Ye Feng shrugged to Shylock and said, "nothing to be curious about. I'm just an ordinary person, a person from the bottom of the city!"

Don't want Shylock but more curious, surprised looking at Yue Feng Road, "waste city out of the bottom people? It shouldn't be

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng's reply, he immediately said, "as far as I know, there are not hundreds of abandoned cities on the planet of essf, there are dozens, or even more. These grassroots ants and pariahs are people who spend the rest of their lives in famine. In order to survive, even their own children may eat them. There is no source of learning at all, and there is no talent like you!"

When Ye Feng spoke to Shylock, he had already made a plan in his heart. After listening to Shylock, he immediately said, "there is no absolute thing in the world. There are more than ten million abandoned cities. I don't even know the name of the abandoned city where I live. Maybe few of us know it. But although the abandoned city is abandoned, there are still many books and some books left in it The elders know how to read and write. Whether a person can be promising or not depends not on his family background, but on whether he is willing to work hard to be outstanding! "

Shylock can't help looking up and down at Ye Feng's words. Then he nods with a smile and says, "it's reasonable. It's reasonable. Isn't there a saying that heroes don't ask where they come from? Well, if I don't ask, you can also leave the past behind. Let's talk about the future and the things that we may be interested in each other! "

But Ye Feng frowned and said, "what are we interested in?"

Shylock shrugged his shoulders and said, "of course, you try your best to get out of the abandoned city. You don't just want to live the same life as in the abandoned city, do you? On the planet of eisf, it depends on whether you are willing to work hard or not. As long as you have your own goal and are willing to pay for it, you will get multiple returns! "

Ye Feng murmured at this time, "return?"

Shylock immediately said with a smile, "of course, such as money, reputation, beauty, status Isn't that what men dream of? I believe you came out of the abandoned city for these reasons, too? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said with a smile, "of course, what else in the world can be more exciting than fame, status, beauty and money?"

Shylock's face showed a faint smile. After looking at Ye Feng, he said, "but Huke Bay is not a place to use! It's a pity that you stay in Huke bay with a good appearance

Ye Feng found a sofa to sit down, sitting next to a stranger, picked up the table also don't know who's cigarette light on a, he also saw at this time, this Shylock to find himself, said so much flattering words, I'm afraid there is only one purpose, that is to want to cage himself.

Originally, Ye Feng was thinking about Shylock and trying to win him over for his own use, but after listening to his words, he advised him not to stay in Huke Bay. He thought to himself that there must be someone else behind this.

Several people sitting beside Ye Feng are surprised to see Ye Feng who doesn't have any rules. In addition, Ye Feng says that he is from the abandoned city. Looking at Ye Feng's eyes, they can't help but have a look of disdain.

Shylock seemed indifferent. Looking at Ye Feng who was smoking cigarettes and didn't speak, he said faintly, "how about it?"

Ye Feng said to Shylock, "I don't understand what Shylock said. I'm very satisfied that a small person like me can have a stable job in Huke bay at present..."

Before Ye Feng finished speaking, Shylock immediately said, "Huke Bay has no reputation and beauty money you dream of. This kind of small place has no future at all! Besides, from my observation of you, you are not just satisfied with that, are you

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "there are dreams, but the reality should also be taken into consideration. I can't make unrealistic fantasies. My initial goal is to take root in Huke Bay first, and then try to develop in other big cities..."

But Shylock said, "no, in the Federation, you have to be a good person first and find a job, especially if you want to find a good job, you have to find the right person first! Follow Libo Zhihui... " He said, "there is no future at all..."

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow tiny a wrinkly way, "that follow who just have a future?"

Victor on one side immediately said to Ye Feng, "do you still need to ask? Follow Lord Shylock, of course

Ye Feng takes a look at Victor and then looks at Shylock, but he doesn't speak.

Shylock then picked up the electronic pipe on the table, slowly smoked it again, and said, "of course, it can't be forced. It depends on leader Ye's own meaning!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng said to Shylock, "it's my honor to be with Shylock, but Shylock is the mayor of Huke Bay. However, Shylock advised me not to stay in Huke Bay. I can't understand this. How can I follow Shylock if I don't stay in Huke Bay?"

Shylock immediately said with a smile, "it's strange that we didn't make it clear. I mean, I can introduce you to longarsene castle through my contacts. It's the capital of the world, full of talents and a gathering place of talents. Only when you get to longarsene castle can you have a chance to show your talents. What's the potential of Huke Bay? In the final analysis, it's just a newly built desert island. All kinds of resources on the island are limited. Let alone you. Even me, I feel like I'm in a bit of shallow water! "Speaking of this, Shylock immediately said, "of course, everyone has their own aspirations. If leader Ye is interested in longarsenic castle, I can introduce you to the past. When you get there, you don't have to worry. I can help you arrange everything. You just need someone to go there!"

Then Shylock immediately added, "Oh, by the way, I heard that you still have several of your right helpers. These are not problems. I can help you arrange them together! As long as you nod! "

Ye Feng smell speech smoking cigarettes, a while pondering, for a long time did not speak, look at the side of Victor are a little impatient.

But just as victor was about to speak to Ye Feng, Ye Feng immediately said, "if it can be like this, it's certainly good. But I know that there's no pie in the sky in this world. Lord Shylock has helped me so much. What should I do for Lord Shylock after I go to longarsenic castle?"

As soon as Shylock heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "it's fun to talk with smart people. Of course, I'll tell you the truth. I'll help you get to longarsene castle. Of course, I have my plan, but you don't need to know for the time being. When you get to longarsene castle and settle down completely, I'll give you news and tell you what you want to do for me!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "in this way, you need me to make a promise without substance. At that time, as long as Shylock greets me, I will be broken to pieces right away!"

Shylock said with a smile, "it doesn't need to be so serious It's just a little thing you can do! "

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "if it's really just a small matter within one's power, Lord Locke won't ask Lord Victor's mouth to invite me here!"

Victor is toward Ye Feng impatient way, "you say you promise or not? Lord Shylock won't hurt you! This kind of good thing, others can't line up, you still talk so much nonsense? "

Ye Feng looked at Victor and said, "since this is the case, I'll give this opportunity to victor. How are you?"

Victor's face sank as soon as he heard this. He was just about to reprimand Ye Feng. He didn't want Shylock to say, "you don't have to worry. I will never let you do what you can't do!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "since Shylock came to me, he must know that I can do a lot of things, but a lot of things also depend on whether I am willing to do it or not! If I promise Lord Shylock now that you will let me assassinate the federal president, shall I do the same? "

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, Shylock said, "since you want to know, I might as well reveal a little to you!"

Then he put down his electronic pipe, leaned forward slightly and looked at Ye Feng, and said in a deep voice, "I'm a member of the opposition. I want you to go to longarsenic castle and join our opposition. At that time, your work is also related to our opposition. As for the task at that time, you just have to wait and assassinate the federal president? Even if you have this task, it will not be distributed to you. You can rest assured about that! "

Then Shylock took out a black bag from the bottom of the tea table and threw it on the table. With a clang sound, Ye Feng glanced at it, but saw that the bag was full of glittering federal gold coins.

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