After hearing this, the cat faced man suddenly changed his face and looked at the door, thinking that the man even knew himself and had no impression of the voice.

Ye Feng and jastefer looked at each other at this time, but Dixie was the first to say to the door, "are you Dante?"

As soon as the voice fell, a tall, burly, brown skinned man came outside the door. He looked 1.9 meters away, and he was very handsome. His eyebrows were full of heroism. When he came to the door, he stopped and stood outside looking at the people in the laboratory. His sharp eyes swept all the people in the room, and finally looked at Ye Feng, We meet again

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved. In fact, when he and jesteffe looked at each other, they had already guessed the origin of each other, and when Dixie recognized each other, he didn't refute, which showed that Dixie's name was right. In front of him, it was Dante Emma.

Dante Emma now changed into a more humble, tall, burly and handsome body than before, which made him look more outstanding and extraordinary, and his temperament seemed to be different from the original one.

Dante Emma stares at Ye Feng and sees that Ye Feng doesn't speak. Then she says, "it seems that the fate between us may be inseparable in our life. If one of us is a woman, maybe we'll make an agreement with each other?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he hummed coldly, "it seems that the leather bag your uncle selected for you is really good. The care for your nephew is different from others in the end!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "what? After all this, are you still thinking about a skin bag? I thought that you are almost the same as me now. You have already got rid of this appearance for a long time. What you think is more profound. I didn't expect that you are still like this Well Yes, superficial

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "it seems that you're not only here to show off that you are more refined than me, are you? Are we going to have another fight here? "

Dante Emma shrugged and said, "in fact, I don't hate you as much as you hate me!" Then he sighed, "after all, what hatred do we have? Don't you feel tired fighting from the earth to the earth and from the earth to the earth? I'm tired anyway

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow slightly a wrinkly way, "we before also fight in love?"

But after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma suddenly said, "uncle said that you haven't completely recovered your memory, which seems to be true. Don't you remember that we were fighting for the first brother of the FBI in eisf?"

Ye Feng tries hard to recall. Although the memory of Eve in his mind has recovered a little in the moment when he was extremely electrified just now, he still can't remember the memory of fighting with Dante Emma at all.

And at this time, Dante Emma immediately sighed, "forget it, those are the past tense, we have experienced so much together, and finally come back to the world that really belongs to us, all the past gratitude and resentment, let him disappear, OK?"

After staring at Dante Emma for a moment, Ye Feng said faintly, "do you think so?"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and shrugged, "I know that you always look down on me. I also admit that I used to be inferior to you in many aspects, but my biggest advantage is that I can correct my mistakes when I know my mistakes. Now we have all returned to eisf. Maybe there will be many cooperation opportunities in the future. We can't do the same as before if I had done it before What's wrong with you? I'd like to apologize to you first. Please don't forget our past unhappiness. I hope we can have a new development in this new world and our relationship! Are you right? "

Ye Feng listens to Dante Emma and looks at her thoughtfully for a long time without saying a word.

Jesterfield then said, "since you want to make up, what do you mean by coming here to block us?"

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "I think you misunderstood me. I'm not here to stop you. Since I come here with sincerity, how can I do these insincere things? I'm here to save you

But the cat faced man snorted coldly, "you must have been outside for a long time. If you really want to save us, you should have come in just now!"

Dante Emma immediately shrugged her shoulders and said, "I've been here for a while, but I can't help you with the situation in the laboratory just now. I can only help you clean up some of the debris around you!"

Gu Zhaohui took a look at Dante Emma at this time, and then said impatiently, "you need to talk about the past. Let's talk about it slowly. I'll go first..."

With that, Gu Zhaohui immediately took Joanna and walked towards the door. She didn't want Dante Emma to say to Gu Zhaohui, "if you go out now, even if you don't die, you will soon be caught by their people again!"

Gu zhaohuichi had already come to the door. Hearing what Dante Emma said, he immediately looked back at Dante Emma and said, "what do you mean?"Dante Emma shrugged and said, "this laboratory has long been occupied by the opposition. My uncle is here, which is just a puppet president. He has been serving the opposition for a long time. That's why my uncle would rather stay in the police station than come back!"

Ye Feng then looked at Dante Emma and said, "now, are you your uncle's man? Or the opposition? "

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "to tell you the truth, my superficial identity is indeed from the opposition side, but my uncle and I are not from the opposition side. To tell you the truth, although the federal government is corrupt and incompetent, my uncle is also very disappointed with this government, but that doesn't mean we are the opposition! My uncle also disagrees with many radical actions of the opposition. "

The cat faced man can't help but say, "then you still join the opposition?"

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "no way. It's because my uncle gave me this new bag. He is a member of the opposition. I can only do whatever I want. My uncle let me lurk in the opposition to see what they want to do!"

"The cat face man looked at Dante Emma with suspicion." it's nice, but how can I not believe it from the bottom of my heart

Dante Emma looked at the cat's face and said, "that's because you have too much prejudice against me. I said, I admit that I have done some improper things before, but I have apologized!"

Cat face people smell speech just about to speak, Ye Feng immediately rescue toward Dante Emma way, "since you lurk in the opposition, now you come out to help us, not afraid to expose yourself?"

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "you can rest assured that my status as a leather bag is not low here, and you should also understand my character. Once the opposition finds out, I will put all the responsibility on you, and even fight against you. At that time, don't hate me!"

Before Dante Emma finished, Gu Zhaohui said impatiently, "can you leave here to chat?"

Dante Emma looked back at Gu zhaohuichi and Joanna, then nodded and said, "OK, you come with me!" Said immediately out of the iron gate.

Gu Zhaohui immediately took Joanna and followed her out, while jesteffe looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you believe what he said?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to jester, "I'm not sure. Let's see what he wants to do!" Then he went to the door.

At this time, the cat faced man immediately said to jestefeld, "ah Nan, I can't believe a word of this boy. Anyway, I can't believe this boy!"

Jesteffe nodded to the cat faced man, patted him on the shoulder, and then said, "let's get out of here first!"

Dixie Si and Scarlett also follow Ye Feng to leave, cat face person pondered for a moment, this just followed up.

Out of the laboratory, but see Dante Emma walking in front of a sudden touch on the wall, immediately on the side of a secret door, into the secret door, there is a long tunnel.

After everyone entered, Dante Emma closed the door, "through here, go straight ahead, you can leave the Institute! This tunnel leads to the outside! "

Jesteffe asked Dante Emma, "do you mean you won't come with us?"

Dante Emma said, "did you forget? My present status is opposition. If I leave, and still leave with you, won't I blow up my shortcomings? "

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