Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "it's a long-term and frequent use problem. If you use it just once, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the speech. After a few words of greetings, he called jesteffe to one side and asked him, "do you know about the opposition's feeding of dead attendants?"

Jester fee smell speech complexion immediately a ground to look at leaf maple way, "have you seen?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I've met more than I've ever met. I feel familiar with a person I met. I think I should know him. I just can't remember him for a moment."

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jesteffe said, "it's no secret that the opposition keeps dead attendants. You used to be an agent of the FBI. It's no surprise that you've met them!"

Then jesteffe continued to add, "and after so many years of development, the number of dead attendants raised by the opposition has reached an unprecedented development. Even every place has its own branch. Now even Huck Bay has its own branch, which shows that!"

Ye Feng nodded and pondered for a while. Now the federal form of eisf is very worrying. If a new organization is set up, it will not only deal with the positive federal government, but also prevent the erosion of the opposition. At the same time, there are many local organizations similar to the geek pioneer. It seems that eisf is really a mess.

Now, under the muddy waters of eisf, I don't know how many potential underwater giants have not shown their lineup yet. If you want to implement what you said before on eisf, you have to walk on thin ice and go step by step.

No one, Ye Feng sitting in his position, took out the pen, pull out the pen cover, which is really a U disk excuse, he wanted to try to link the computer to see what is inside.

But if you think about it carefully, whether it's safe after linking the computer, and whether it will be stolen by the opposition or other people is the second. The most important thing is that Ye Feng knows that since Jock Emma dares to give this thing to herself, she won't worry about looking at it, so it's possible that she can't see anything at all, even if Jock Emma has one more heart If you leave something like virus and Trojan horse in this USB flash disk, and then you blackout the FBI system, it's not worth the loss.

Ye Feng finally resisted his curiosity and put the pen away. As soon as he had put the pen away, a robot stood at the door and said to Ye Feng, "leader ye, someone is looking outside!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a frown ground saw one eye, immediately stand up, walk to the door to ask, "who?"

The robot immediately plays a virtual video in front of it. There is a woman staring at it. It's no one else. It's one of the dead attendants of the opposition, moon shadow sleeveless, whom ye Feng met at the research institute not long ago.

Ye Feng can't help but be surprised. The moon shadow's sleeveless courage is too big. As far as he knows, the dead attendants of the opposition are generally hidden among ordinary people. There is no special situation. They try not to expose themselves.

I don't know if the shadow of the moon without sleeves feels that it has been exposed on its own side anyway, so it has become a bit of a fearless person, and even dares to come directly to hukewan branch to find itself?

And there is another question, if the shadow of the moon comes to find herself, does Shylock know? Or is the moon shadow's coming this time originally inspired by Shylock?

Ye Feng didn't think too much. It's useless to think too much. If you want to know these answers, just go to see Yueying no sleeve, and naturally everything will be clear.

Thinking of Ye Feng walking towards the gate, outside the gate, he did not see the shadow of the moon without sleeves. After looking around, he found a woman standing not far away, it was the shadow of the moon without sleeves.

At this time, the moon shadow sleeveless has changed into a set of clothes which is much looser than before. Although it is not as tight as before, the graceful figure of the moon shadow sleeveless still can not be blocked.

After looking at the shadow of the moon, Ye Feng immediately walked towards her. As soon as he came to her, he immediately asked, "do you dare to come to me?"

The moon shadow has no sleeves but looks at Ye Feng, and then says with a smile, "how? I can't come to you yet? "

But Ye Feng took a look at the shadow of the moon and said, "I'm afraid you're not in the bar? Come on, what's the matter? "

After a moment of hesitation, moon shadow looked at Ye Feng and said, "can you take me to see him?"

When Ye Feng hears this, his heart suddenly moves. He understands the meaning of moon shadow without sleeves. She wants to take her to see Satan. Unfortunately, she is Satan. Where else can she take her to see Satan?

Think of here, leaf maple direct toward the moon shadow sleeve less way, "can't!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to smell speech, the facial expression suddenly a change ground looking at the leaf maple way, "can't?"? Why not? "

Ye Feng said to Yueying, "first of all, I don't know where he is! Secondly, even if I knew it, I would not take you without his permission! "

The moon shadow without sleeve immediately looks at Ye Feng and says, "you must know where he is! You don't have to lie to me, you can't lie to me! "Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "what I want to say has already been said. Believe it or not, it's your business!"

Moon shadow no sleeve is staring at Ye Feng to see a way, "I certainly don't believe, you don't take me to go to him also OK, you at least tell me, where he is, I go to him myself, big deal I don't say is you say!"

Ye Feng sighed, "why do you have to see him?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Yueying measured her face and said, "I can't tell you clearly. It's between me and him. I have a few questions. I have to ask them face to face!"

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then said to Yueying, "I can't take you to see him, but if you want to ask any questions, maybe I can tell you!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to sneer at a way immediately, "you still say you don't know where he is? If you don't know where he is, how can you tell me? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't want to repeat my words. Anyway, I won't take you to see him. And have you ever thought about it, he may not want to see you!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve a listen to this words, complexion suddenly a ground looking at leaf maple, immediately sneer a way, "don't want to see me? Of course, he doesn't want to see me. He has to go for all the benefits. Now, of course, he doesn't want to see me. Men are the same... "

Ye Feng Wen Yan sighed a little, "some things, you know it, why do you have to tangle in it, I think it has been a long time, you can't tangle in it for the rest of your life?"

Moon shadow immediately hummed coldly, "other women may forget it after a period of time, but I'm not another woman. You're right. I'm going to spend the rest of my life worrying about it. I'm not only going to worry about it, I'm going to make him restless!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately toward the moon shadow sleeveless way, "the more you say so, the more impossible I am to take you to see him, I think the more he does not want to see you!"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to Ye Feng so a say, immediately facial expression a change ground looking at Ye Feng way, "I just too excited, I don't mean that..."

Ye Feng said to the moon shadow, "no matter how you explain it, it's useless. I'm not a fool. I can see that your heart knot is very deep. It can't be resolved for a while and a half!"

Moon shadow immediately said, "yes, my heart knot can't be resolved for a while and a half, so I need to meet him and make some words clear to him face to face. Maybe after meeting him, I won't have heart knot!"

Ye Feng stared at the shadow of the moon for a moment and said, "what do you think of him? If he has you in his heart, no matter what dreamland he is in, he will try his best to get in touch with you. If he doesn't have you in his heart, even if he has nothing to do, he won't go to you. In fact, you already have the answer in your heart, just can't swallow that breath! "

The moon shadow has no sleeve to listen to Ye Feng say so, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng way, "you mean, he in the heart has no me at all?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I'm not him. I don't know. I'm just guessing. If you have me, you won't come to me. You need me to help you meet him. In fact, you already know it in your heart. You just don't want to admit it!"

The shadow of the moon looked at Ye Feng thoughtlessly for a long time and didn't speak. I don't know how long later, she nodded and said, "maybe it is! He never had me in his heart

Ye Feng nodded and said, "if you can figure it out..."

But without waiting for Ye Feng to finish, the moon shadow immediately said, "I just want to know why he didn't have me in his heart? Is it because I'm not beautiful enough, or I'm not good tempered enough? Or something else... "

Ye Feng heard that the moon shadow had no sleeves, and immediately sighed, "there are not so many reasons for love. You are just one night. It's just a coincidence that you need him and he also needs you. Why do you have so many reasons?"

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