Jesteffe looked back at Dante Emma and asked, "do you mean you want to stay?"

Dante Emma shrugged at jesteffe and said, "of course, I rarely get into the opposition. I don't want to expose myself for your little things! I'm not that great yet

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "then why do you want to save us? If you don't do it, you can never expose yourself! "

Dante Emma can't help nodding and then said to Ye Feng, "you're right, but now the situation of eisf doesn't allow me to do this. Our goals are the same now, and our enemies are the same. Before overthrowing the whole federal government, we are still on the same front. If we lose you, that is, the reduction of the strength against the government will not do us any good You can take it as our expedient! So you don't have to thank me! "

Ye Feng listens to Dante Emma's words, can't help nodding to Dante Emma, "that's OK, that's goodbye this time!" Then he turned and left.

At this time, Gu Zhaohui had already carried Joanna forward when he told them to walk along the tunnel.

Cat face man takes a look at Dante Emma, and then follows Ye Feng. Dixie and Scarlett don't talk much. They follow him directly. Only jesteffe stands in the same place and looks at Dante Emma, but doesn't mean to leave.

Dante Emma looked at jesterfield and said, "what else do you want to ask?"

Jesterfield took a deep breath at this time, said nothing, and immediately quickened his pace to keep up with Ye Feng.

Dante Emma stood looking at the people walking away until they disappeared at the end of the tunnel. Then she opened the door on one side and went in.

Ye Feng and they have been walking along the tunnel. As Dante Emma said, the end of the tunnel leads to the woods outside the laboratory.

Originally, the cat faced man still had some doubts about whether he would encounter any ambush. When he walked out of the tunnel, he was still puzzled and said, "this boy suddenly changed his sex? Did you really let us go? "

Dixie then said to the cat face man, "didn't he say that just because we are in line with their goal now, and he doesn't want to lose the power of this side, he will help us. If we stand on the side of the federal government, it may be another result now?"

Gu Zhaohui held Joanna in his arms, then looked back at several people and said, "so you really have something to do with the opposition! It seems that we can only say different things and do nothing about each other! "

Joanna then asked Gu Zhaohui to put her down. Then she took a look at the people and said, "the federal government is definitely not as corrupt and incompetent as you think!"

The cat faced man said to Joanna, "you are the daughter of the federal president. Of course you said so. Who is the son and daughter of the federal president? I don't want anyone to oppose me. It's reasonable!"

Ye Feng also said to Joanna, "when you have time, go and have a look at those deserted cities and see what kind of life those people at the bottom live. Maybe you won't say that after watching it!"

Jesteffe also said to Joanna, "you've been in the greenhouse of lonarsene for too long. You don't know the real world outside."

Before Joanna said anything, Gu Zhaohui immediately said to Joanna, "let's go. They are supporters of the opposition. We can't get too close to them..."

But Joanna looked at Gu Zhaohui and asked, "are they all true?"

Gu Zhaohui hesitated for a while and said, "I don't know about the government, but it may be the policy above, because the corruption below can't reach the lower class. Let's go..."

Before Gu Zhaohui finished, Joanna immediately asked again, "I don't care what the reason is, I just want to ask you if what they said is true!"

Gu Zhaohui couldn't help hesitating when he heard that Joanna's eyes were wrong. He immediately nodded and said, "most of what they said is true I haven't seen the details, and I'm not very clear about it.... "

Joanna looked at Ye Feng and others for a while, but she didn't speak for a long time. Gu Zhaohui urged her to go quickly, but she was not moved.

Cat face person looked at the surrounding environment at this time, immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we'd better leave here quickly!"

Ye Feng nodded, but at this time, Joanna immediately said, "I decided not to go back to longarsenic castle for the time being, I want to stay..."

When they heard this, their faces could not help but move. Gu zhaohuichi, in particular, looked at Joanna with a puzzled face and said, "Joanna, what do you say? You want to stay? Are you crazy? I managed to save you, but you're going to stay? "

Joanna said to Gu Zhaohui, "if you're in a hurry to go back to longarsene castle, you'll go back by yourself. I want to stay and see if eisf is really the same as they said, so unbearable!"

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly moved when he heard that, and then he said in a low voice, "don't you hear me? They are all against your father. Don't you stay hereJoanna shrugged her shoulders and said, "if that's the case, they probably won't let us leave easily. I don't think they have any intention to do it, which shows that they are not interested in me at all. The more so, the more interested I am in their affairs. There's nothing wrong with what they said. I haven't left lonarsenic Castle since I was born. This is my second time Once I left lonarsenic castle, out of my father's control, I didn't want to go back so soon, and I really wanted to see the real face of the planet under my father's control! "

Gu zhaohuichi and jastefer almost said in one voice, "no way!"

Joanna knew that Gu Zhaohui would object, but she didn't expect that jesterfield would also object. She couldn't help looking at jesterfield in surprise.

But the cat faced man said, "if we are destined to be on the opposite side of the government, then with this girl in hand, we can do a lot of things conveniently. This is not a bad thing. Why do you object, Aung?"

Jesteffe immediately said, "now, not only are the people in lonas Castle looking for her everywhere, but the opposition will not give up when they know that she has run away. At this time, leaving her at our side is tantamount to placing a time bomb on our side, which is only bad for us and not good for half!"

Cat face man can't help nodding when he heard what jesteffe said. It seems that what jesteffe said is reasonable. It's true that Joanna is an unstable factor at this time.

Ye Feng didn't speak. He just looked at jesteffe and then looked at Joanna not far away. Then he said, "I don't think it's bad for Joanna to stay!"

People listen to Ye Feng so a say, the facial expression also can't help but move, especially Joanna, excitedly look to Ye Feng way, "so say, you agree?"

Ye Feng looked at Joanna and said, "but what she said also has a certain truth. Leaving you is tantamount to leaving us a hidden trouble!"

Joanna can't help frowning and looking at Ye Feng, "then you want me to stay? What do you mean? "

Gu Zhaohui later comforted Joanna by saying, "Joanna, it's too dangerous here. I can't protect you by myself. You'd better go back to longarsenic castle with me so that I can rest assured..."

But Joanna didn't care about Gu zhaohuichi's attitude at all. Instead, she stared at Ye Feng and said, "I'm asking you something!"

Ye Feng continued to say to Joanna, "you can stay, but you can't stay as Joanna! Otherwise, we will not be able to do anything

Joanna looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't you stay as Joanna?"

Jesterfield also looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what do you mean?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "if she wants to stay, she must change her name, even her appearance!"

"If that's the case, isn't it easy for Jack Emma and Dante Emma to find out

Ye Feng said, "it's not the point if they find out. The point is..." Then he looked at Gu zhaohuichi, and then he said, "if Joanna wants to stay, Gu zhaohuichi also wants to stay. Otherwise, if the news from this side reaches longarsenic castle, it won't do us any good!"

Gu Zhaohui can't help but look at Ye Feng and say, "what? You want me to stay? What's the dream? "

Joanna smell speech but immediately say, "so decided!" Then he said to Gu Zhaohui, "don't you want to protect me? I didn't even go back to longas castle. Where are you going? "

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