Ye Feng saw that the woman was hiding behind him, so he took a deep breath. Then he walked towards the iron gate, took a deep breath, and put his hands directly on the iron gate.

The woman stood behind Ye Feng, looking at Ye Feng's hands touching the door. She didn't know what he wanted. She turned her head and looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "what are you going to do?"

Don't want that woman voice just fall, but suddenly see Ye Feng's body seems to have a layer of white halo is gradually rising, at the beginning also can't see what is, as time goes on, the white light on the body gradually became a small electric snake, keep spitting snake letter towards the iron door.

See of that woman a Leng a Leng of, don't know leaf maple body is exactly how to return a responsibility, even feel oneself stand behind him, leave him too close all have danger, unconsciously back a step.

At this time, the current on Ye Feng's body is flowing towards the iron gate. A man outside the gate was beating the door with his hand. He didn't want to hit the door with a fist. Suddenly, he was hit by the current on the iron gate and flew away for tens of meters. He fell heavily on the ground and spat at his mouth. He couldn't get up for a long time.

Other people didn't know what happened, so they soon saw a flash of electricity on the iron door. All of them didn't dare to get close. They even suspected that today's power failure might have something to do with it. Otherwise, the whole building now has no electricity. How could the iron door be electrified?

At this time, the room was dark. At this time, the electric current gradually came out of Ye Feng's body and wrapped his whole body, just like a huge light bulb. The whole warehouse was bright.

That woman's whole body is illuminated by the electric current light of Ye Feng's body, gradually can't open eyes, can only reach out to block in front of their own eyes, don't let the strong light through their hands.

At this time, the electric current of Ye Feng's whole body is gradually concentrating on his two palms. His mind suddenly moves. In an instant, a force of barbarism converges on his fists. Suddenly, there is a loud bang. The iron door is like a missile. It tears from the doorframe and flies out towards the door.

The people standing along the way were directly knocked by the iron gate and fainted. Some of them took off and fell down until the end of the corridor. Ye Feng's strength was not too strong. Otherwise, the iron gate would hit the wall at the end of the corridor. Those who were taken away by the iron gate were afraid that they would be pressed into meat cakes.

At this time, Ye Feng is walking towards the outside step by step. When people outside see Ye Feng, they are stunned. It feels like they are surprised to see a monster.

When some people in the distance saw Ye Feng, they suddenly felt awe inspiring. One of them immediately said, "is this Joanna back? Isn't this the result of the polar experiment? "

The woman hiding behind Ye Feng is also a mask on her face. It's the first time for her to see that someone else has this special ability to conduct electricity all over her body. She thinks that Libo Zhihui is so powerful? I haven't heard that he has these functions before. Has he been pretending all the time?

Ye Feng stood behind the corridor and looked around. He saw a glass window on one side. He raised his hand slightly. He just pushed his hand towards the other side. Immediately, an electric pole flew out of his palm. The glass on the glass window immediately broke to the ground. Even the surrounding iron frames were shaken off by Ye Feng's electric pole.

All people see Ye Feng so, all hoodwinked, thought that if he at this time, in Ye Feng that charged palm, estimated that the body will not be left, think of these, all people instinctively back, no one dare to step forward.

At this time, Ye Feng said to the woman behind him, "keep up with me, don't lose it!" At this time, the voice seems to have changed into an electric sound, a little trembling.

The woman's face was covered. After hearing what Ye Feng said, she immediately stepped forward and followed Ye Feng closely, but she didn't dare to get too close, for fear of being electrified by the current on Ye Feng's body.

And see the side of the window has been leaf maple with electric current to blow open, she can't help but ask a leaf maple, "go window?"

See Ye Feng a nod, the woman immediately toward the window side close, and Ye Feng also began to move towards the window side, the body always block in front of the woman.

At this time, in the far corner, a man was holding a laser sniper gun, aiming at Ye Feng and the woman.

Just as Ye Feng and the woman came to the window, they heard a bang, and suddenly a laser shot towards Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's heart moved when he saw this. He didn't know much about the special electrified function of his body, and he didn't know whether his body could resist the blow. He instinctively sidestepped to avoid it, and stretched out his hand to pull the woman behind him to one side.

Just as Ye Feng and the woman avoided, the laser shot a hole in the back wall. Just imagine if this shot hit Ye Feng or the woman, it was estimated that the hole was on her own body, not on the wall.

That woman is also palpitating, but more curious is that Ye Feng's hand is clearly with electric current, but just when she was in contact with her body, she only felt numb and itchy, and didn't feel electrified at all.And just in the moment of danger, Ye Feng immediately reached back to hold himself. At that moment, his hand actually covered his chest directly. She didn't even recover. She felt that the warm sun like current on Ye Feng's hand was transmitted to her whole body, which made her very comfortable. For a moment, she forgot that Ye Feng had just taken advantage of herself.

Ye Feng's eyes at this time immediately looked for the place where the laser came from, but saw that at the end of the corridor, a gun barrel was sticking out in the corner.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, and immediately pushed his palm toward the other side. Suddenly, an electric beam came out of Ye Feng's palm. In an instant, it came to the corner at the end of the corridor. The shooting speed of the electric beam was faster than that of the laser beam before. The person in the corner didn't react, and immediately felt numb.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Ye Feng's electric discharge wound around his laser sniper gun at this time. He felt that the laser sniper gun was getting hotter and hotter, and then there was a loud bang. The barrel of the laser sniper gun exploded directly. The sniper didn't respond, so the people were bombed out, and the corner of the wall collapsed, even several people around The people who were near the station were also affected. Either they were blown up by the laser clip on the spot and disappeared. Even if they were lucky enough to escape, they either lost an arm or a leg.

Everyone was shocked by the scene in front of him at this time. Unexpectedly, the extreme current in Ye Feng's hand could be even more fierce than the laser sniper gun. As soon as he raised his hand, he suffered heavy losses here.

Everyone instinctively began to escape, and no one dared to do anything more to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng at this time a pair of arrogant all eyes swept one eye at the scene of the crowd, immediately toward the woman behind, "out!"

The woman was also shocked by the scene just now. After listening to Ye Feng's words, she came back to herself and immediately turned out from the damaged window. After she went out, Ye Feng followed her.

And dozens of people in the corridor can only watch Ye Feng walk away with that woman, but none of them dare to come out to chase. It's no wonder that no one wants to disappear from eisf's world.

After that, Ye Feng took the woman directly to an aircraft, until they got on the aircraft. After the woman drove the aircraft to the sky, no one dared to take the lead.

Ye Feng and other women will fly out of the scope of the Research Institute, this just put away the body was extremely powerful, returned to normal.

While driving the aircraft, the woman took a look at Ye Feng from the rearview mirror. When she saw that all the current on Ye Feng disappeared, she relaxed her way. "What's your ability? Isn't that abnormal? If you have this ability, the whole Huck Bay is not your rival! "

Ye Feng didn't say anything. He was worried about a problem. He was showing his face as Libo Zhihui. He didn't know if he would cause any trouble to Libo Zhihui afterwards. Before, he was full of something, and he didn't know if he showed his true face. He was not sure at this time.

When the woman saw that Ye Feng didn't speak, she took a look at Ye Feng from the rear mirror. Her face suddenly changed, but she saw Ye Feng sitting behind. At this time, her appearance was changing subtly. She had already been completely different from Li Bo Zhihui before. She didn't look like a person. She was shocked and said, "are you really not Li Bo Zhihui?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng takes up his mobile phone, turns on the camera and takes a look at himself. He finds that he has begun to recover his original appearance. He is still muttering in his heart. This Libo Zhihui is only three hours old. How long will it take to recover his original shape?

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