?"

At this time, Joanna's eyes were a little dull. She heard Gu Zhaohui call herself several times. Then she regained her mind and looked at Gu Zhaohui in a daze. After a long time, she shook her head and said, "I'm ok. What's wrong with me?"

Gu Zhaohui saw that Joanna was so late that he didn't care to explain anything to her. He immediately held her and walked towards the door. However, this side of the door was completely blocked by the extremely electric light on Ye Feng's body. He immediately held Joanna and looked around, trying to find another way out.

At this time, the cat faced man took a look at Gu Zhaohui Chi and Joanna, and then hummed coldly, "where do you want to go? Now there is only one way to live... "

Gu Zhaohui did not find another way out after a long time, and finally gave up. Holding Joanna in his arms, he looked at Ye Feng, then took out his laser gun and said, "I can't do it, so I'll blow this road!"

Seeing this, the cat faced man immediately stepped forward on his shoulder and seized the laser gun in Gu zhaohuichi's hand. With a cold hum, "when your girl was like this, why didn't you plan to shoot?"

And at this time, people immediately heard the current package, came out a stuffy hum, people's eyes just toward Ye Feng this side look, but see that the current immediately scattered, a loud bang followed.

All the people didn't react, they felt an invisible air wave rushing towards them, all of them were directly impacted by the air wave, and there were countless electric currents flashing in the powerful air flow, making a crackling sound.

Jesteffe and the cat faced man flew up directly by the air, and finally hit the equipment on one side, which stopped. However, due to the pressure of the strong air, they could not move for half a minute.

Gu Zhaohui, holding Joanna in his arms, flew to the wall in the distance, almost directly installed it on the capacitor. He didn't know whether there was any current on the huge capacitor, but he was afraid to see it.

Dixie and Scarlett are even more miserable. They fly directly to the roof of the laboratory by the air flow. They are pushed directly on the roof by the air flow and can't fall down for a while.

Although jestfel was unable to move under the strong air current, she still opened her eyes and looked at Ye Feng, only to see that the current on Ye Feng's body had completely disappeared, and even the clothes on Ye Feng's body had completely disappeared.

At this time, Ye Feng, who was covered with red fruits, had angular muscles. It seemed that his body was much stronger than before. From behind, it was like a hill standing at the gate of the iron gate.

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