When Ye Feng went downstairs, he happened to pass by his office. He went to the door and looked inside. Zhuo wanqiu saw Ye Feng and immediately said, "he's not here!"

Ye Feng knew that Zhuo wanqiu was talking about himself. With a slight frown, he pressed his voice and said, "I know. I just came to have a look!" After that, he went in on purpose to have a look.

The cat face people look at themselves in almost the same way as they looked at Libo Zhihui. Ye Feng knows that they don't like Libo Zhihui very much.

Ye Feng didn't speak much. He took a look at Gu zhaohuichi, who hasn't woken up yet in the corner of the wall. Seeing this, he immediately said, "he's my friend. He's hurt on the road. I'll take him to have a rest and leave when he wakes up!"

After Ye Feng nodded, he turned and left the office. He felt a burst of joy, which was even worse than the disguise of Dixie. These people who lived with him day and night regarded themselves as bozhihui, let alone an outsider.

Ye Feng thought and left the branch. When he went out, he glanced at his two drones in midair. However, he found that when the drone saw him coming out, there was really no change. It was obviously not aimed at Libo Zhihui.

Ye Feng then walked in a direction, and saw that the UAV did not keep up with him, so he was completely relieved. Then he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Dixie in the past, "not for the time being, I've changed my face successfully!"

Dixie immediately gave a phone call back to Ye Feng and said, "what task do you need to perform?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "I have nothing to do with you. Wait till I come back! Just protect Joanna! "

After hanging up Dixie's phone, Ye Feng made a few detours on the street to prevent Libo Zhihui from being tracked. Finally, he left the city in a remote corner and walked back to the Research Institute of Jock Emma from the path on the other side of the woods.

This distance is not close, but in order not to arouse doubt, Ye Feng still keeps walking, only in this way can he completely get rid of surveillance.

Although the distance is long, Ye Feng feels that his feet are not slow. It seems that his walking speed is much faster than before. It should have been 50 or 60 minutes, but it took Ye Feng less than 40 minutes to get there.

Ye Feng observed the periphery of the Research Institute. As before, there was no one in the Research Institute.

Ye Feng went back to the place where they had gone to have a look, but then he remembered that although jesteffe had cracked the power system here before, it only lasted about half an hour. According to eisf's time, it would be about 50 minutes. That's a long time ago. Now the fence must be full of electricity again.

Ye Feng looks at the barbed wire fence and hesitates. He thinks whether he wants to go through the main gate. If he goes through the main gate, he will expose Libo Zhihui. He doesn't know if he will leave any trouble for Libo Zhihui.

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng noticed that the electric current on the wire mesh seemed to be visible to his naked eyes. Not only that, but also the electric current on the wire mesh seemed to be moving towards him. The electric current on the wire mesh was spitting out like snake letters.

Ye Feng can't help but feel a move when he sees this. Before that, they started their experiment in the underground laboratory. They seem to have absorbed all the polar electricity from Joanna. I don't know if these electric snakes on the wire mesh are reflecting each other with the polar electricity in their body.

Think of here, leaf maple heart secretly think, if so, then he is not afraid of electricity?

This has not been confirmed, but Ye Feng has an instinctive impulse in his body. He wants to test whether he is not afraid of the electricity on the barbed wire.

And thought to do, Ye Feng has squatted in front of the barbed wire, then he found that the closer he is to the barbed wire, the larger and longer the electric snake from the barbed wire current jet, and even has touched his own body, but he didn't feel at all, which has indicated that he doesn't need to take any risks at all, and can completely prove that he has completely lost I'm not afraid of electricity.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately reaches out and grabs the barbed wire in front of him. In an instant, Ye Feng feels a warm current flowing into his body. To be more precise, flowing is not the best adjective. It should be said that pouring is more accurate.

At the same time, the electrical equipment in the whole institute went on strike, all the lights went out in an instant, and all the running machines stopped.

Ye Feng then released his hand, although he did not see the situation in the research institute experiment, but through these currents, he could know all this in his consciousness.

He even knew that if he kept holding on to the barbed wire, it might even lead to the power failure of the whole Huck Bay in a short time.

After Ye Feng released his hands, he could not help looking at his hands in surprise. He even saw that there was residual current between his fingers. His heart could not help but move. If he had this ability, would he be invincible in eisf?

After all, I'm not very familiar with everything on the planet. I haven't met any more abnormal people, so I'm not sure whether it's against the sky to earn my own electrified function, but I don't want to deal with these people in the Research Institute.Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately jumped. Originally, he wanted to jump directly with his own hand holding the barbed wire fence. He didn't want to jump two or three meters in height. If he didn't control it, he would be able to fly to the sky. If he had this function, he would need a magnetic levitation suit. Besides, the magnetic levitation suit had been burned by the extreme electricity since he was fully charged last time.

Ye Feng had just fallen down when he saw the Research Institute building. Many people had already come from the building. From their noisy voices, Ye Feng heard that the research institute had been completely power-off, and their work at hand could not last any longer. So he had to come out to see what was going on, and several electricians rushed over there to check what was going on.

Ye Feng took advantage of this time, hiding on one side, observed the side of the research building, he immediately from the other side, slowly toward the side of the research building.

Ye Feng didn't notice that he was walking very fast. The people in front of the building didn't see how Ye Feng slipped into the building behind them.

After entering the building, Ye Feng immediately walked towards the second floor, along the corridor. Because Jock Emma had been arrested, there were few people in his laboratory. Ye Feng was even more indomitable, and soon came to Jock Emma's office.

After opening the door of the office and going in, Ye Feng breathed a sigh. The pleasure of the invincible version has not existed in himself for a long time. Although the skill may be brand new, the invincible feeling is familiar.

However, the office is dark, even to the point where you can't see your fingers, and now Ye Feng is outside, and the power has been cut off, and it's impossible to turn on the lights.

However, Ye Feng still subconsciously reached for the switch. As soon as his hand pressed the switch, he remembered that there was a power failure here. However, the next second, the light suddenly came on. It was only then that he found that if there was any worse office in the world than Libo Zhihui's, it must be here.

However, Libo Zhihui doesn't like to clean up, but it can be seen that he has been damaged by human beings, so he must have been checked before he came here.

And leaf maple heart immediately move, secret way is so fast outside the power grid system has been repaired? He immediately looked outside, from the window just can see the situation outside, those people are still standing outside, and there are people out of the building, which means that there is no electricity in the building.

Ye Feng can't help looking at the lighting system in surprise. He suddenly understands what's going on in his heart. The power on here may be completely due to the extreme electricity in his body.

But then Ye Feng went to turn off the light, and the whole building was out of electricity. Only the office here was a little bit, which was not the same as telling the whole research institute that there was something wrong with this office?

But after turning off the light, the room darkened again. Ye Feng missed his special ability. He could see more clearly in the dark than others, but this skill didn't seem to come.

Ye Feng didn't think much. He took out his mobile phone and turned on the lighting system. He didn't need to turn on the light at all.

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