At this time, while driving the aircraft, the woman looked at Ye Feng from the rearview mirror from time to time. She saw that Ye Feng had completely recovered and his appearance was no longer changed. She could not help asking Ye Feng, "are you really Ye Feng?"

Ye Feng then shrugged at the woman and said, "I always say I'm Ye Feng, but you don't believe me!"

That woman a burst of surprise, the heart is all kinds of startled, Ye Feng before the body of the extreme electricity has scared her, now Ye Feng can arbitrarily change the appearance, this is a monster, this woman's heart now still plop plop incessantly, then think of before Ye Feng asked himself Satan, secretly think that Ye Feng really has what special function, can see through others What do you think?

Ye Feng saw that the woman's look was not right, and immediately said to her, "you don't have to be nervous, these changes of my body can be explained by science!"

The woman can't help but look at Ye Feng and then says, "can this situation be explained scientifically? I believe you, ghost

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "if I'm really a ghost, it's better!"

The woman didn't say anything. She immediately found a landing point and landed the aircraft. As soon as the aircraft stopped, she immediately got off the driver's seat and ran to the front with all her strength.

However, after running for a while, I found that Ye Feng didn't catch up at all. I was completely relieved. I leaned against a tree and looked breathlessly towards the aircraft. I was still cursing in my heart. I really saw the ghost.

At this time, Ye Feng's voice rang out behind him and said, "how long do you plan to run?"

When the woman heard the voice, she screamed with fright. She knew it was Ye Feng just by listening to the voice. She didn't have time to make sure. She immediately ran to one side again until her legs couldn't make any effort. Then she supported a tree with her hand and couldn't stop breathing. She looked back to see if ye Feng had caught up with her.

Then the woman thought that Ye Feng had been haunted to her side before, and her heart suddenly turned around the tree. After she didn't see Ye Feng, she was completely relieved and muttered, "what is this guy?"

And just after the woman mumbled, Ye Feng's voice sounded on her head, "of course I'm human!"

That woman smell speech immediately frighten of her face have no human color, but at this time the legs already completely can't make any strength, can only sit down on the ground, look up to the tree, but see Ye Feng is sitting on the tree fork at this time, the face takes a smile to look at oneself.

The woman immediately said in a loud voice, "I can't run away from you. What do you want?"

Ye Feng directly jumped down from the tree, stood on the woman's side and said, "I don't want to do anything, I just want to ask, who do you work for?"

The woman immediately looked up at Ye Feng and said, "you just kill me. I can't betray my victim!"

Ye Feng can't help staring at the woman for a moment. Then he nods. He understands the woman's mind. She must be employed all the year round. That's why she has this professional habit. It shows that the woman is a professional.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to her, "since you don't want to say it, I won't force you, but Huke Bay is not safe recently, and you failed this time. I think you should leave Huke Bay this morning. It's not a long stay!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately turned around and left. She didn't want the woman to stand up and stare at Ye Feng's back. Then she cried, "wait a minute!"

Ye Feng stops and looks back at the woman. "What's the matter?"

After biting her lips, the woman asked Ye Feng, "do you know Satan?"

Ye Feng's face didn't have the slightest expression, but after staring at the woman for a long time, he nodded and said, "it can be said that!"

That woman a listen to this words, complexion immediately peep out a ray of surprise, but then some excitedly looking at Ye Feng way, "so where is he?"

Ye Feng did not answer, just looking at the woman did not speak.

The woman immediately said, "I don't ask where he is, then you can at least tell you if he is still alive?"

Ye Feng just nodded and said, "live, live better than you and me!"

On hearing this, the woman's face flashed a trace of happiness, but then she showed a trace of indignation and said, "I knew this guy had no conscience, and he even avoided me alive!"

Ye Feng then toward that woman way, "perhaps he is not to hide you, just have difficult to say to hide!"

The woman immediately said, "hard to hide? What's so hard to say? You guys are all like this. After that, you pat your ass and leave. The usual excuse is that it's hard to say what's hidden! "

Ye Feng a pair of words and stop appearance, finally a little sigh, nothing said, turned and left.

The woman immediately stopped Ye Feng and said, "my name is Yueying Wuxiu. If you see Satan again, tell him!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, looked back at a shadow of the moon sleeveless, mouth murmured about the name, but still no impression.

After staring at the shadow of the moon for a moment, he nodded and then turned to leave.I don't want to ask Ye Feng, "can I go to hukewan branch of FBI and find you?"

Ye Feng did not look back at the shadow of the moon and said, "you don't have to go to me. I just said that you'd better leave Huke Bay. It's not safe here!" Then the figure disappeared into the woods.

Yueying Wuxiu is still standing in the same place. He always sees Ye Feng's figure disappear and never leave. He always feels that Ye Feng's voice is familiar. However, although Ye Feng has heard his name in Huke Bay, he should not have the chance to meet him. But what's this strange feeling?

At this time, a rustling sound came from the other side of the forest, and the moon shadow's face changed when she heard the sound, and immediately ran to one side.

But soon, the shadow of the moon without sleeves stopped, and the rustling sound behind her was completely out of hearing. The shadow of the moon without sleeves immediately pulled out her dagger and said coldly, "don't hide it, come out!"

Just then, a man jumped down from the tree, dressed in tight black clothes, with a black veil on his face and a felt hat on his head. He looked like an ancient Knight.

The moon shadow has no sleeve to see shape, complexion suddenly move, immediately toward that humanity, "how did you come?"

The man said in a hoarse voice, "the master is worried that you have a problem, so let me meet you!"

Moon shadow without sleeve immediately said, "master knows I will fail?"

The man sneered and said, "of course I don't know, but since you say so, you failed? You didn't get it back? "

After pondering for a moment, Yueying immediately said, "I was going to succeed, but I killed someone in the middle of the way No, it's not human. He can change his appearance at will, and he is charged with electricity... "

Without waiting for the moon shadow to finish, the man immediately sneered and said, "if your mission fails, it's a failure. Even if you make up a reason, you also make up a decent one. Do you think if you tell the host, he will believe it?"

Moon shadow no sleeve immediately cold hum a way, "love believe or not, I didn't say half a lie!"

At this time, the man immediately looked at the moon shadow sleeveless, a pair of cold eyes staring at the moon shadow sleeveless looked for a moment, then sneered and said, "mission failure is failure, the master will not need a loser, you should know what is the end of your failure?"

The moon shadow without sleeve immediately put the dagger in front of him and pointed at him, "so, are you here to kill me?"

The man slowly drew a knife from his waist and said coldly, "in our business, you should know what your end is? Either do the best or die, there is no second way to go! "

The man said step by step toward the shadow of the moon, but his mouth was still cold and said, "you and I are the same. I'll kill you now, but if I lose something in the future, I don't know who will die, so don't blame me..."

As soon as the word "I" was put out, the knife on the hand was immediately horizontal, and instantly it went towards the sleeveless neck of the moon shadow. The knife was as fast as lightning.

The shadow of the moon without sleeve didn't react at all. The shadow before meeting had already arrived in front of her, and the dagger in her hand was still horizontal in front of her. She didn't have time to move half a point.

Yueying Wuxiu knew that she was doomed, and even closed her eyes. At this time, she heard a "bang", and then came the man's voice, "who?"

Immediately, a third person's voice said, "I can't kill you now!"

The shadow of the moon listens to the voice again. She thought Ye Feng was back, but when she opens her eyes, she sees another man in black, not Ye Feng at all.

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