After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, the moon shadow asked Ye Feng in a serious tone, "do you think so, too?"

Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the moon in dismay and said, "what do I think so?"

The moon shadow without sleeve stares at Ye Feng and says, "do you think it's just a night of love?"

Ye Feng shrugged at the shadow of the moon and said, "if not, can you find a second explanation?"

After taking a deep breath, Yueying said to Yefeng, "maybe you men all think so, but in my opinion, it's not, it's the thing that I put all my feelings into, it's the feeling that I hope to have results, it's all my feelings!"

Ye Feng listens to the moon shadow without sleeve so a say, can't help staring at her a smile way, "you can say so, but the fact is not necessarily so?"

The moon shadow without sleeve looks at Ye Feng in surprise and says, "are you questioning my feelings?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "I don't mean to question and offend your feelings. I believe you really loved him at that moment..."

Without waiting for Ye Feng to finish, the moon shadow explained immediately, "it's not that moment, it's all the time..."

Ye Feng looked at the shadow of the moon and said, "all the time, not necessarily?" Then he saw that the shadow of the moon had no sleeves and he had to explain. He continued immediately, "don't worry, listen to me!"

Speaking of this, after a pause, Ye Feng continued, "you said you love him. How much do you know about him? Besides his name is Satan and he's an FBI agent, how much do you know about him? "

The moon shadow has no sleeve for a while and looks at Ye Feng in consternation. After thinking for a long time, she says, "love is not a household registration investigation. I don't need to know too much!"

Ye Feng said with a shrug of his shoulder, "since you say that, I have nothing to say, but in our men, at least in my opinion, we know each other's preferences and feelings, we know each other's joys and sorrows, we are happy with each other, we are sad with each other, we know nothing about him, we can even say that we just met by chance, you are just because of him For a moment, because of his appearance, or some of his behavior, stir your heartstrings, you say you fall in love with him, you have a good imagination, this love at first sight, is love? Love is not like blindly, but follow and identify after understanding

Listen to Ye Feng say so, the shadow of the moon without sleeve suddenly a burst of speechless, staring at Ye Feng, for a long time also can't say a word, she originally thought of love, is Ye Feng mouth that kind of love at first sight, as long as the first eye to eye, don't need to know too much, as long as you like it.

But now listening to Ye Feng's words, it seems that Ye Feng's words are very reasonable. The kind of Platonic love at first sight, which can finally come to the end, is simply rare, because of the lack of the most basic understanding between the two.

After thinking of these, the shadow of the moon was silent for a while. Even before she came, she had already thought about what she would say. Even if ye Feng didn't take her to see Satan, she would at least let Ye Feng convey her words to Satan. But at this moment, it seems that she is powerless, and even it doesn't work logically.

Ye Feng saw that the shadow of the moon had no sleeves and didn't speak. He immediately added, "but from a moral point of view, what he did is really wrong. For you, maybe he likes it, maybe he doesn't even like it at all. It's just a pure curiosity mentality. As I said before, at that moment, you just need each other, which has caused the current situation. I won't help him In this case, he has the vast majority of the responsibility! "

Yueying no sleeve listen to Ye Feng now is standing in his own point of view to criticize Satan, suddenly feel more comfortable, although he said before is reasonable, but his heart is still uncomfortable, as if he was occupied by Satan, and finally his own wrong.

At this time, Ye Feng said again, the shadow of the heart will be much more happy, although it may not be able to immediately heal the wound of this relationship, but at least sprinkle some anti-inflammatory powder, ease their depression for so long.

Thought of here, the shadow of the moon staring at Ye Feng for a moment, then nodded and said, "thank you!"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "it's nothing to thank. Men are like this. You should learn to protect yourself in the future. You can't complain after the incident!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she nodded and said, "I know, thank you!" Then he turned around and left!

Ye Feng saw this, immediately called the moon shadow sleeveless way, "you come to me is for this?"

The moon shadow has no sleeve to look back at the leaf maple way, "otherwise? What else do you think I have to do? "

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no!" Then he nodded to the moon shadow and waved, "goodbye!"

At this time, the shadow of the moon stopped. After standing in the distance for a few seconds, she turned back and said to Ye Feng, "Shylock won't let you go. Be careful yourself!"

Ye Feng frowns when he hears that Yueying Wuxiu is Shylock's man, but he is still surprised. It's not Shylock who wants to deal with him, but Yueying Wuxiu will inform him.Looking at the shadow of the moon without sleeve for a long time, Ye Feng just nodded to the shadow of the moon without sleeve and said, "thank you!"

The moon shadow without sleeves shrugs at Ye Feng and says, "no, I'll take it as your reward for enlightening me."

Ye Feng nodded, did not say anything more, just quietly looking at the shadow of the moon without sleeves.

And Yueying also stares at Ye Feng for a long time. She always feels that Ye Feng is strange and different from others. This kind of feeling is similar to what she felt when she saw Satan for the first time.

However, Yueying Wuxiu warned herself that she had made a mistake and suffered a loss with Satan last time. Now, when we encounter this feeling again, we must be more careful. We can't fall twice in the same pit.

After thinking of these, Yueying said nothing more, immediately turned around and left, and soon disappeared in the street.

Ye Feng is staring at the shadow of the moon sleeveless figure, until she completely disappeared, this is a moment of meditation, Shylock to win over himself, the shadow of the moon sleeveless said Shylock to deal with himself.

In this seemingly contradictory thing, in fact, Ye Feng also saw that it is possible to win over and deal with oneself at the same time.

Just thinking about it, Ye Feng's shoulder sank, and he immediately looked back. However, he saw that Li Bo Zhihui was standing behind him in his own clothes, looking forward with his eyes.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "what are you doing? Sneaky

Libo Zhihui's eyes were still staring at the end of the street, and his mouth said, "this girl is very good. I can't see that you are very lucky. There are a few beauties around. Are you still busy here?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders at Li Bo Zhihui and said, "I'm single. I'll hook up with whoever I want."

Li Bo Zhi Hui's face sank when he heard that Ye Feng obviously discriminated against such young men.

However, Libo Zhihui didn't think much about it. He just said to Ye Feng, "there are some strange faces in Huke Bay recently. I feel that there is something wrong with them. You should be careful yourself!"

When Ye Feng heard Li Bo Zhihui say this, his heart suddenly moved. Does the strange face refer to the so-called Dead attendants of the opposition?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Libo Zhihui and said, "I know!" Then he immediately pulls Li Bo Zhihui to go to his office to change his clothes back. Since the original appearance is restored, these clothes obviously don't fit.

Libo Zhihui had this idea for a long time. They just wanted it. After they went to Libo Zhihui's office to change their clothes, Libo Zhihui said to Ye Feng, "what's the relationship between you and geek pioneer?"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move ground looking at Li Bo Zhi Hui way, "you suddenly so ask, certainly have what problem?"

Libo Zhihui said to Ye Feng, "it's nothing, just that Jia Sike has a problem!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at Libo Zhihui and said, "Jia Sike?"

"I've been watching him secretly for a long time. He's not very honest in Huke Bay," he said

Ye Feng immediately asked Libo Zhihui, "for example?"

Libo Zhihui said to Ye Feng, "for example, he is secretly investigating the internal situation of our Federal Bureau of investigation Huke Bay sub Bureau."

When Ye Feng heard this, he immediately looked at Li Bo Zhihui with a deep thought. He thought that if Jia Sike was really like this, there would be a problem. If he had a problem, it would mean that ricksen also had a problem.

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