Ye Feng listens to what Jock Emma says, and immediately falls into a deep meditation. After thinking for a long time, he looks at Jock Emma and says, "when are you going to stay in this police station?"

But Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "have you forgotten? I turned myself in to the federal General Administration. Of course, I have to wait for the federal General Administration to come! "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately a ground to look at Qiao Ke Emma way, "you are waiting for the person of federal General Administration?"? Don't you know that when the federal general office comes, you will never have a chance to leave again! "

Jock Emma said with a faint smile, "you can rest assured that the opposition will not let me leave Huck Bay. Even if you let me leave Huck Bay, you will not let me enter longarsene castle!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately looks at Jock Emma. He naturally understands what it means that the opposition does not let Jock Emma leave Huck bay or let him enter longarsene castle.

After pondering for a while, Ye Feng said to Jack Emma, "you know they won't let you go. Do you want to stay here and die?"

But Jock Emma said with a smile, "wait to die? No one will wait to die by himself. I'm also afraid of death! I'm not here to die! "

Ye Feng can't help but look at Jock Emma more. He finds that Jock Emma is actually much smarter than he imagined, and it's the kind of deep wisdom that seems to have been completely within his calculation from the beginning.

And since Jock Emma decided to stay here and wait for the federal General Administration to come, it must have his own purpose. He wanted to ask, but he thought that if Jock Emma wanted to say it, he would say it if he didn't ask, and it was useless if he didn't want to say it.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng stood up and said to Jack Emma, "in that case, I have nothing to say!"

When Jock Emma saw that Ye Feng wanted to leave, she immediately said to Ye Feng, "now that the pen is on your side, you should be careful. Shylock's people will definitely attack you!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart next move ground looking at Qiao Ke Emma way, "you don't want to immediately take back this, must put in me here, can't be intentional?"

But Jock Emma said with a smile, "do you think I left my pen here on purpose to let you attract Shylock's attention for me?"

But Ye Feng took out the pen and said to Jack Emma, "didn't you say that everything has been recorded in your mind? I doubt that this pen is just a beginning. There is no so-called core technical information in it! Even this so-called core technology is illusory! "

Jock Emma looked at Ye Feng noncommittally, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "if so, what would you do?"

After staring at Jock Emma for a long time, Ye Feng continued to put away his pen. Then he said to Jock Emma, "still act according to the original plan!"

But Jock Emma frowned at Ye Feng and said, "according to the original plan? Aren't you afraid that I'll pit you? "

But Ye Feng said to qiaoke Emma, "if this is the case, it can only show that I am stupid. Moreover, if I really get to that point, I believe that I want to rush here and kill you, I'm still sure!"

After he said that, he looked at Jock Emma with a smile. Jock Emma could not help shivering, and then said with a smile, "it seems that you are always on guard against me?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at Jack Emma and said, "I'm not wary of you, but I have to prepare for the worst in everything!" Then he walked to the door immediately, "now you are our people, and I'm going to do something next!"

Jock Emma didn't know what Ye Feng was going to do. She wanted to ask several times, but she finally stopped talking and watched Ye Feng leave the interrogation room.

After leaving the police station, Ye Feng walked directly to the hukewan branch of the FBI. He deliberately didn't take the plane. His purpose was to see if the former moon shadow sleeveless would follow him again. After all, if she lost her mission, she would not stop. Besides, jock Emma also said that Shylock should not only have moon shadow sleeveless, It's people who have an organization.

Along the way, Ye Feng walked towards the front and observed whether there was anyone following him, but he didn't find anything. Maybe after the failure of the moon shadow's sleeveless mission, he needed to adjust their plans internally, so he didn't immediately send another person.

Soon Ye Feng arrived at the gate of the hukewan branch of the Federal Bureau of investigation. As soon as he entered the gate, he met Libo Zhihui, who was in a hurry to go out. At this time, Libo Zhihui's face was embarrassed, and it had returned to its original appearance.

Libo Zhihui went out and bumped into Ye Feng, but he saw that Ye Feng had recovered his original appearance. His face suddenly moved and said, "you have recovered, too? I thought it was me! I don't know what's going on with this medicine. It's recovering so fast this time! "

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "maybe there are other reasons." In his heart, he suspected that it was because his body was extremely charged, which led to the rapid passing of the medicine. But he did not expect that the rapid passing of his side would also affect Libo Zhihui's side.

Libo Zhihui said to Ye Feng with a distressed face, "the key is that I'm pretending to be you on purpose. When I'm joking with your people, he restores me to my original appearance. Do you think I'm embarrassed?"Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, this kid incredibly pretends own appearance, cheat Zhuo wanqiu them? However, I think that I'm cheating with the appearance of Libo Zhihui behind my back, and once I make my appearance public over there, it may bring endless future troubles to Libo Zhihui. Thinking of this, Ye Feng just patted him on the shoulder and said it's nothing.

Libo Zhihui then asked Ye Feng how the situation was. Ye Feng nodded and said that everything was going well. Libo Zhihui was relieved. He was afraid that the efficacy would disappear ahead of time and affect Ye Feng's action. Fortunately, everything was going well.

Ye Feng said to Libo Zhihui, "go to my office and have a chat?"

As soon as Libo Zhihui heard this, his face suddenly moved, and he waved his hand and said, "no, I still have something to do. I'll talk about it when I come back!" Finish saying also don't wait for Ye Feng to reply, immediately in a hurry but go.

Looking at the way Libo Zhihui left, it was as if he was running away. Ye Feng could not help frowning. He pretended that he had failed. As for that?

Thinking of Ye Feng back to the office, just standing at the door, he saw several people staring at him. Then he saw Zhuo wanqiu pick up the cup on the table and throw it at him. He said angrily, "are you still here?"

Ye Feng immediately reached out and took the cup, looked at Zhuo wanqiu in surprise and said, "what's coming?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately said to Ye Feng, "what did you do, don't you know? Have already failed, still dare to face my Satan elder brother's appearance to cheat us? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng realized that Zhuo wanqiu regarded himself as Bo Zhihui. He came in, put down his cup, shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm really me!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Zhuo wanqiu said, "What proof do you have? You are you? "

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, still want what proof to prove oneself is oneself? Think can't help but feel funny way, "this still need what proof, difficult don't want me to take off a pure let you see carefully?"

Zhuo wanqiu's face turned red when she heard the speech. She immediately wanted to grab something to smash Ye Feng. Monica, who didn't speak at one side, said, "he shouldn't be disguised!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help looking at Monica and said, "how do you know?"

Monika said, "just now he was wearing his own clothes. Now he is wearing the clothes of Libo Zhihui. If Libo Zhihui was wearing him, how could he be wearing his own clothes so obviously?"

Zhuo wanqiu a listen to this, can't help staring at Ye Feng after a look, found that it is so.

And jesterfield is also staring at Ye Feng, after a moment, he said, "are you and Libo Zhihui changed?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, for the convenience of handling affairs, I borrowed the appearance from him!"

Jesteffe nodded and said, "you should have had the Yi Rong tea, didn't you?" Then he said immediately, "this kind of tea has side effects. It's better to drink less in the future!"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay way, "side effect?"? Are there any side effects? Damn it, Libo Zhihui has never mentioned it

Zhuo wanqiu asked jesterfield, "what are the side effects? Will it look like someone else and not come back? "

Jesterfield shook his head and said, "no, it may be a third person, and his facial expression is easily paralyzed!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately heart next a Lin way, "facial paralysis?"? Damn it

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