Jesteffe can't help pondering after hearing what Ye Feng said, and then he said to Ye Feng with a moving face, "if it is like this, it will be more troublesome. The infiltration of the opposition can be said to be all pervasive in longarsenic Fort!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "since we came back here, the trouble has never stopped, and never because we are afraid of trouble, trouble will not take the initiative to come!"

Just then, a robot outside the door came to knock on the door. After Ye Feng invited the robot in, the robot said, "people from the police station are looking for it!"

Jesteffe frowned, and Ye Feng stood up and said to jesteffe, "look, as soon as you say trouble, trouble comes to your door!" Then he went out immediately.

Just out of the door, Ye Feng saw two people smoking cigarettes on the side of the office door. After Ye Feng came out, he immediately said to him, "are you Ye Feng from the special action team of hukewan branch of the Federal Bureau of investigation?"

Ye Feng then toward two people a shrug a way, "I am, two what matter?"

One of the policemen immediately said, "our chief, please come and talk to us!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly and said, "what are you talking about?"

The policeman immediately shrugged his shoulders, took a puff of his cigarette and said, "then we don't know! Don't you know when you come with us? "

Another policeman glanced at Ye Feng and said, "our aircraft are coming. Please come with us."

Ye Feng took a deep breath and didn't say a word. Jastefer came out and said to Ye Feng, "you can't go for the time being!"

Ye Feng smell speech to turn head to see to Jester fee way, "can't go?"

Jestfeld winked at Ye Feng and said, "you forget, we will have something important later!"

Ye Feng suddenly nodded, and then toward the two policemen said, "Oh, yes, I will have a meeting to open, you see, or I will go right after the meeting?"

The two policemen's faces suddenly moved and said, "that can't be done. Our director said that we must invite you to come over. He said that he has a very urgent matter to discuss with you. You must go with us now!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "don't forget, I'm from the Federal Bureau. I'm not from your police bureau. That's to say, I'm not his subordinate. If he wants to find me, I have to be free!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, one of the policemen seemed to subconsciously want to take out the gun, but the other immediately stood in front of Ye Feng and said, "leader ye, our director is really looking for you to have something urgent, otherwise we won't be so anxious. Let's come here to invite you. Today you go to the police station to see Jock Emma, I'm sorry Aren't the directors not too embarrassed for you? Why, now our director has something to do with you, you just don't give face? "

Ye Feng can't help but smile and say, "I met Jock Emma today, but when I was in the past, your director didn't sell me face. It was only after our director contacted him that he let me go!"

But the policeman said, "at that time, our director didn't know that you were going. Later, he knew that you were going, so didn't he agree later? If our chief refuses, can you meet Jock Emma? "

Ye Feng listen to the other side say so, turn head to say toward Jester fee, "seem what he says also have reason, otherwise, you first have a meeting, I go first?"

Jester fee heard Ye Feng say so, immediately said, "if you must go, I'll go with you!"

But Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "you don't have to go. You need to preside over the meeting here. You and I are not here. Who presides over the meeting?"

Jester Fei Wen Yan stares at Ye Feng for a moment. She also sees Ye Feng's meaning. She doesn't want to go by herself, and finally nods to Ye Feng, "OK, I'll stay to preside over the meeting. Be careful!"

The policeman outside said, "go to our police station. What's the point of being careful? It's like we're trying to harm your group leader! "

Jesteffe took a look at the two policemen, then nodded to Ye Feng again, "go early and return early!"

Ye Feng nodded and immediately followed the two policemen to the aircraft on the other side of the yard, while jesteffe watched Ye Feng get on the aircraft and then went back.

Just after returning, he immediately said to Monica and Zhuo wanqiu, "check the license plate of h23838 and see where it belongs!"

Monica frowned and said, "since it's the police, it must be the police car No, what should I call it? Police? Anyway, that's what it means! "

But jesterfield said, "it's because it's not a police aircraft, so I want you to check it!"

As soon as Monica hears this, she immediately sits in front of the computer with Zhuo wanqiu and begins to investigate the aircraft with the license plate.

At this time, Ye Feng has been sitting in the aircraft. He is also asking the two policemen, "does the police also have private aircraft?"

The man driving the aircraft said casually, "all the people in the police station are working, and director Zhao you may not be a formula. Of course, you can't use them for private use!"On hearing this, Ye Feng said with a smile, "I don't want to be the director of the Bureau. I'm still so law-abiding..." Then he looked out of the window and said, "this is not the way to the police station, is it?"

The policeman immediately said, "I just said that it may not be a formula for the chief to find you. It's a private matter. Of course, I can't see you in the police station!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's so mysterious that I'm a little nervous!" Then he took out his cigarette and lit one.

One of the two policemen was driving the aircraft, the other was sitting in the co pilot's seat. They both glanced at Ye Feng in the back seat from time to time, but no one spoke.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, also as did not see, continue to smoke cigarettes, soon Ye Feng see in front of a western style villa, aircraft straight to the other side to fly in the past.

After waiting for the aircraft to land, the two policemen quickly came down, turned back and said to Ye Feng, "here it is!"

After Ye Feng came down, he took a look at the villa. The yard was bigger than that of Huck Bay Federal Bureau, and there were gardens with various kinds of flowers and plants around.

Two policemen walked directly towards the door of the villa. One of them knocked on the door and said to the inside, "people are coming!"

There was a sound coming in the room, and then there was no sound, but Ye Feng recognized that the sound didn't seem to belong to the police chief.

Ye Feng walked toward the door and said to the policeman, "is this the home of the chief?"

That person didn't wait for Ye Feng to finish, immediately opened the door and pushed Ye Feng into the way, "go in!"

Ye Feng didn't resist, but he was pushed in by the policeman. But as soon as he came in, he was stunned. On the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the villa, there was more than one person sitting, six or seven of them. Of course, the police chief was also among them.

But you can see from where he sits that he is also a guest, while the host is a white haired middle-aged man sitting alone on a sofa with an electronic pipe in his mouth. At this time, he is puffing. However, after Ye Feng came in, he didn't even look up at him.

After Ye Feng came, the police chief immediately stood up and said to Ye Feng, "leader Ye!"

Ye Feng smell speech then toward police chief a shrug a way, "chief adult!"

The police chief said with a smile, "don't call me that. Just call me victor!"

Ye Feng said, "I don't know. What's the matter? There's an important meeting to be held in my group! "

Victor said to Yefeng, "Huck Bay is a big place with police and FBI. In fact, where do so many things come from? What's the important meeting to hold? "

Said Victor a smile, then toward Ye Feng way, "come on, I first introduce a person to you!" Then he looked at Ye Feng and thought that he was the owner of the villa. He said to Ye Feng, "this is Mr. Shylock!"

At this time, the talent named Shylock looked up at Ye Feng, put down his electronic pipe, stood up and said to Ye Feng, "leader ye, I've heard so much about you!" Then he stretched out his hand to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took a look at Shylock, then nodded and stretched out his hand to him

Shylock then said with a smile, "group leader ye, I heard that you are a talent who has just risen in Huke Bay. How come you have never heard of it before?"

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "the purpose of Shylock asking director Victor to invite me is to investigate me?"

Victor said immediately, "Mr. Shylock is the mayor of Huck bay! He has the right to... "

Before Victor finished, Shylock immediately interrupted, "I didn't mean to investigate, just curious! Huke Bay has never heard of group leader ye before. Recently, he suddenly appeared, which is enough to make people curious. I am a very curious person. Can you satisfy my curiosity? "

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