Ye Feng said to Joanna, "I don't worry about it. After all, I've been with him for some time. I know something about it. What I'm worried about is that Huke Bay is on alert now. It's easy to come in, but Gu Zhaohui wants to leave. I'm afraid it may not be easy."

As soon as Joanna heard this, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in consternation. After a long time, she said, "Huck Bay alert? Why? Is it because Gu Zhaohui came to save me late? "

The cat face man then said, "you think too much. That's because a group of geek pioneers came to Huck bay before, saved a person and almost occupied the laser fort on the island. That's why it's so!"

When Joanna heard what the cat faced man said, she immediately relaxed, "it's not because Gu Zhaohui is late. That's good. Although he is not an excellent agent, he should have no problem?"

The cat face man shrugged his shoulders and said, "after all, two fists are hard to beat four hands. No matter how good his skill is, he may not be able to guarantee that there will be no problem. In my opinion, the boy's skill is not so good. If he meets the police on the island, he will be OK. After all, he is here to save you, and the police also belong to the Federation. But if he meets the opposition, the opposition knows that he is here to save you, then they don't know if he can So lucky. "

After all, Gu Zhaohui came to Huke bay to save herself. Even if she didn't like him, she didn't like his accident.

Jesteffe said to Joanna, "don't worry, the opposition is still relatively restrained in Huke Bay. All the actions are secret. I think Gu Zhaohui's late direction should not touch the opposition people and avoid accidents!"

Ye Feng said to Joanna, "don't worry. I don't think Gu Zhaohui will leave Huke Bay one and a half days later. He will be waiting in Huke Bay."

Joanna can't help looking at Ye Feng in surprise, "waiting in Huke Bay? What are you waiting for? "

The cat faced man said with a smile, "what are you waiting for? Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid? He came to Huke bay just to save you. You are following us now. He is so worried, how can he leave easily! "

When Joanna heard what the cat faced man said, her heart suddenly moved again. When she thought about it carefully, Gu zhaohuichi was really good for herself. However, this feeling made Joanna very uncomfortable. She couldn't say what was wrong with Gu zhaohuichi. Even he was very good, but without that feeling between men and women, Joanna couldn't cheat herself.

Isn't there a celebrity who said that some people don't know what's good, but they just can't forget it. Gu zhaohuichi is the one who makes Joanna feel the opposite.

However, Joanna also clearly knows that Gu Zhaohui is good to herself. She really doesn't want to hear the news of Gu Zhaohui's accident. After all, if it wasn't for her, Gu Zhaohui should be honest at the FBI in longarsenburg and work peacefully.

Thinking of this, Joanna couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "I want to ask you something!"

Ye Feng nodded, then said, "is it related to Gu zhaohuichi?"

Joanna immediately nodded and said, "well, if he doesn't leave and is still in Huck Bay, I hope you can protect him and don't hurt him. After all, he's here to save me. I don't want anything to happen to him!"

Yefeng listen to Joanna so a say, can't help but also nodded, "don't worry!" Said immediately toward the cat face humanity, "just Gu Zhaohui late direction you also saw, if you speed up the foot distance, should be able to catch up with it?"

The cat faced man could not help pointing to his nose when he heard the speech Then he took a look at jesteffe, and saw that she also nodded, but said, "OK, I'll go after you!" Then he immediately followed Gu Zhaohui's long-distance direction.

Ye Feng said to Joanna, "don't you worry now?"

Joanna looked at Ye Feng, then nodded, "thank you!"

Ye Feng nodded his head again. He turned his head to Dixie and Scarlett and said, "keep in touch!"

Seeing that both Dixie and Scarlett nodded their heads, they immediately said to jasterfeld, "let's go!" With that, she immediately headed for the city, while Dixie and Scarlett left the woods with Joanna.

"What's the name of that man?" asked Diana as they left the woods

Dixie frowned. "That man? Who is it? "

Joanna immediately said, "it's your head, the one with thick eyebrows and big eyes..."

Scarlett immediately said with a smile, "you say sa..."

Dixie immediately interrupted Scarlett's words, "Oh, his name is Ye Feng!"

Scarlett just came back to herself. In this world, Ye Feng has an identity, but everyone knows that he went to participate in the micro universe project, which is equivalent to death. Her temporary identity is Ye Feng, and the identity of Satan can't be exposed.

Joanna murmured, "Yefeng? I think he's a bit familiar with his way of life! "

Dixie frowned slightly and said, "he's just an ordinary man. It's no surprise that he's like everyone else in the crowd."Scarlett smell speech is surprised to see a Dixi Si, she originally listen to Dixi Si interrupt their exposure Ye Feng identity words, also think it is their own problem.

But at this time, after listening to the words of Dixie's forced explanation, I feel that Yefeng's identity in eisf should be known by Joanna, and Dixie deliberately does not mention Yefeng's identity for fear of being recognized by Joanna.

And Joanna listened to such a speech, but also can't help nodding, "also, that person can't come back!" There was a touch of sadness between the eyebrows.

Scarlett asked Joanna curiously, "who's that person you're talking about?"

Dixi Si smell speech immediately stare at Scarlett, blame Scarlett much.

Scarlett shrugged her shoulders and said, "if you don't want to say it, don't say it. I'm just asking!"

Joanna couldn't help looking at Scarlett, then shook her head and said, "forget it, it's been so long!"

Scarlett immediately asked, "do you refuse Gu Zhaohui because of this person?"

Joanna couldn't help but look at Scarlett again. After pondering for a long time, she shook her head and said, "I don't know. I know him that time. I'm only a teenager. It's been several years ago. It should not be, or maybe it is. I don't know!"

Dixie looked at Scarlett with a resentful look, and then interrupted, "let him go of the past. Now we should think about the future. Now we have to hide in the dark. That is to say, we can't go back to Huck Bay branch. We have to find a place to hide. Hurry up and don't waste time!"

Scarlett knew that if she asked again, Dixie might be really angry, so she didn't ask, and followed Dixie and Joanna to another direction of the city.

At this time, Ye Feng and jastefer are on the way back. Jastefer has not spoken. Ye Feng can't help but ask her, "do you have anything to say?"

Jesterfield took a look at Ye Feng and said, "you're very good!"

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but wrinkle a way, "play very good?"? What do you mean

Jesteffe said, "in the laboratory, you have recovered a lot of memories because of the extreme electricity. I believe you want to remember Joanna's story, but you pretend to be nothing in front of her. What's your good performance?"

Ye Feng did not speak, just continue to walk in front.

Jester fee can't help but look at Ye Feng, "what? What did I tell you? Am I right? "

Ye Feng said to jestefeld, "we have a lot of things. There's no need to guess these little things. I can tell you that I remember some of the past between myself and Joanna, but it's not important. The important thing is Jock Emma. Of course, there's another Dante Emma now!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jester Fei couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time. After shrugging his shoulders, he murmured, "yes, in your mind, women's affairs are often unimportant!"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "I remember some things between Joanna and me, but in my opinion, she is a little girl, but listen to your tone with a trace of sadness, it seems that the things between us are bigger?"

Jester fee smell speech complexion immediately move, immediately toward leaf maple spat a, "nerve!" With that, he quickened his pace and headed for the city.

Ye Feng took a look at the background of jesterfield and shrugged, "it seems that you guessed right again!"

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