Libo Zhihui heard that Ye Feng didn't say a word, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "this is the person you brought. You can deal with it by yourself."

Ye Feng nodded after hearing the speech. Libo Zhihui immediately said, "and the woman you just met also looks very familiar. Isn't she also a geek pioneer?"

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "she's not. She's Shylock's person!"

Li Bo Zhihui can't help looking at Ye Feng with a frown when he hears the words, "Shylock's people? I've seen all of Shylock's men. This woman has a good face... " Then he browed and said, "Shylock is a member of the opposition. It's said that the opposition has the habit of raising dead attendants, and this woman is so familiar, so to speak..."

Without waiting for Libo Zhihui to finish, Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, she should be one of Shylock's dead servants!"

Libo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully for a while. After a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "brother, I know you used to be the number one agent of the FBI, but now you are involved with both the pioneers of geeks and the opposition. I always think you are playing with fire. Once one party can't get what they want, it is likely that you will not be treated well I don't think it's possible at this time, at least the technical means are very difficult to operate! "

Ye Feng said to Li Bo Zhihui, "you forget to say that one side of the force, that is, the group headed by your teacher and you, is neither the opposition nor the vanguard of geeks, but also against the federal government!"

Li Bo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng with a slight movement on his face, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, we can be regarded as one force, but have you ever thought that since these three forces all have the same goal, that is, the people who oppose the federal government and the federal hegemony, why can't they be integrated together? After all, there are many essential differences between us, so if you want to integrate these three forces, I won't say it's absolutely impossible, but it's very difficult! "

Ye Feng heard Li Bo Zhihui say so, immediately nodded and said, "it's really very difficult. If it's easy, it's not my turn to operate it. I've already finished it!"

Libo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng with a serious face and said, "I'm not joking with you. Now you are wandering among the three forces. It seems that they are all trying to please each other. In fact, if you make a mistake in this way, you may be the common enemy of the three forces! Why are you suffering? You might as well keep an eye on one side of the power. Maybe there's still a chance! "

Ye Feng looked at Libo Zhihui and said, "I want to woo you and your teacher. You're good. Now I'm a lobbyist for your teacher. Instead, I've turned my head to woo me?"

Libo Zhihui shrugs to Ye Feng and says, "I didn't give anyone a lobbyist, and I don't want you to choose us. I just hope you can think about it carefully! After all I don't have many friends I don't want to see you in any danger, either! "

Ye Feng can't help staring at Libo Zhihui for a moment, then nodded to Libo Zhihui and said, "thank you, thank you for treating me as a friend!"

Libo Zhihui looked at Ye Feng with a bitter smile and said, "if I don't know your identity, I'll have the cheek to be your friend. But knowing who you are, I always feel that you are deliberately occupying your light. After all, your previous identity, but the idols of all our FBI investigators, regardless of the government or the opposition, are recognized as you Top icon of our secret service! I can make friends with you, that's me and you Rong

Ye Feng smiles, pats Li Bo Zhihui on the shoulder and says, "that was before. Now we It's a friend

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Libo Zhihui suddenly looks up and says, "can I go out and boast that I'm friends with Satan in the future?"

Ye Feng nodded and said, "of course, but not now!"

Libo Zhihui immediately said with a smile, "of course, no one knows your true identity now. You can rest assured that I will never expose it to you!"

Ye Feng said a thank you, and immediately said to Li Bo Zhi Hui, "don't worry, since I dare to swim among the three forces, I have my grasp!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui, after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, sighed, "maybe this is the gap between you and me. I can't understand what you are doing!"

Ye Feng said with a smile to Libo Zhihui, "you don't need to understand for the time being, you will understand in the future!"

Li Bo Zhihui laughs at Yan, then wants to say something, but finally he doesn't continue to say it.

Ye Feng also saw it, and said to Li Bo Zhihui, "what else do you want to ask, please say hello!"

Libo Zhihui shook his head and said, "no, it's meaningless to ask!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan frowned at Libo Zhihui and said, "do you want to ask, if I find that the way with your teacher is wrong, what will I do to your teacher?"

Libo Zhihui is completely guessed by Ye Feng. He can't help staring at Ye Feng. Then his eyes are full of adoration. He can even guess what he is thinking. How can Libo Zhihui not adore him?Libo Zhihui sighed, "I'm not smart, but I'm not stupid. It's because the three forces are not what you think, at least they are not the same as your ideas. Otherwise, if you just rely on one that is consistent with your ideas, you don't have to do so many things. In this case, it shows that the three forces must be different from your ideas!"

Ye Feng said, "the three forces have their own strengths. Before they need to integrate their own strengths, they must learn from each other's strengths to make up for their weaknesses."

But Libo Zhihui nodded and sighed, "some people and things are deeply rooted, and many things are hard to change. If there is a disagreement, the result will not be very good, so at that time, I really don't want to see you turn against the teacher!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan is also a little sigh, "I do not want to have that day, but I can tell you, this day will inevitably appear!" Speaking of this, he said to Libo Zhihui, "if there is a day, are you helping my friend? Or your teacher? "

Libo Zhihui immediately said to Ye Feng, "don't ask me this question. I don't know. I really don't know. Maybe the answer will come to the surface only when it comes to that day. Now I say to help you or to help the teacher. It may not be true that I will do so at that time. Time has changed. Many things can't be said clearly. Only then can I see it! And that's what I'm embarrassed about! "

Ye Feng heard Li Bo Zhihui say so, immediately patted Li Bo Zhihui on the shoulder and said, "you're right, time changes, now I don't need your commitment, then you follow your heart to do it, I won't embarrass you!"

Libo Zhihui looks up at Ye Feng, nods his head and says thank you. Then he asks Ye Feng, "what if I stand on my teacher's side at that time? What would you do? "

Ye Feng then took out a cigarette and handed it to Libo Zhihui. He lit one and took a deep breath. Then he said to Libo Zhihui faintly, "if I don't blame you and don't embarrass you, I believe you won't blame me and don't embarrass me!"

Li Bo Zhi Hui was shocked when he heard the words, and then he understood what Ye Feng meant. He said that when it came to that day, he should be the enemy or the enemy. Even if one died in the other's hand, he didn't have to blame the other.

Although this is very heartless, but it is a cruel reality, often reality, the real situation is unacceptable.

After thinking about this, Libo Zhihui immediately nodded, put the cigarette in his mouth, and said to Ye Feng, "don't be merciful then, and I won't be merciful either!"

Ye Feng smokes a cigarette and looks at Li Bo Zhihui with a puff of smoke. Then he says with a smile, "don't worry. At that time, I believe I won't be merciful when I was alive or dead!"

Libo Zhihui takes a cigarette and says to Ye Feng, "I think so, too!"

The next two people didn't speak any more. They just stood there smoking until there was smoke everywhere in the office. Some of them couldn't open their eyes. Ye Feng finished smoking a cigarette, so he immediately said goodbye to Libo Zhihui.

And when Ye Feng came to the door, Li Bo Zhihui called him and reminded Ye Feng again, "be careful with JASCO!"

The leaf maple smell speech ordered to nod, what also didn't say again, turned round to go out the door.

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