Gu Zhaohui was silent when he heard what Joanna said. He came here to find Joanna after he knew that Joanna was in Huck Bay and directly bypassed most of the aessf planet. His original thought was that after he rescued Joanna, he would take Joanna to the castle. As for whether the federal president would reward himself, he didn't think about it at all. He just thought about it Just keep Joanna safe.

But now the situation has suddenly changed completely. Joanna is out of danger, but she refuses to return to longarsenburg. The first half of the plot is completely under her control, but the second half of the plot is completely out of her control. He can fully feel that if Joanna is allowed to be so willful, the consequences may be far beyond his imagination, and will eventually play It's a situation you can't control.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhaohui said harshly to Joanna, "no, I won't stay. You can't either. You must meet me now. I won't allow you to stay in such a dangerous place!"

The cat faced man could not help sneering at Gu Zhaohui, "no? Don't forget, you're just her bodyguard. She's the first daughter in the world. What kind of girl don't you allow? "

As soon as Joanna heard this, she could not help looking at Gu Zhaohui with a sneer and said, "he's right. In what capacity do you not allow me? I'm the president's daughter. What are you? You are just a civilian, even into the FBI, are entrusted with the relationship, you really think you are my bodyguard? You're not even a qualified agent. You keep saying that you saved me. Don't think I don't know. Although I'm in a coma, my consciousness is clear. Without them, you can save me? "

Gu Zhaohui listened to Joanna's words and looked at her in a daze. He naturally knew what her identity was. Before Joanna treated herself like that, she was completely controlled by the electric pole. But now Joanna has completely recovered, proving that her consciousness is completely awake. But in this case, Joanna still said such words to herself What does that mean? That's how Joanna felt in her subconscious.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhaohui looked back and thought about how much he had suffered all the way to Huke Bay. He wholeheartedly wanted to save Joanna from the crisis, but in the end, Joanna's eyes were just a civilian who had to rely on the relationship to get into the FBI.

Gu Zhaohui suddenly felt a little whirling, as if everything did not follow his ideal direction. Then he looked at Joanna and said, "in your heart, I am such a miserable person?"

Joanna seemed to feel that she was talking too much, but she said without guilt, "I'm just telling the truth. My personal freedom is restricted by my father. Now do you want to restrict it? I just want to do what I like and want to do. I don't need anyone to interfere in my decision. I just want to stay. If you don't want to, I won't force you to go! "

Gu Zhaohui then fixed his eyes on Joanna for a long time, and then said, "are you not afraid to go to longarsene Castle after I leave?"

Joanna took a look at Gu zhaihui and said, "with my understanding of you, you won't!"

Gu Zhaohui said with a bitter smile, "thank you for your understanding of me!" Then he said goodbye and immediately turned around and left.

Seeing this, the cat faced man immediately said to Joanna, "you talk too lightly. Can't you see that this boy likes you?"

Joanna can't help but be surprised when she hears the words. Then she turns her head and looks at Gu Zhaohui, but she doesn't speak.

The cat faced man reminded Joanna, "this boy came to rescue you from lonarsene castle. Anyway, you shouldn't talk to him like this. I'm famous for my big mouth. I'm straightforward. I'm not like you. You should stop him!"

After hearing what the cat faced man said, Joanna shook her head and said, "no, he can't stay. Besides, it's impossible for me and him. Although we've been playing since childhood, I Just regard him as a friend, he is not my ideal object

Hearing what Joanna said, the cat faced man could not help shaking his head and sighed, "I don't understand you young people. He loves you, but you don't love him. It's too annoying. It's like our previous planet. Asexual reproduction can get rid of this kind of love..."

But Joanna looked at the cat's face in surprise, "your planet? Aren't you from the aesf planet? "

The cat faced man knew that he was too talkative and said, "I mean, some planets are like that..."

Jesteffe said to Joanna at this time, "you decided to stay. Have you considered the consequences? In fact, Gu zhaohuichi is also for your own good. Maybe it's your best choice to go back to longarsenic castle with him! "

Joanna shrugged her shoulders and said, "I think it's clear. I'll go back to longarsenic castle, but it's definitely not now. I'll take this opportunity to have a good look at the world. Is it as beautiful as the federal description or as bad as you say? Now I don't believe what anyone says. I'll test my eyes to see. Seeing is believing, hearing is believing!"At this time, Ye Feng looked to the distance, but saw that Gu Zhaohui had already gone far and could not see her figure at all. Then he looked at Joanna and said, "since you have decided to stay, you can't call Joanna any more!"

Joanna nodded and then asked, "what's my name if it's not Joanna?"

Ye Feng ponders for a while. Seeing that Joanna's temper is a little like her cousin Lin Aoxue who was reborn on earth at that time, she can't help but say to Joanna, "just call her Lin Aoxue!"

Joanna can't help murmuring, "OK, I don't care. Lin Aoxue is Lin Aoxue. My purpose is to stay. It doesn't matter what you call it!"

Ye Feng at this time also looked to Dixie way, "her face to you!"

Dixis nodded to Ye Feng and said, "no problem, I'm sure I can't see the original appearance!"

Cat face people remind Ye Feng and all humanity, "her name and appearance are not important, the most important thing is her identity, in Huke Bay this place, it is estimated that every population has detailed information, such a out of thin air Lin Aoxue, is bound to arouse the suspicion of others!"

Ye Feng smell speech at this time nodded, although the cat face people usually speak straight, there is not a sentence, but always in the key time, think of the key point.

At this time, jesterfield said to the cat faced man and Ye Feng, "it's all about me, that is, forging an identity card! It's very simple! "

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately nodded a way, "yes, we still have you this hacker expert in, want to forge an identity certificate, presumably is also easy thing."

Jesteffe said, "it's easy for you to say. It's not hard to say, it's not easy to say. At least it can't be operated on the mobile phone. Let's wait until we get back to Huck Bay branch."

Ye Feng smell speech a nod, immediately toward the Dixi Si way, "do you plan to start here, or go back to start again?"

Dixie then shrugged his shoulders to Ye Feng and said, "I don't have any materials to do it here, but if I go back, I'm afraid she will be found before I change her face!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when hearing the speech, and then said to Dixie and Scarlett, "since you are missing, it's better to pretend to be missing and let Joanna follow you. By the way, give her a change of face. Now we are divided into two sides, one is in the light, the other is in the dark, both sides work together and act separately!"

When he heard the words, he immediately nodded and said, "OK, I don't have a problem!"

Ye Feng immediately looked at Joanna and said, "what about you? Do you have any comments? "

Joanna shrugged her shoulders and said, "I don't mind. As long as I can stay, everything will be up to you!"

Ye Feng clapped his hands and said, "since there are no opinions, let's go back to the city first!"

The cat face man then asked Ye Feng, "do you really care about that infatuated seed?"

Ye Feng knows that the cat face man is talking about Gu zhaohuichi. At this time, he looks at Joanna, and other people also look at Joanna one after another. As for what Gu zhaohuichi does, it depends on Joanna.

Joanna was surprised to look at the people, "you all look at what I do, I also let him stay, he does not like what I have to do, and now that he knows he likes me, it can not stay, I have no meaning to him, so as not to get along for a long time, but easy to misunderstand!" Then he immediately added, "although I don't like him, I know him. He won't tell on me. I can guarantee that!"

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