The woman's eyes stare at Ye Feng's body to look up some time, originally in the room is dim, under the table is dim, can't see clearly at all.

At this time, the woman in order to find opportunities, but also deliberately to the side of the body to Ye Feng, Ye Feng also felt that the woman's plump chest at this time are completely against his arm.

In this way, even if ye Feng was distracted, he also felt something was wrong. After all, the feeling was unusual. At this time, he could not help looking up at the woman.

Although this dark place is still not easy to see each other's face, but the natural light in the eyes, or how much can see.

Ye Feng between the eyes of the woman moving, as if in their own body looking at what, this kind of eyes will not be in favor of themselves, want to have any evil thoughts on themselves?

So Ye Feng immediately thought that the woman must be looking for the pen on her body. Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately took out the pen in his hand, and then in front of the woman, it seemed to tell her that you don't have to look around, the pen has been in my hand.

As soon as the woman saw Ye Feng shaking her pen, her eyes lit up, but then she calmed down. Ye Feng took the pen to see what she thought. This shows that Ye Feng has seen through her mind.

Thinking of this, the woman snorted and immediately drew back her body. She secretly scolded the boy for taking advantage of him for so long. It turned out that the boy had already seen through himself.

Women in the heart secretly complain, if ye Feng see through the mind, it means that his plan can not be carried out, Ye Feng at this time must have been on guard.

And at this time, the woman suddenly felt her chest cool, as if something was rowing along the middle ditch. Suddenly, her heart was cold, her eyes were wide open, and her mouth was almost scolding.

But then she felt the shape of the sliding thing, and the woman's heart suddenly moved again, which was obviously the shape of a pen. She couldn't help looking at Ye Feng in amazement. How could this guy be so kind and give the pen to herself?

Just thinking about it, the two people at the door had already started to pack up. After a while, the door slammed shut, and then they heard their footsteps go away.

After waiting for outside corridor completely did not have the slightest sound, Ye Feng this just took back the knife, that woman immediately also drilled out from under the table, immediately stretched out her hand to grope for a while in own chest, after confirming inside is a pen, immediately step back to look to under the table way, "why?"

Ye Feng slowly came out from under the table, shrugged at the woman and said, "what, why?"

The woman said to Ye Feng, "aren't you here for this pen? You are obviously in the upper hand, so there is no reason to give me this cheap, right

Ye Feng continued to shrug, "it's just a pen. What's the point of contention? You're going to work hard for this pen. I'm afraid of you. I'd better give it to you! "

The woman didn't believe Ye Feng's lies, but Ye Feng did give the pen to herself. She immediately turned her back, reached out from her chest and took out the pen inside. She put it in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully.

Ye Feng continued to sit in the boss's chair, looking at the woman and said, "how? And make sure? "

The woman immediately throws the pen to Ye Feng after she weighs it. She hums coldly, "how dare you play with me?"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "don't you want a pen? I've given it to you. How can I play with you?"

The woman snorted coldly, "I'm not your opponent. I'll admit defeat, but you are humiliating me by playing with me like this. I'll keep this hatred in mind. I'll see you later!"

Finish saying that the woman walks toward the door, leaf Feng at this time the dagger in the hand immediately a turn, the moment flew toward the door in the past, just stick in front of that woman on the doorframe.

That woman heart next move, if ye Feng a little deviation, this dagger should stick in his back, she can't help but look at the dagger, and then look back to Ye Feng way, "pen you have taken away, I also admit, what do you want?"

But Ye Feng said, "what's your name?"

The woman smelled speech facial expression a ground to see a leaf maple, "said you also don't know!"

Ye Feng then said to the woman, "don't you remember my revenge? When you and I leave here, it's estimated that no one knows who. Even if you remember my revenge again, what's the use?"

When a woman hears this, she feels the same. She doesn't even see the other person's face clearly. She also says that she wants to seek revenge. It's hard to find him again, let alone revenge.

Think of here, the woman immediately cold hum a way, "do you dare to say your name?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "Ye Feng!"

The woman smell speech facial expression to move a way, "you are leaf maple?"

Ye Feng surprised way, "do you know me?" Heart is a move, he said his name is too impulsive, do not know the origin of this woman.

I don't want to, but the woman said, "I don't know, but I've heard your name. Recently, you are a red man in Huke Bay. OK, I know where to find you. See you later..."Ye Feng immediately stood up and said, "I don't know your name yet!"

The woman sneered and said, "next time I suddenly put a dagger in your back, I'll tell you!" With that, he immediately pulled out the dagger on the doorframe, then opened the door and left.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng immediately took out the heavy pen and took a look at it. Then he left the office.

But just as Ye Feng came to the end of the corridor, he heard a rush of footsteps coming from the corridor, and the people called, "she's on the top of the building, chase me!"

Ye Feng heart next move, secret way that woman was found? Thinking that he immediately leaned against the side of the safe passage and listened to the sound of footsteps behind the door and went upstairs.

After the sound gradually faded away, Ye Feng immediately opened the door and walked up the corridor. His steps were very light, but soon, he heard someone bumping into the door on the roof one day, and he was crying not to let him run away.

Ye Feng is waiting below. After the door leading to the rooftop is knocked open, the group of people rush to the rooftop, and Ye Feng follows them. Standing behind the door, he has a look first, but he sees a dozen people searching the rooftop in a carpet style.

Ye Fengxin next move, also along the door toward the outside scan for some time, see in a water pipe behind a half body, looks like the woman just now.

And those who search are searching elsewhere, the figure immediately began to move towards the door, but bent down, also from time to time to observe the situation around, Ye Feng still did not see her face clearly.

When the woman was near the door, Ye Feng saw the woman's face clearly. On her white face, her eyes were especially sharp, but at the same time, the woman saw Ye Feng behind the door, and her eyes were suddenly cold.

That woman doesn't seem to know Ye Feng, but when she meets Ye Feng's four eyes, she suddenly thinks of the dark eyes in the office downstairs, and immediately knows who it is.

The woman's face sank, squatting in the original place looking at Ye Feng, after all, she did not know whether Ye Feng was a friend or an enemy.

When Ye Feng looks at this woman, a woman's picture suddenly appears in his mind, but it's red, naked and body. Suddenly, his heart is awe inspiring. Why do you see such a picture in this woman's mind.

While Ye Feng was distracted, the dagger in the woman's hand immediately flew towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng immediately dodged away from him. At the same time, the woman jumped in from the outside. Someone on the top of the building saw her and yelled, "she's in again!"

When the woman passed by Ye Feng, she found that Ye Feng didn't mean to stop her. She was surprised. She glanced at Ye Feng's four eyes for a moment, but she didn't dare to stay. She immediately supported the railing and jumped directly from the upper layer to the lower layer. When she got to the lower layer, she immediately grasped the railing and continued to jump to the lower layer. In an instant, she was surprised Kung Fu is at the bottom, and it's gone in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the people outside have rushed over. Ye Feng immediately closes the iron door and locks it. Then he goes downstairs like the woman. It's faster than walking on the top of the building. But when Ye Feng reaches the bottom of the building, the woman has already disappeared.

Ye Feng immediately ran to the outside, but at this time, he heard the sound of footwork coming from the outside. At the same time, the woman rushed in from the outside again, just opposite Ye Feng's four eyes, and then ran to one side of the corridor.

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