The woman immediately whimpered twice. At that time, she responded to Ye Feng's question. Ye Feng expected that the woman would not scream. She must not be from the Research Institute. Otherwise, it was impossible for her to hide after hearing the voice.

After Ye Feng released her hand, the woman immediately came out from under the table. Her first reaction was to run, but she thought that the two people said they would come back to change the lock later. Maybe she would meet the two people on the way. Thinking of this, she immediately took a deep breath, then stood on one side and said, "who are you?"

At this time, Ye Feng came out from under the table, and then sat on the office chair on one side, turned to face the woman. Although he could not see the woman's appearance clearly, from the figure, he could see that the woman must be wearing tights, and her figure was extremely perfect. The perfect curve, even if only seeing the figure, was enough to make a man imagine.

When the woman saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, she immediately asked, "who are you? Why are you here? "

Ye Feng shrugged at the woman and said, "I'm here for the same purpose as you, but I came about ten minutes earlier than you!"

The woman stood in the corner, staring at Ye Feng, trying to see Ye Feng's appearance in the dark, but she couldn't see it clearly.

She said to Ye Feng immediately, "do you know what I'm here for?"

Ye Feng picked up a pen from the table and said to the woman, "are you looking for this pen?"

That woman a listen to this words, immediately heart next a Lin, stare at the pen of leaf Feng hand to looking at a way, "you got?"

Ye Feng was to test the purpose of this woman, at this time listen to this woman said, immediately know, and his guess, this woman and his purpose is the same, just don't know who she is for.

Ye Feng turned the pen in his hand and said, "you see, what else to say!"

The woman looked at Ye Feng silently for a long time. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "you give me the pen, I won't kill you!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a surprised, this woman good big tone, mouth sneer a way, "kill me?"

Don't think that woman is also sneer a way, "just now if didn't come two people, you have already been killed by me!"

Ye Feng's heart was filled with awe when he heard the speech. Just now, he was really a little distracted. The main reason was that the woman's body fragrance was too special, which was not the most important. The important thing was that Ye Feng gradually felt that it was not the first time that he had smelled the smell, so he had some panic.

I didn't expect that when I was thinking about this, others were thinking about killing myself. If so, I really want to thank those two people.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to the woman, "if you want me to kill me, you can do it now!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the woman said, "I don't care who you work for. You'd better give me the pen. I can let you go. We'll take it as if we've never seen it before!"

Ye Feng looks at this woman, although can't see her appearance clearly, but from her tone, she must be full of self-confidence, and this kind of self-confidence, is not that kind of blind, but really confident that she is sure to kill herself.

Ye Feng can't help but sigh a way, "for a pen, will kill, girl, you are very angry!"

The woman immediately stepped forward and said, "cut the crap and hand it in quickly. Don't force me to do it!"

Ye Feng continued to turn the pen in his hand, but said, "I also want to see how you killed me, you do it!"

That woman originally approached Ye Feng step by step. Listening to Ye Feng's words, she was stunned. Would anyone take the initiative to die?

But thought of Ye Feng tone completely did not mean to be afraid, then took a deep breath and asked Ye Feng, "who are you? Why do people do things? "

But Ye Feng said with a smile to the woman, "this is exactly what I want to ask you!"

The woman hummed coldly at this time, "don't cry if you don't see the coffin!" Finish saying immediately a brisk step forward, toward leaf maple and come.

Ye Feng saw the cold light in the woman's hand, and knew that the woman had a murder weapon in her hand. Since the woman was full of confidence, Ye Feng did not dare to neglect.

However, Ye Feng didn't move. Instead, he responded to the changes with constancy. When the dagger in the woman's hand stabbed her, she pushed her foot on the ground and immediately slid along the chair to one side, avoiding the blow.

But it's not over. The woman stabbed the air with a knife and immediately turned the blade. In an instant, she rowed towards Ye Feng's neck.

Ye Feng heart next one Lin, this woman although only two moves, but Ye Feng can see, this woman knife kill move, really is the intention to take their own life.

After Ye Feng once again dodged away, he thought that since you're not polite, I don't need to be polite with you.

When thinking about Ye Feng's avoiding, she suddenly takes a hand and grabs the woman's wrist. The woman doesn't seem to think that Ye Feng will make a sudden move, but she doesn't dodge. At this time, she wants to break free, but she can't break free anyway. At this time, her heart moves. The dagger on her hand flies up in an instant, and the other hand grabs it immediately.However, at the moment when the woman wanted to catch the dagger, Ye Feng's hand was faster than her and caught the dagger. In an instant, the dagger was across the woman's neck. The woman only felt a chill on her neck. She sighed that she was facing an opponent today and was doomed.

However, there was a sound of footwork outside the door. Ye Feng and the woman moved. Ye Feng immediately put his arms around the woman and got under the table.

It's funny to think about it at this time. The skill of the two people is enough to kill them thousands of times, but they can't hide at this time, just because they don't want to scare the snake.

As soon as they got under the table, they came back, put down their tools and began to change the lock at the door.

Ye Feng and the woman are sitting under the table at this time. The knife in Ye Feng's hand is still across the woman's neck. The woman stares at Ye Feng. She feels that if the two people repair the lock and leave, Ye Feng may start.

Thinking of this, the woman wants to make a last fight. Although she may scare the snake, she is better than dying here. At least she can keep the Castle Peak and not worry about firewood.

Ye Feng has long expected that this woman is likely to make a desperate battle in a critical situation. Immediately, the dagger pokes at the woman's neck again. Then he puts a finger on the woman's mouth and shakes her head, indicating that she should not act rashly.

The woman made a judgment in her heart. If she could break away from Ye Feng before he cut his throat with her dagger after she died refuting, after thinking about it, the woman still gave up. In the face of Ye Feng, she was not absolutely sure.

And the two guys outside are still changing the lock. Although they speak in a very anxious tone and hope to change the lock quickly, their actions are not directly proportional to their anxious mood.

Ye Feng knew that they couldn't leave for a while and a half. At this time, he smelled the woman's special body fragrance. Instinctively, he moved closer to her body and smelled again. The more he smelled, the more he felt familiar.

But at this time, the woman felt that Ye Feng was deliberately taking advantage of herself, or even humiliating herself. She only hated that she was not Ye Feng's opponent, or she would like to break this guy.

At this time, the woman's heart suddenly moved again. After a while of hesitation, she deliberately leaned her body to Ye Feng's side. She thought that when Ye Feng was distracted, she would seize the dagger in Ye Feng's hand. At that time, no matter 3721, she would kill the goods first. Even if she startled the two people at the door, she would catch up with them and kill them with her own skills, and then it would be no problem to escape here.

And the woman is still thinking about the pen in Ye Feng's hand. At this time, her only hesitation is that once she grabs the dagger in Ye Feng's hand, how to grab the pen at the moment of killing him, and then go out to kill the other two people.

At this time, she practiced again and again in her mind, thinking about all kinds of possible unexpected situations, so as not to find any accident when she really started, and then it would be late.

Since I'm here for this pen, I can take it away after killing Ye Feng. That's the perfect way. Otherwise, even if I kill Ye Feng, I will leave here smoothly, and the task will be a failure.

Think of here, this woman can't help but take a deep breath, try to keep calm, body little by little toward Ye Feng close at the same time, the eyes of the remaining light is still Ye Feng's body, thinking about his pen is still in his other hand.

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