Ye Feng knew that someone must have found out outside, so he was chasing soldiers outside at this time. He didn't want to. He immediately followed the woman's steps and ran along the corridor.

However, Ye Feng's footwork is far better than that of this woman. In a moment, she has already arrived at her side. The woman looks at Ye Feng in surprise. After frowning, she doesn't say anything and continues to run.

Soon they ran to the end of the corridor, pushed open a door and went in. Then they locked the door. The room was completely sealed. There was not even a window. They could hardly see their fingers. But when they smelled the rotten smell, they knew that it should be a warehouse.

After the woman was out of breath for a long time, there was a "bang bang" outside the iron door, and someone was calling them out.

Ye Feng is out of breath, and then he takes out his mobile phone, ready to turn on the lighting, but as soon as the flashlight is turned on, the dagger in the woman's hand comes towards Ye Feng's neck.

Ye Feng heart next move, immediately a avoid body to get out of the way, but listen to that woman cold hum a way, "you want to cheat me? You are Libo Zhihui, pretending to be Ye Feng? When I'm three years old? "

Ye Feng has just come back to his senses, thinking that he has forgotten that his appearance is now Libo Zhihui, not his own, but judging from this woman's sentence, this woman has seen Libo Zhihui, but it's not sure whether she has seen her.

Ye Feng avoid after, immediately toward that woman way, "do you know Li Bo Zhi Hui?"

That woman with a knife, estimated also did not expect to be able to assassinate Ye Feng, a knife failed, did not continue to attack, just staring at Ye Feng said, "Federal Bureau of investigation hukewan branch director Libo Zhihui, who does not know in hukewan?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and asked, "do you know Ye Feng?"

The woman immediately hummed coldly, "I've never heard of it, but you're definitely not Ye Feng! Don't you tell me that Ye Feng and Libo Zhihui are the same person? I'm not that easy to cheat! "

Ye Feng suddenly realized that this woman had never seen herself, at least Ye Feng. As for the connection with Satan, Ye Feng couldn't remember for the moment.

However, Ye Feng's heart moved at this time. Since he was not sure about the secret way, he could try it out. He thought to look at the woman immediately and said, "do you know Satan?"

Don't want that woman a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, surprised looking at leaf maple way, "what?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to the woman, "I'll ask casually!"

The woman snapped at once, "ask casually? It's too far away from the topic, isn't it? Hello, what does Satan do? Do you know Satan? What's your relationship with Satan? Do you know where he is? Tell me, where is he hiding? Don't say what experiments he participated in. I don't believe that! "

Ye Feng listen to this woman's tone more and more urgent, sentence after sentence, a question after question, it is just like the laser gun, does not give Ye Feng a chance to breathe.

Ye Feng saw in the eye, at this time took a deep breath, he was sure that the woman in front of him must have something to do with the previous himself, but he couldn't think of it for the moment, but from the woman's tone, he could see that his judgment was not wrong.

After the woman asked, she saw Ye Feng staring at her, but she didn't say a word. Her face immediately changed and said, "did he ask you to come to me? Where is he? "

Ye Feng then sighed slightly, "I'm very curious, listen to your tone seems to hate him, but it seems to care about the appearance!"

The woman immediately snorted, "hate? Why should I hate him? I care about him? Are you kidding? " After saying this, the facial expression suddenly a change ground looking at leaf maple way, "these again have what relation with you?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng asked the woman, "you must have a close relationship with him, right? Although you don't admit it, I can see that you care about him very much! "

The woman immediately turned her back and didn't let Ye Feng see her look, but she still hummed coldly, "I care about pigs and dogs, but I don't care about him!"

However, the more the woman said that, the more Ye Feng knew that her relationship with the woman was not simple, but her memory was damaged, and she could not remember at all. The only picture she could remember was the naked body in the sea of her brain.

But this is the picture, Ye Feng did not see clearly that woman in the end is not in front of this woman, just guess since it is because of meeting this woman, this picture appears in the brain, so that woman should be in front of this woman.

And according to Ye Feng's past experience on earth, it's not unusual for him to hunt beautiful women. This beautiful woman in front of him, regardless of her beauty or figure, can be called a beauty even if she is on earth. If he really meets her before, it's not unusual to let her go.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately said to the beauty, "you come to Huke bay just to find Satan?"

The woman's face sank and looked back at Ye Feng. Then she hummed coldly, "must I come to Huke bay for him?"

The purpose of Ye Feng's question is to know if this woman is a native of Huke Bay. After hearing her saying this, she knows that she came to Huke Bay because she may be in Huke Bay. Then she and she should have met in longarsene castle, or in the place where she had a previous mission.However, looking at the woman who was so excited when she heard that, Ye Feng can also imagine that maybe she had a dew love affair with her before, and she patted her ass and left after she finished, but the woman was attracted to herself. This kind of thing has not happened even on earth. Love is the same thing on any planet.

Thinking that this might be his evil, Ye Feng sighed and said to the woman, "tell me, why do you want to find that pen? Who do you work for? "

As soon as the woman heard this, she immediately looked at Ye Feng. After staring at him for a long time, she sneered and said, "you are the essence of an agent. At this time, do you still want to know my secret?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "it's not all. I just think that since you came to Huke bay for Satan's sake, how can you help people do these things?"

That woman immediately cold hum a way, "I emphasize again, I come here, not for that bastard!"

The clang clang sound of the iron door never stopped. At this time, the iron door has been knocked out of shape, and people outside yelled to the inside, "if you don't take the initiative to surrender, we will open the door with a laser. At that time, it's useless for you to surrender!"

Ye Feng and the woman all listened in their ears and looked at each other. They all knew that once the door was opened by laser bombardment, the power might spread to it.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he said to the woman, "let's leave here first!"

The woman smelled the speech and said, "there are so many people outside, and they must have weapons. Do you want to rush out?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "it's better than waiting to die here, isn't it?"

The woman looked at Ye Feng hesitantly and said, "Li Bo Zhi Hui? I heard that you have been in hukewan branch for so many years, and you have never handled any cases. You just muddle along all day. When did you become so brave? "

Ye Feng was shocked when he heard the speech. Was the former Libo Zhihui like this? But he said to the woman, "don't you know that some men are brave only in front of beautiful women! Maybe I am such a person! "

The woman smell speech face suddenly move, can't help but think of before in the office under the table, he was Ye Feng take advantage of things, suddenly a burst of anger staring at Ye Feng.

Libo Zhihui looks much older than Ye Feng, and he has a family. At this age, unless his body is defective, his children will be very old. It's a woman's unspeakable disgust that such a person should tease himself.

But Ye Feng didn't care about the woman's look, immediately looked at the door, and then reminded the woman, "you stand behind me, we are ready to rush out!"

That woman smell speech heart next move, hesitated to see a leaf maple, but in the heart is thinking, now is a turtle in the urn, the only possibility is to break out from this door, see leaf maple posture seems to be very sure.

Thinking of this, the woman thought to herself that she would hide behind him and see what happened after rushing out. Besides, if there was any danger, she would not care about his life and death. She thought that she would go behind Ye Feng.

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