Victor smell speech staring at Ye Feng looked for a long time, but did not speak, Ye Feng see in the eyes, can not help but frown, "if the director adult has no other words to say, then I sleep!"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Victor knew that he would go to bed, as if he didn't care about it at all, so he didn't hide it with Ye Feng. He immediately said, "I'm actually reminding you, and I don't mean anything else. I just want to make friends with you!"

Ye Feng listened to Victor say so, but said with a smile, "if you say so, it's boring. We have no friendship, and there are many kinds of friends. Even if you and I make friends, we can't push the cup to change the cup, so it's better to be straightforward!"

Victor was shocked when he heard that Ye Feng was so straightforward, which was beyond his expectation. He would not immediately think about it. He immediately laughed at Ye Feng and said, "well, since what you said is so open, I won't hide it from you!"

Speaking of this, Victor said to Ye Feng, "although you may not believe it, it's my intention to make friends!"

Ye Feng immediately tut tongue way, "if you want to make friends, in Sherlock mayor's side, the director's adult won't repeatedly tease me!"

Victor said to Ye Feng, "it's hard for me to say that. To tell you the truth, my director is Shylock's help. I'm the one on his side."

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "on the surface, that secretly?"

Victor stares at Ye Feng for a long time. He feels like he wants to talk but doesn't want to talk. He doesn't speak for a moment.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "since it's hard to hide, I don't want to know too many secrets of others. Every time I carry a secret, I'm more dangerous. I don't want to add any trouble to myself!"

Victor looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a long time, then said to Ye Feng, "there are some things that you can avoid if you don't want to. For example, you don't know Shylock at all. Does Shylock still come to find you? You don't look for trouble, but trouble often comes to you on its own. "

Ye Feng looked at Victor with a wry smile and said, "so you think I have enough trouble, and don't care about your trouble?"

Victor can't help laughing when he hears the words, "I'm not in trouble. I won't give you any trouble if I tell you!" Then he coughed softly, and then he continued to say to Ye Feng, "in fact, jock Emma and I are old friends!"

Ye Feng listened to Victor mention Jock Emma, and immediately became interested. He sat up straight and looked at Victor and said, "are you and Jock Emma old friends?"

Victor immediately said, "why did Jock Emma get caught by the police this time? It's just Jock Emma's own scheme

Ye Feng can't help but look at Victor and say, "do you mean that Jock Emma is going to jail?"

Victor immediately said, "Jock Emma's lab was set up with the help of the opposition, so the opposition has been using this as a reason to ask him to hand over his technology! But before this technology has not been successful, so the opposition people did not force him, but recently his experiment has made breakthrough progress, so he also realized that the opposition people will come to the door, so he gave himself to our police under the charge of stealing the body! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng pondered. He thought to himself, since the core technology of Jock Emma is not a microcosm, and the opposition attaches so much importance to it, what is it?

Thinking of this in his heart, he said to victor, "since you are Shylock's person and Shylock is the opposition, isn't it that Jock Emma sent herself to the police station? If Shylock and you want someone by force, since you are in the way of Shylock's identity, don't you want to make friends?"

Victor immediately nodded and said, "you're right. Shylock really wanted someone with me at the first time when Jock Emma surrendered, but I didn't give it to him!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words, "do you dare to give it? Isn't that against the opposition openly? "

Victor said to Ye Feng, "since I'm good friends with Jock Emma, my identity is also known to Jock Emma, so he thought of this before he surrendered. He committed the case to the federal General Administration. Our arrest of Jock Emma is not an order issued by our bureau, but an arrest warrant issued by the General Administration of the federal police, which is only executed by us Already

Ye Feng can't help but suddenly nod his head and say, "so it is. In this way, jock Emma's case in hukewan branch is known by the General Bureau of the federal police. If you say you don't pay people, you will have a reasonable interface, and Shylock can't say anything!"

Victor immediately nodded, "that's right, so Jock Emma is safe now!"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "of course he is safe. First of all, he is the prisoner to be arrested by the arrest warrant issued by the General Administration of the federal police. Secondly, since he dares to surrender himself, his core technology must be hidden. The opposition dares not do anything to him."

Victor immediately said with a smile, "that's right!"Ye Feng looked at Victor at this time and said, "since you are a friend of Jock Emma, you should keep this secret for him. At least before he told me personally, you should keep your mouth shut. Now you tell me, how do I feel that you are not friends?"

Victor said with a smile to Ye Feng, "there is nothing wrong with Jock Emma's saying that you are smart. You are right. If I am a friend of Jock Emma, I really shouldn't tell you his secret, but what if Jock Emma personally authorized me to tell you?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. He looks at Victor and says, "who are you? That's what Jock Emma asked you to tell me? "

Victor sighed, "since I'm his friend, how can I say it without his authorization? What's more, if he didn't tell me, how would I know? "

Ye Feng also thinks that these should belong to the secrets of Jack Emma. If he refuses to say, victor will never know.

But Ye Feng still looked at Victor curiously and said, "I went to the police station twice. He has plenty of time to tell me, in order to fake someone else's mouth?"

Victor said to Ye Feng, "as the director of Huck Bay branch, I may be Shylock's people. Then how many Shylock's people are there in the police station? Who can know? If Jock Emma talks to you in the police station, it will reach Shylock's ears in less than a minute. Don't forget that in Huke Bay, it's not I, the police chief, or the director of the investigation bureau, but we, Shylock, the mayor, who can really take charge of life and death! "

Ye Feng looked at Victor thoughtfully for a while. After a long time, he asked Victor, "so what's the purpose of Jock Amato

Victor immediately said, "the key is Jock Emma's core technology. He surrendered at that time and had to have a general examination when he entered the game. He couldn't bring this technology with him, so he hid it somewhere..."

Ye Fengxin next move a way, "he wants me to help him to take out this thing?"

Victor said, "isn't there any gentleman's agreement between you and him? You help him and he helps you. Don't both sides get what they want? "

Ye Feng is silent again. Dante Emma is also in Huck Bay. If Jock Emma really wants to acquire this core technology, there is no more suitable one than his nephew. Why don't you choose Dante Emma and choose yourself instead? What's more, jock Emma should know that he and his nephew Dante Emma don't deal with each other. In this way, there is no reason to choose himself instead of Dante Emma.

Victor saw that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said, "what's up?"

At this time, Ye Feng pondered, "what is the core technology?"

Victor shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know that. Jock Emma didn't tell me. Shylock knew it and didn't mention it in my face. But I guess it must be a very important thing, otherwise Shylock and Jock Emma would not be so nervous about this technology! Fortunately, the federal government doesn't seem to know, otherwise the federal government will send people to Huck Bay. This little Huck Bay will be very busy! "

Ye Feng hears the speech and ponders for a while. Then he says to victor, "I want to see Jock Emma again!"

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