Moon shadow stares at the new man in black without sleeves. If he doesn't come, he may have died under the knife of the man in black.

Holding a knife, the man in black frowned and looked at the newcomer, "what do you mean?"

The man said immediately, "the master said, don't kill her for the time being, she didn't lie!"

Holding a short knife, the man in black suddenly looked at the man, "what? Didn't you lie? " Then he could not help looking at the shadow of the moon in surprise, and then said, "so, someone can really control the electricity? Can you change your appearance at will? "

That person smell speech brow a wrinkly way, "change appearance at will?"? I don't know, but he can control electricity. It has been confirmed by the Research Institute. There's no doubt about that! "

Holding the knife, the man in black pondered for a while, but his eyes were still puzzled, and he still didn't believe it. But since the master said that, it must be true.

At this time, he took a look at the shadow of the moon and said, "I'm sorry, but you don't have to blame me. I'm also under orders. If I have any problems in the future, you don't have to be lenient!"

The shadow of the moon is still a little nervous, listening to him say so, suddenly a Leng, slow after God, nodded, said nothing, turned to see Ye Feng far away place, but in the heart is curious, why his life and death, actually think that guy will come to save himself?

At this time, Ye Feng has been flying to the city, landing directly on the playground of the police station. Then he goes to Victor's office to find him, and asks him to arrange a meeting with Jock Emma.

When he saw Jack Emma again, he wanted to take out the pen he had brought, but he didn't want to. However, Joel Emma said, "don't give it to me for the moment!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly took a look at Jock, Emma said, "at least take a look, isn't it?"

Jock Emma said, "I know what happened there. There's nothing to see!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion immediately a ground to look at Qiao Ke Emma, surprised way, "I am in the Institute of everything you see?"

Jock Emma said, "before I built that building, I had people install hidden cameras in every office on every floor!"

But Ye Feng eyebrows move a way, "but there whole blackout..."

Qiaoke Emma said to Ye Feng, "I'm just worried about this problem and what I've missed, so the hidden cameras there don't have power supply there, but lead to other places, so even if there's no power, those cameras are still working!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng hesitated, then looked at Jock Emma and said, "why did you keep such a hand?"

Qiaoke Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "before the construction of this place, I knew why I could come to Huke Bay Construction Research Institute, and I also knew why the opposition supported me, so I had to keep an eye on it!"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said, "then you know the underground laboratory secretly built by the opposition on your side?"

But Jock Emma said, "I know, but I can't see it! I can see some unknown people going in and out of places that can't be seen by the camera. However, in reality, there is no door, and I haven't seen those people. I knew that there should be a basement or dark grid below the Research Institute. Originally, I wanted to go in and install cameras to see what they were doing, but it was too risky. My technology was not perfect at that time I need the support of the opposition, so I can't tell them openly that I know the secret of the institute until the technology is improved! "

Yefeng listen to qiaoke Emma said, suddenly a burst of suddenly, also can't help to qiaoke Emma heartfelt admiration.

thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked Jack Emma, "now what you want is with me, do you mind putting it with me?"

Jock Emma shrugged and said, "if you want to take it away, you won't sit here and talk to me, and I won't hide it from you. Even if you take it, you can't get the technology inside. That pen is a USB flash drive, but after more than a hundred encryption, I'm the only one in the world who can unlock this encryption program! To say the least, even if you can find the top hackers to crack the USB flash disk, you can't understand the technical documents inside, and I'm the only one who can understand all this, so I don't have to worry at all! "

Ye Feng's heart was suddenly shocked when he heard the words. He secretly said that this Jock Emma was too careful. No wonder he was not afraid of taking over the technology for himself. It turned out that people had been on guard for a long time.

Jock Emma then continued to shrug at Ye Feng, "I might as well tell you again, in fact, it doesn't matter whether you have got this pen or not, because these data are already in my head!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, complexion immediately move a way, "since so, why do you want me to take this thing?"

But Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said with a smile, "first, I want to put this thing beside you, so that you can feel my sincerity. Second, I also want to see how far you have been transformed by the electric pole. Third, I also want to try your sincerity!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion is a move to look at the front of qiaoke Emma, he looked at the face of qiaoke Emma, at this time in the heart only three words to describe him - old fox.At this time, jock Emma shrugged to Ye Feng and said, "you don't have to be angry. In fact, we all have mutual suspicions. It's not only that I don't trust you, but also that you don't trust me? So I don't think it's necessary for you to have an opinion on me for the sake of this. I could not have told you this, and you would never know. But to show my sincerity, I'll tell you all about it! You should be happy! "

Ye Feng doesn't want to hear Jock Emma say such nonsense. At this time, he just asked Jock Emma, "I don't care whether this thing is useful or not, and whether you really remember it in your mind. Now I just ask you, what you said before is still words?"

But Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you mean to join you?"

But Ye Feng immediately corrected, "not only join us, but also control the whole Huke bay!"

After hearing the speech, jock Emma continued to say to Ye Feng, "the former has no problem, but the latter has a problem!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a frown ground looking at Qiao Ke, Emma way, "control Hu Ke bay to have difficulty?"? Now Libo Zhihui is your person, and Victor is also your person. If you want to control Huke Bay and fly Shylock, isn't it a matter of one word? "

But Jock Emma said to Ye Feng, "have you forgotten the space weapons? Once the operation on our side is exposed, what we are facing is space bombing. In just a few seconds, Huck Bay will disappear completely from this planet! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, the reason why he has not started, also mainly because of this reason.

But Jock Emma continued, "and, don't forget, Shylock can be mayor of Huck Bay, and Victor can make them bow to him, at least on the surface, he's not a bag of wine!"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly ground looking at Qiao Ke Emma way, "what meaning?"

Jock Emma immediately said, "do you think the woman who robbed the USB flash disk with you is out of thin air?"

Ye Feng has long suspected that moon shadow sleeveless is working for Shylock, but it's just suspicion. Unexpectedly, jock Emma also said so, and immediately looked at him and said, "do you mean that moon shadow sleeveless is Shylock's person?"

Jock Emma said, "it's not just that woman. Shylock has a large group of dead attendants, all of them are extraordinary desperators. And most importantly, these people are usually in Huck Bay. They may be anyone you meet in the street, but you will never doubt him..."

Speaking of this, jock Emma leaned forward slightly and looked at Ye Feng. "That's why I didn't completely incline to the opposition even after I rejected the geek pioneer. It's not just Huck Bay, but also the opposition of the whole eisf. They are used to feeding killers and waiting on them. Sometimes they do things better than others Geek pioneers are even dirty. They even do some things, but they deliberately plant them for them! "

Ye Feng hears speech heart next a burst of ponder ground looking at Qiao Ke Emma way, "you tell me so much, what is your purpose?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jock Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "I just tell you, it's not the right time. I haven't thought about the rest yet!"

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