Ye Feng rummaged around here, but he didn't see the pen that Jock Emma said. Looking at the messy place, Ye Feng couldn't help but have a headache. The office is big or small, and it's chaotic everywhere. It's not easy to find a humble pen to talk about.

After looking for some time, Ye Feng had a little rest. He saw that the ground was full of other people's debris. He didn't know when to find them.

Ye Feng is resting. At this time, it seems that there is a sound of footwork outside the door. Then there is a voice of a person saying, "it's true. I just saw that the light in President Jock's office was on!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, this isn't oneself just turn on the light just now to the person outside to lead, the heart can't help a tiny sigh.

At this time, another voice outside said, "you must be wrong. Now the whole research institute is out of power. How can a single office have power?"

Before the voice immediately said, "no matter what, go in and have a look, feel safe!" Just then, the door of the office had been opened.

At this time, Ye Feng had already hidden under the desk. After the other party opened the door, he looked at the office, but he couldn't see clearly. He immediately reached for the switch, but the light didn't come on.

At this time, after listening to one immediately said, "I say, the whole hospital is blackout, how can a single office be a little bit, you must be wrong!"

The previous voice was a bit inaccurate. If he didn't come up, he felt sure that he saw the light on in this office, but now he was completely confused.

After a voice immediately said, "and there is nothing here long ago, things have been moved, who will come here to steal, let's go!"

When Ye Feng heard this, his heart suddenly moved. It turned out that some things here had been moved away. Thinking of this, he leaned out his head from behind the table and looked in the direction of the door.

But see two people have left the door, toward the corridor that way, Ye Feng see immediately a brisk step forward, instant knock fainted a, then pinch another person's neck, then one hand holding a, another hand holding the fainted man back to the office of Jock Emma.

The person that is pinched by Ye Feng is desolate in the heart, this is more certain that the office must be bright just now, otherwise how can he be attacked.

At this time, Ye Feng put the man against the wall and asked in a deep voice, "where have the things in this office been moved?"

The man's throat was pinched by Ye Feng. At this time, he wanted to speak, but he made a rustling sound. He couldn't say a word at all.

At this time, Ye Feng humed again, "I'll let go. If you dare to shout, I'll break your neck directly!" Finish saying to see that person desperately nodded, this just released a hand.

After waiting for ye Fengsong to open his hand, the man covered his neck and coughed a few times. Then he said, "don't kill me!"

Ye Feng hums, "ask you, where have all the things in this office been moved?"

The man said immediately, "it's been moved to the third floor!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow a wrinkly way, "third floor? Which office? "

The man even said, "I don't know..." But without waiting for him to finish, he heard the knuckles on Ye Feng's hands creaking. He immediately changed his voice and said, "the right-hand office at the end of the corridor!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately a hand blade, will this person to knock dizzy, will he and other that person tied together, and in their mouth plug things, so that even if they wake up also not to disturb other people.

After that, he left the office immediately and went up to the third floor. He walked to the end of the corridor and found the office.

But when Ye Feng's hand held the door handle, he found that the door had been locked. Ye Feng took a deep breath and twisted it. The whole lock was broken by Ye Feng, but the door was also opened.

Ye Feng immediately flashes in, closes the door, takes out his mobile phone and takes a photo. He finds that the office here is much cleaner than that of Jock Emma, but there are many things. There are several pens in the pen holder on the desk, but he doesn't know if it's the one jock Emma said.

Ye Feng went to his desk, picked up the pen on the desk and looked at it carefully. He didn't find anything special.

He took these pens for a while, and then he wanted to open the drawer, but the drawer was also locked, and Ye Feng couldn't manage so much. He directly used brute force to pull out the drawer.

At this time, I saw some documents in the drawer. In the corner of the document, there was a gold pen. It looked like a work of art, not like a pen for writing.

Ye Feng reaches out and holds the pen in his hand. He feels that the weight is different from several pens on the table. He wants to open the pen cover to have a look, but he can't open it either by pulling or twisting. Ye Feng doesn't want to use brute force to destroy the pen. He thinks that he may find it and immediately closes the drawer to be ready to leave.

And at this time, outside the door and think of a knock, Ye Feng heart immediately is a move, immediately hiding under the desk.At this time, the guard door was pushed open, but the footsteps stopped. It must be that the man had found that the door lock was broken.

But soon the sound of footsteps came again, and then came towards the desk. After the man sat down, he just sat in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looked up and found that the man's legs were black stockings, and there was a faint aroma. Suddenly, he was awed by the fact that the man was a woman.

If it wasn't for the dim room, his current position should just be able to see the other party's key parts.

But Ye Feng is not so evil. What he thinks in his heart is who the woman is. Why did he find that the door lock was broken but nothing happened?

And at this time, Ye Feng heard the sound of opening the drawer, and the sound of pulling out the drawer, unlike the owner of this office, was more impatient.

Even in the drawer that Ye Feng didn't open, he made a lot of effort. Several times he tried to open it by force, but he didn't succeed. Then there was a small noise of friction. Ye Feng knew that she was trying to open the drawer lock.

Ye Feng thinks that this woman should also want to steal something from this office. She just hopes that she can find something quickly and leave.

However, at this time, there was another sound of footstep outside the door, and she was in a hurry. The woman immediately got up, looked around, and finally went directly under her desk.

But the woman just squeezed in and found someone under the table. Just as she wanted to shout, Ye Feng's hand had covered the woman's mouth and dragged him in.

At the same time, the door of the office was opened, and the woman was afraid to speak. She just opened her eyes to see who had come earlier than her. However, the office was dark, and it was even darker under the desk.

Ye Feng can't see the woman's appearance clearly, but she feels that her body fragrance is very special. It doesn't smell good, but it's very comfortable to smell, and the taste is easy to remember. If you walk in the crowd next time, it's estimated that Ye Feng will recognize her just by the fragrance.

At this time, someone outside the door whispered, "the door lock is broken, someone must have come!" Then I heard footsteps coming into the office, and there was more than one person listening.

Those people were still holding torches in their hands and looked at every corner of the room, but they didn't care under the table.

Another voice immediately said, "according to what photo, I think I've already run away. Do you think I'll stay here waiting for you to catch me?"

The man immediately said, "what do you do? Do you want to report it? "

The other voice said, "report what? It must be our fault to report it to the higher authorities! "

The voice immediately said, "what do you do now?"

In addition, the voice said after a pause, "change the door lock first, and pretend nothing happened!"

The voice said before, "how can this be? If the key before the door lock can't be opened, don't you know that the door lock has been changed?"

In addition, the voice immediately said, "I don't know. Today's thieves are more and more skillful, but they don't appear. After the thief enters the room, he smashes the lock cylinder, which makes the original failure precedent. In short, we don't know anything. This power outage in the hospital, who knows what's going on?"

Before that voice immediately nodded, "that's it!" Said two people immediately left the office, before that person also said, "take advantage of the power failure now, hurry to change the lock again!"

Two people are still there to discuss how to make a confession, the conversation has gone far.

At this time, the woman covered by Ye Feng hummed twice in her mouth. Ye Feng immediately said, "I can release my hand, but you can't call!"

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