When Ye Feng, who is as strong as steel, turns around slowly at this time, the cat faced man and jesteffe can't help but be surprised when they see his face. They notice that Ye Feng's face is also like an axe and a chopper, and the outline is clearer than before.

Looking at a lot of things, there are only some subtle changes in Yefeng's body. But on the whole, Yefeng seems to be completely transformed. First of all, the overall temperament of the whole person is completely different.

Although Ye Feng turned around at this time, he still closed his eyes. Even his eyebrows looked thicker and straighter than before. They looked like two sharp blades. They were inserted directly into his eyes. Although he didn't open his eyes, he looked more energetic.

And at this time, Ye Feng suddenly opened his eyes, which were actually golden pupils. It seemed that he could not describe them with a bright heart. I was afraid that neither the earth civilization nor the eisf civilization could find a suitable word to describe Ye Feng's eyes at this time.

Jesteffe and cat face man only looked straight, and jesteffe noticed that the golden pupil of Ye Feng was in the shape of lightning.

At the moment when jestefel and maorenren look at Ye Feng in a daze, Ye Feng suddenly snores and looks around as if looking for something, but the electric current in the laboratory gradually disappears.

Finally, Ye Feng's eyes were like a scanner. After looking around, he immediately grasped the iron door with both hands, just like removing the toy door frame on Lego, and easily broke the iron door open.

Gu Zhaohui's attention had been focused on Joanna, who had just regained consciousness but had not fully recovered. Seeing that Ye Feng had opened the iron door, he immediately picked up Joanna and rushed to the door.

At this time, jester immediately yelled at Gu zhaohuichi, "wait a minute..."

But without waiting for the voice of jesterfield to fall, Gu Zhaohui has already held Joanna to the side of Ye Feng at the door.

In an instant, Ye Feng's hand caught Gu zhaohuichi's neck. Suddenly, Gu zhaohuichi lost all his strength, and Joanna fell to the ground in an instant.

Gu zhaohuichi's hand tightly grasped Ye Feng's wrist, but he felt that what he grasped was still his wrist. It was a piece of metal and steel, even harder than that.

Seeing this, jesteffe immediately stepped forward and said in a loud voice to Ye Feng, "Satan! Satan... "

At the beginning, when Jester Fei called Ye Feng, Ye Feng didn't seem to hear it at all. He still held Gu zhaohuichi's neck tightly.

Gu zhaohuichi, who was choked by him, felt that his neck was about to break, not to mention breathing, and his whole face was red.

It was not until jestefeld called more than ten times that Ye Feng seemed to slow down a little. He looked at jestefeld, but his pupils were still golden lightning.

Seeing this, jesteffe immediately stepped forward. The cat faced man stood on one side, quickly grabbed jesteffe and reminded her, "don't go there. He doesn't know what's going on now!"

Jesteffe threw a look at the cat's face, resolutely stepped forward and continued to look at Ye Feng, "Satan, do you remember who you are?"

Ye Feng's hand still pinches Gu zhaohuichi, but his eyes are still looking at jasterfeld. At this time, his swollen golden lightning pupil gradually begins to return to the original forehead appearance, and his muscles also begin to gradually return to the normal state.

Gu zhaohuichi, who was strangled by Ye Feng, originally felt that he was dead. Now he obviously felt that Ye Feng's hand strength was getting smaller. Although he still couldn't break it off, he could at least take advantage of this meeting to secretly breathe two mouthfuls of fresh air.

Jesteffe saw that Ye Feng's body had changed, and immediately stepped forward and said, "let him go, he's not your enemy..."

After staring at Jester fee for a long time, Ye Feng glanced at Gu zhaohuichi, who was still choked by himself. The sharp light in his eyes was gradually disappearing, and he even released his hand.

Gu Zhaohui takes the opportunity to escape from Ye Feng's palm. After coughing twice, he doesn't have time to take care of himself. He immediately goes to pick up Joanna, who is thrown on the ground. He cares more about Joanna than himself.

At this time, jesteffe has come to Ye Feng, and even extended his hand to Ye Feng.

Cat face man stands behind him and looks at him. He is more nervous than jasterfeld. He is afraid that Ye Feng will suddenly choke jasterfeld's neck.

However, when jesteffe's hand touched Ye Feng's skin, the strange changes on Ye Feng's body completely returned to normal. At this time, he looked at jesteffe blankly, "what's wrong with me?"

Jesterfield looked at Ye Feng in front of him and said, "don't you remember what happened just now?"

Ye Feng looks at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while, trying to recall what happened just now. Soon his mind shows how he was affected by the current on the iron gate, how he was controlled by the current, and how he finally entered his consciousness space. Even some strange, messy and intermittent memory fragments appeared in his mind.At this time, everything that happened before seems to return to Ye Feng's mind one by one, but he still doesn't remember why he had to hold Gu zhaohuichi's neck.

After a long time, jester fee saw that Ye Feng still didn't speak, so he retracted his hand, "you're OK!"

After a while, Ye Feng looked at jesterfield and said, "I seem to think of something. Just now I seem to think of how we met before!"

On hearing this, jesterfield's face suddenly changed and he looked at Ye Feng and said, "Oh? Do you remember? "

I don't want Ye Feng to shake his head and say, "I think of a little, but it's not very complete. I remember we've seen it before, and not only once, but also many instruments around It's like a space similar to here, but I can't remember any more! "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jestefel immediately stared at Ye Feng for a moment, and then nodded, "I said before that we did meet, but since you can't remember, don't force it. Your memory is still in the recovery stage. Sooner or later, you will think of everything. Don't worry!"

Ye Feng nodded. He was staring at jestefel and was in a daze again. Suddenly, he had a lot of memories in his mind. For a moment, he felt a little confused, just like the bottle was already full, suddenly he was stuffed with many things, and the glass seemed to be broken at any time.

This feeling lasted for a long time, and then gradually subsided. After all, the brain is not a glass container, it has a certain degree of flexibility. As long as these memories gradually begin to adapt, it will not have much impact on Ye Feng's brain.

But at this time, Dixie and Scarlett also gradually wake up, afraid from the ground, to see Ye Feng actually naked, all red fruit standing there, their faces can't help but move.

Although Scarlett has already had a skin relationship with Ye Feng, it's Ye Feng's body when she was on the earth. Now it's a brand new Ye Feng. It's still relatively new for Scarlett. I can't help but look at it more eagerly.

But Dixie quickly avoided Ye Feng's body and said to jester, "can we leave this ghost place now?"

Jesteffe had been staring at Ye Feng at this time. After hearing Dixie's question, he immediately nodded and said, "of course, let's leave here first!"

Then jesteffe looked back at the cat faced man and said, "let's get out of here first!"

Gu Zhaohui picked up Joanna at this time and immediately walked towards the door. He didn't want to hear a voice outside the door and said, "do you want to leave so soon?"

As soon as they heard the voice, their hearts could not help but move. Gu zhaohuichi immediately yelled out the door, "who?"

The voice outside the door said, "I'm old friends with Satan and Dixie. As for Gu Zhaohui, your father and I are old friends. Of course, there's jestefel We've met several times, and we've met Joanna several times, so it's almost old, so I can say it's your friend! "

As soon as the cat faced man heard this, he immediately hummed out the door, "since you are an old friend, don't hide. Just show up and show us whether it is a friend or an enemy. Is it better to know at a glance?"

The voice outside the door said with a smile, "are you still so impatient? I seem to have forgotten you just now, and we have been in trouble together! "

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