Shylock listened to Ye Feng's words and said with a smile, "since you're not interested, it's natural that it's the best. I'm in a dilemma!"

Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "however, how can I hear another meaning from your tone? You want to refuse me one day later, but you don't want to get into any trouble for yourself, so you can restrain your curiosity and desire?"

Ye Feng shrugged at Shylock and said, "not everyone's curiosity is so heavy!"

Shylock looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully and sighed, "the longer I chat with you, the more interesting I find you! But it also makes me believe that I'm not wrong. It's a deal. I'll wait for your reply one day later! "

Ye Feng smell speech is a shrug, immediately toward Shylock way, "so I can go now?"

Shylock immediately shrugged his shoulders and said to Ye Feng, "of course, anytime!"

Ye Feng then said with a smile, "this place is not close to the city, please just pick me up the two friends, please!"

Shylock immediately said to victor, "don't you want to return, too? Please send it to group leader ye in person! "

Victor immediately nodded his head and said yes. Then he said to Ye Feng, "you can go with my aircraft. By the way!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said it doesn't matter. After all, it's a long way to go. I don't know how long it will take. It's the same to go back by whose aircraft, as long as I don't let myself go back.

Then Ye Feng said goodbye to Shylock. Shylock just nodded and continued to smoke his electronic pipe. Then he said to other people who had not spoken, "shall we continue?"

One of them immediately said with a smile, "well, I've just lost a lot. I'm thinking that I won't have a chance to lose today."

Ye Feng listened and Victor out of the villa, Victor is walking towards the front, while looking at Ye Feng, is a pair of words and stop.

Ye Feng sees Victor's look in his eyes and says, "if director Victor has any questions, just ask!"

Victor snorted and said it was nothing. Then he got on the plane, and the two policemen who came to pick up Ye Feng immediately got on the plane, one in the driver's seat and the other in the co pilot's seat.

Ye Feng is not polite, directly on the aircraft, after the aircraft completely took off to mid air, Ye Feng said to victor, "if Victor director you have no problem, then I'll squint for a while!" Then he leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes.

Victor can't help but look at Ye Feng again. After several attempts, he finally says to Ye Feng, "I don't understand. What else do you need to consider when Lord Shylock gives you such favorable terms?"

At this time, Ye Feng said to victor, "if I now represent the federal government and ask you to surrender to me, and also give you favorable conditions, will you agree or go back to consider and weigh the pros and cons?"

Victor listened to Ye Feng's words and frowned, "do you represent the federal government?"

Ye Feng didn't open his eyes when he was talking. Listening to Victor's question, he can't help but open his eyes and take a look at Victor. How did he get to the position of police chief of Huke Bay? Is it hard for Shylock to operate it?

But Ye Feng's mouth just said faintly, "I'm just making an analogy!"

Victor said to Ye Feng at this time, "I advise you not to think about anything more..." Then he said to Ye Feng, "I'll tell you the truth. So far, there is no Huke Bay. No one can refuse Shylock's kindness."

Hearing the speech, Ye Feng couldn't help but look at Victor and said, "it seems that you have accepted a lot of good intentions from mayor Shylock."

Victor smell speech complexion can't help but a white one eye, leaf maple way, "I'm talking about your business with you, you don't pull to me!"

Ye Feng stretched a stretch, and then said to victor, "it seems that I'm not worried about this matter. You're very attentive to the chief. Otherwise, let's go back and tell mayor Shylock that I recommend you to go!"

Victor's face suddenly sank and looked at Ye Feng. He didn't speak for a long time. If Shylock thinks he can, where else is there something about you?

But after thinking about it, Victor didn't get angry but laughed. He looked at Ye Feng with a smile and didn't speak.

Ye Feng puzzled to look at Victor Road, "the director of adult smile what?"

Victor shook his head and said, "it's OK. It's just funny!"

Ye Feng looked at Victor thoughtfully. Seeing that he never said anything, he simply closed his eyes and continued to close his eyes.

Victor there is still waiting for Ye Feng to continue to ask himself, did not expect Ye Feng directly did not ask, but also closed his eyes to sleep.

Looking at Ye Feng, Victor couldn't help saying, "don't you want to know what I'm laughing at?"Ye Feng still closed his eyes, his head against the window, but said faintly, "I want to know, but the director is not willing to say, it's useless for me to force you. If I don't want to know, the director has to say, I can't stop it, my mouth is on the director's face, I can't control it!"

Victor's face suddenly moved, and then sighed, "I'm laughing at you. You haven't had a good day, and you still don't know!"

Ye Feng opened his eyes and said to victor, "are you afraid that after I refuse mayor Shylock, mayor Shylock will deal with me?"

Victor said with a sneer, "I don't care whether you refuse or accept. This matter has nothing to do with me. I'm just responsible for helping mayor Shylock invite you here!"

Ye Feng smell speech looked at Victor, from his eyes to see some satisfaction, always feel something, but the mouth is light "Oh" a, then no below.

Victor saw that Ye Feng was dead again, and he could not help frowning, "don't you want to know why you don't have a good life?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "if you want to speak, please speak quickly. If you don't speak, please let me sleep. I'm really a little sleepy. I want to catch up and have a meeting with you after I go back!"

Victor said with a smile, "it's rare that you're still in the mood to sleep. I'll tell you straight away that you're going to have a disaster!"

Ye Feng said again, "Oh!"

Victor can't help but look at Ye Feng. Seeing that he is still indifferent, he doesn't feel angry, as if he has to tell him.

Thinking of this, Victor also shut up, thinking in his heart, if you want to die, what does it have to do with me.

Suddenly, there was a silence on the aircraft. Ye Feng and Victor didn't speak. Ye Feng was surprised that Victor could resist it?

Just thinking about it, Victor still couldn't help saying, "come on, I'll tell you, mayor Shylock knows exactly where you came from!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly, open eyes to see to Victor way, "I what origin?"

Victor sneered and said, "don't forget, Shylock is the mayor of Huck Bay. Anything that happens on Huck bay island can't escape his eyes. You say you are from the abandoned city, which one? Oh, by the way, you don't know the name, but how far have you come to Huke Bay? But Huck Bay is an outlying island. After you leave your abandoned city, there are many inland cities to choose from. Why do you want to come to Huck Bay, which is far away from the mainland? You can cheat others, but you can't cheat Shylock. Of course, you can't even cheat me! "

Ye Feng smell speech brow is a move to look at Victor, he also does not deny, just asked Victor way, "since Sherlock mayor know my identity, why do you want to ask me that?"

Victor said with a smile, "that's the problem. Why? Can't you really think of it? "

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng suddenly said, "do you mean that Shylock deliberately acquiesced to my fabricated identity, because he wanted me to perform a special task for him in longarsenbao. No matter whether the task was successful or not, he would directly put all the responsibility on me. After all, I'm a firefly in an abandoned city. As soon as I die, the clue will be broken immediately, right?"

Victor listened to what Ye Feng said. He couldn't help staring at Ye Feng. After a moment, he shrugged and said, "I didn't say anything!"

When Ye Feng saw Victor saying this, he was acquiescing to his guess, but he still had doubts. He looked at Victor and said, "the problem is, Mr. director, we don't have any friendship, do we? Why do you remind me? "

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