Ye Feng follows Libo Zhihui all the way and goes along the road. On the way, Libo Zhihui still talks and laughs with Ye Feng, as if nothing happened. However, Ye Feng notes that the UAV behind him has been following them secretly, never falling behind.

But fortunately, we soon saw Huck Bay FBI branch in front. After Ye Feng and Libo Zhihui entered the gate, Libo Zhihui immediately said to Ye Feng, "you can rest assured that the two drones are no different from scrap iron now!"

Ye Feng can't help looking back at what Li Bo Zhihui says, but he sees that the two UAVs are still hovering in mid air. Whether they can be photographed again, Ye Feng doesn't know, but he does see that the anti UAV doesn't dare to fly close to the sub Bureau.

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "is there a separate security system here?"

Libo Zhihui led Ye Feng forward and explained to Ye Feng, "of course, you can't forget that the FBI is independent of some systems and only listens to the president of the federal government, while the sub bureaus below us just listen to the general administration. So even if Shylock is the governor, he has nothing to do with us!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech. It seems that there is such a thing in the impression, but he still says, "even so, as soon as I leave here, I will be watched immediately!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't worry. You go to my office with me first. I have good longarsenbao tea there. You've been away for so long. I don't think you've tasted this kind of tea for a long time."

Ye Feng didn't speak. He followed Libo Zhihui to his office. After Libo Zhihui opened the door, Ye Feng frowned. This may be the most messy office he has ever seen. Things are everywhere. Papers are piled up on the desk. Socks on the sofa and clothes are thrown everywhere.

Libo Zhihui walked in with a look of indifference, and turned back to Ye Feng and said, "come in and sit down. You're welcome! Close the door to me by the way

After Ye Feng goes in and closes the door of the office, he takes a glance at the situation in the office. Libo Zhihui asks him to sit casually, but where else can he sit here?

Libo Zhihui seems to see this. He immediately goes over, holds up the clothes and socks on the sofa and puts them to one side, and asks Ye Feng to sit down.

After Ye Feng sat down, Li Bo Zhihui took out an iron box from the cupboard under his desk, on which the words of longarsenbao tea were clearly written.

Libo Zhihui then brought two cups. After sitting down, he began to put tea into the two cups. After soaking them with water, he said with a smile to Ye Feng, "single men are all Dexing. You're also a man. Shouldn't you be surprised?"

Ye Feng secretly says that he is also single and lazy to clean up, but he is definitely not as slovenly as Libo Zhihui. It must be that few people in the world are as slovenly as Libo Zhihui.

However, Ye Feng knows that he did not come to his office with Libo Zhihui to see his working environment. Naturally, he did not come to drink longarsenbao tea with Libo Zhihui.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said, "I'd better get down to business. You said I'll come back with you. Do you have a way to help me out? It's not for tea, is it? "

At this time, Libo Zhihui had already brewed the tea and moved a cup to the front and back of Ye Feng's face. Then he said, "you drink it first!"

Ye Feng had no choice but to take a few sips of the cup. He felt that the taste of the tea was very bitter, and it didn't look like the taste of tea. It was a bit like coffee, but it wasn't entirely coffee. He thought to himself that even if he didn't drink it all his life, he wouldn't miss the taste, would he?

Thinking that Ye Feng immediately put down his tea cup and frowned at Libo Zhihui, he saw that Libo Zhihui was very fragrant and immediately said, "can we talk now?"

Libo Zhihui took a look at Ye Feng's tea cup. He immediately said, "you drink it first!"

Ye Feng repeatedly waved his hand and said, "forget it, this kind of high-grade goods, I don't have that blessing to enjoy!"

After Libo Zhihui finished the tea, he wiped his mouth, looked at Ye Feng and said, "if you don't drink this tea, how can I help you out?"

Ye Feng can't help but frown at the tea cup on the table and look at Libo Zhihui again. "Do you help me out of trouble and have something to do with this tea?"

Libo Zhihui nodded and said, "you drink it first, then you will know!"

Ye Feng looked at Libo Zhihui dubiously, but he still hesitated to take up the tea cup, frowned and drank up the tea. He endured bitterness and swallowed it. Then he said to Libo Zhihui, "can you say it now?"

Libo Zhihui looked at his watch and said, "it's not time yet. Wait a minute!"

Ye Feng looks at Li Bo Zhihui's appearance, and his heart is suddenly awed. The goods are looking at the time. Is there anything wrong with the tea?

Libo Zhihui looked at his watch and said, "don't underestimate this tea. It's my teacher's latest product!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "Qiao Ke Emma?"Li Bo immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "how many teachers do I have? Of course it's him

Ye Feng frowned and said, "how can this tea help me get away?"

Libo Zhihui said to Ye Feng calmly, "don't worry. Just wait for a while."

Ye Feng can't help looking impatiently at Libo Zhihui in front of him. He secretly says that this boy won't be playing with himself. Can he get rid of the UAV outside by drinking a cup of tea?

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng can't help but frown and stare at Libo Zhihui in front of him, only to find that his appearance is slightly changing at this time.

Ye Feng immediately surprised way, "this is how to return a responsibility?"

Li Bo Zhi Hui sees Ye Feng staring at him, can't help touching his face and saying, "how? Has it changed? "

leaves in a wink as like as two peas, who have changed a person in a flash. The most surprising thing is that the man who made the wave of Zhibo is himself.

Libo Zhihui then stares at Ye Feng and says, "you drink late. The time of change may be later than me Huh? It has changed... "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately touched to touch own face way, "I also changed?"

At this time, Libo Zhihui stood up, went to his desk, rummaged through the boxes and found a mirror, handed it to Ye Feng and said, "have a look for yourself!"

Ye Feng took a look in the mirror and was stunned. He looked at himself in the mirror and said to Libo Zhihui, "have I become you?"

In my heart, I was even more surprised. When I and Libo Zhihui came, just after a cup of tea, Libo Zhihui became himself, and he became himself?

Libo Zhihui nodded at this time and said, "but this kind of change has a time limit. It will last about three hours at most. You have to hurry up!" Then he immediately stood up and began to take off his clothes. He also reminded Ye Feng, "you also hurry! Let's change

Ye Feng looked at Li Bo Zhihui, who was taking off his coat in front of him. Then he stood up and said in surprise, "what's the principle? What if three or five people drink the tea together? "

Libo Zhihui said, "who will give three or five people a drink? This tea can only be drunk by two people. After drinking it, you can change the appearance. The principle is that when you have a chance to ask my teacher in person! "

He said that he had taken off his trousers and urged Ye Feng to say, "what are you waiting for? In three hours, it's gone in the blink of an eye! "

Ye Feng immediately reached out to take off his clothes and trousers. At this time, he found that not only his appearance had changed, but also his height had changed. His trousers looked longer.

After Ye Feng takes off his clothes and trousers, Libo Zhihui immediately takes them over and puts them on. Ye Feng also quickly changes into Libo Zhihui's clothes.

After Ye Feng was dressed, he said to Libo Zhihui, "are you sure that no one is following you?"

Libo Zhihui said, "I've been here for such a long time. I doubt everything that should be doubted, and I won't doubt anything that shouldn't be doubted. So you don't have to worry. Even if someone follows me, I won't be so strict with you as I am now!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, and then toward Li Bo Zhi Hui way, "that I first flash!"

Libo Zhihui reminds Ye Feng again, "three hours, you control the time by yourself, or I won't be responsible for the show!"

Ye Feng also reminded Libo Zhihui, "don't use my appearance to cheat!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said, "you are wrong. I just want to use your appearance to cheat. Otherwise, how can I attract the UAV outside for you?"

As soon as Ye Feng listens, he nods to Libo Zhihui and leaves his office.

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