They quickly return to the Huck Bay branch. When Zhuo wanqiu and Monica see Ye Feng coming back, they immediately get up and ask if ye Feng has found Dixie and Scarlett.

Ye Feng nodded and said that she had found it. Zhuo wanqiu and Monica were relieved, but they didn't see Dixie and Scarlett, but they didn't ask much.

They have known Ye Feng for so long. They don't have to ask for some words. Ye Feng will also tell them that since Ye Feng doesn't mention it, it must be that they can't say it for the time being.

After jesteffe sat down, the ugly face man and the tree face man over there also asked jesteffe where the cat face man had gone. Jesteffe just said that he had something wrong and would be back soon.

Ye Feng sits at the table, lights a cigarette and smokes. After a short rest, he thinks about the appointment time with Jack Emma. He doesn't know how to think about it. Now he has another Dante Emma, which is really a headache.

Although Dante Emma has not shown any hostility so far, and even rescued them, Ye Feng's understanding of Dante Emma shows that Dante Emma can't be transformed so quickly. He must have his own consideration for saving himself. As Dante Emma said, they are all forces against the federal government and belong to people on the same front There is no positive conflict of interest, but if there is any conflict of interest in the future, Ye Feng believes that with Dante Emma's personality, he will not have the slightest mercy.

Jia Sike saw Ye Feng sitting there frowning and smoking. He immediately sat down and looked at Ye Feng in front of him and said, "what should I do now? I can't wait here indefinitely. I have to go back to richson to recover my life! "

Ye Feng couldn't help looking up at Jia Sike and said, "come back? What kind of life? I've got everything ricksen and I need to talk about? You promised me that I would join you and you would obey my leadership. Now I am your leader and your task is here. If you have any questions, you just need to reply to me. Do you understand? "

Jia Sike was stunned by what Ye Feng said, but when he thought about it carefully, he also felt that it was so. He nodded, but he still said, "but can't wait so indefinitely? When on earth will there be an answer from Jock Emma? "

Ye Feng said to JASCO, "Jock Emma said to give him a day to answer us. What else can you do if you can't bear it?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Jia Sike couldn't help saying, "I just feel like staying here all day doing nothing. It's boring! I want to find something to do! "

Listening to Jia Sike's words, Ye Feng can't help nodding, "it's really boring to stay here. I can understand your feeling of looking for something to do, but there's really nothing to do at present..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng can't help staring at Jia Sike and said, "do you want to find something to do?"

JASCO immediately nodded and said, "yes, as long as I don't stay here and sit all day long, I can do whatever I want!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "well, you go to the southwest side of a dozen miles near a laboratory, you are there to observe, any news will report to me in time!"

Jaske frowned and said, "you mean Jock Emma's research institute? Jock Emma is no longer there. What else can we observe? "

But Ye Feng said to Jia Sike, "we just came back from there. To tell you the truth, we almost couldn't come back!"

As soon as Jia Sike heard this, he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what happened?"

Ye Feng then said to JASCO, "don't ask for details. In a word, although Jock Emma is no longer there, there are still many problems there! But if you're worried about your own safety, of course you can refuse. I'll find someone else! "

JASCO immediately said, "you mean I'm afraid of death?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "everyone's life is one. Cherish a little, it's not a shortcoming!"

Jaske immediately stood up and said, "I'll go!"

Ye Feng sees Jia Sike say so, also stand up immediately, say immediately, "won't let you go to risk alone!"

Then Ye Feng looked at the ugly face man and the tree face man and asked, "which one of you is going to perform a task with jaske?"

On hearing this, the tree faced man and the ugly faced man stood up at the same time and said in one voice, "I

Looking at their impatience, Ye Feng also estimated that they, like JASCO, were in the office of hukewan Branch Bureau, which made them feel uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "in this case, you two should go with JASCO. No matter what you see, you can't act rashly. As long as you observe who has gone in and who has left, you'd better leave a video record! Is that all right? "

As soon as the ugly face and the tree face heard this, they immediately said that it was no problem. They looked the same as jaske. As long as there was something for them to do, everything was OK.

After Ye Feng nodded, he called Jia Sike to one side and said to him in a low voice, "when you get there, remember what I said. If you encounter anything, you should save the strength of the three of you first, and then what I just said, just observe and don't rush forward!"Jaske immediately said to Ye Feng, "no problem. If I can't do this little thing well, I have no face to stay here!"

Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction, then waved to Jia Sike and ugly face man and tree face man, "go!"

Jaske immediately left hukewan branch office with ugly face and tree face. As soon as they left, cat face came back with a man on his shoulder.

After entering the office, everyone was shocked to see that the cat faced man was carrying a man on his shoulder and was black and blue.

Ye Feng saw that it was Gu zhaohuichi who was not carrying others on the shoulders of the cat faced man. However, when he saw the black faced cat faced man, he was surprised and said, "what are you doing?"

The cat faced man came in, threw Gu Zhaohui to the ground, sat down on the stool on one side, gasped and said, "this boy is just a stubborn donkey. He won't go with me. I can't help it. I have to do it. I didn't expect that I underestimated him. His skill is not as bad as I thought. I wasted nine oxen and two tigers to knock him out I'm so tired of carrying and mixing. "

Jastefer then went to check Gu zhaohuichi, who was sitting on the corner of the wall. When he raised his head, he found that the injuries on the boy's face were no less than those on the cat's face. They were all black and blue, and he had fainted.

Zhuo wanqiu and Monica don't know Gu zhaohuichi. They can't help looking at Gu zhaohuichi who is sitting on the ground and fainting. They are surprised in their hearts.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the cat face man, patted the cat face man on the shoulder and said, "it's hard for you, but you've done a good thing for Joanna!"

The cat face man shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't do it for the girl who didn't know what to do. I just think the boy's nature is good. I don't want him to fall into the hands of the opposition!"

Ye Feng handed maorenren a cigarette, and after lighting it himself, he heard maorenren ask, "I just saw that guy JASCO took my two friends out, but they didn't hear me. What's the matter?"

Ye Feng smoked a cigarette and said, "it's OK. I just want them to stare at the Research Institute of Jock Emma and see what actions the opposition will take next. After all, they have tried so hard to hide Joanna in Huck bay to do experiments. Now we've destroyed her. They will never give up!"

The cat face man immediately nodded and said, "I really don't want to give up. I just caught up with the boy and managed to make him dizzy. Soon after, there were people nearby. Fortunately, I knocked him out in time. Otherwise, he and I would be waiting for you to save us in the Research Institute."

Ye Feng frowned and said, "how many people are there?"

The cat face man smoked a cigarette and said, "I hid at that time, at least a dozen of them. It seems that they are all armed. It must be the same as what you said. I don't want to give up!"

Jesteffe said at this time, "I just don't know how big the infiltration of the opposition into Huck Bay is. If it's not big, it probably won't have much influence on us. As long as we pay attention to it, I don't believe they dare to enter the city openly, but if it's already infiltrated, we have to be careful. It's easy to avoid guns and hard to defend them secretly!"

Ye Feng said to jasterfeld, "I can't understand that. The opposition is different from the people of the geek vanguard. The geek vanguard is a terrorist openly expressed by the Federation, while the opposition is allowed to exist under the federal law. They don't break the law when they enter the city. They are free to go in and out of the territory under the rule of the Federation, just like normal people, but they may not be openly Just carrying weapons. "

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