After Ye Feng left Libo Zhihui's office, he kept thinking about Libo Zhihui's reminding him to pay attention to Jia Sike's words.

When he got to his office, Ye Feng didn't see JASCO. He couldn't help asking jestefeld, "where's JASCO?"

Jaster Fei immediately said to Ye Feng, "Oh, he said it's boring here, so he went out for a stroll. He also said that you don't have to worry about it. He just strolled around and won't cause you any trouble!"

Ye Feng Wen Yan nodded, but under the heart is in the dark, this also called won't give yourself any trouble? Now other people have already suspected him.

Jester fee saw Ye Feng sit back to his desk without saying a word. At this time, he came over and asked Ye Feng, "just said someone was looking for you, who?"

Ye Feng was thinking about JASCO's business. When jastefer said this, he couldn't help looking up at jastefer. Then he came back and said, "Oh! It's nothing. A police officer, send a message for victor! "

Jaster Fei frowned slightly and looked at Ye Feng for a moment. Then he nodded. Oh, he didn't ask any more. Instead, he went back to his seat.

Ye Feng immediately stood up at this time and said he went out to have a look. He left without saying anything else.

After Ye Feng left, jestfel took out his mobile phone and saw the video above that Ye Feng was talking with Yueying without sleeves. His brow was slightly wrinkled. It was obviously not like Victor's messenger. Why did Ye Feng lie?

After leaving Huck Bay branch, Ye Feng also walked aimlessly in the street. One day on the planet of essf is too long, and it hasn't passed yet. If you sit at your desk, you can easily fall asleep.

The main purpose of Ye Feng's coming out is not to worry about whether he will fall asleep on his desk. Instead, he wants to "run into" Jia Sike to see what this guy is doing.

However, Huck bay island is big or small, and the chance of meeting someone on the street is very small.

But it's just a coincidence that when Ye Feng wandered two streets aimlessly, he didn't expect to meet Jia Sike on the road, but he saw Jia Sike standing at the corner at the end of a street talking with someone.

However, from Ye Feng's point of view, we can only see Jia Sike, but we can't see the appearance of the person standing in the corner talking with Jia Sike.

Ye Feng walked over there step by step, but JASCO was also very alert. He said this and looked around with his eyes. He just saw Ye Feng here.

Ye Feng found that after Jia Sike saw himself, his face suddenly moved slightly. After saying something on his mouth, he immediately walked towards Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng didn't stop. He passed by Jia Sike and continued to walk towards the street. When he got to the corner, he looked there and saw that there were many pedestrians on the road, but only one figure attracted Ye Feng's attention.

From her back, Ye Feng can judge that she is a woman, and the woman's figure seems to be similar to the sleeveless figure she has seen before. Ye Feng frowns and says, "is it her?"

At this time, Jia Sike came over and took a look along the direction of Ye Feng. He looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "who are you looking for?"

Ye Feng knew that he could not catch up with the man again at this time. He immediately looked at Jia Sike and said, "who did you talk to just now?"

Jia Sike said to Ye Feng without changing his face and heart, "Oh, just now a passer-by asked me the way. Where do I know the way to Huke Bay? I explained it to him!"

Ye Feng stares at Jia Sike for a long time and doesn't say a word. Jia Sike looks at Ye Feng in amazement and says, "what do you mean? Are you doubting me? "

Ye Feng didn't answer Jia Sike's question directly. Instead, he said to Jia Sike, "the form on the island is very chaotic now. If you don't have to, you'd better not run around, so that everyone won't worry!"

Jia Sike listened to Ye Feng's words, and immediately looked at Ye Feng in silence, but said, "I feel you are doubting me!"

Ye Feng looked at Jia Sike for a long time and then said, "isn't it normal to doubt? After all, only you know what your real purpose on the island is! "

JASCO immediately said to Ye Feng, "what's the real purpose of my coming to the island? Isn't it that richson asked me to help you?"

Ye Feng stares at Jia Sike and doesn't say anything for a long time. Jia Sike's heart can't help but feel a little hairy. After instinctively stepping back, he says to Ye Feng, "what are you doubting?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "nothing!" Then he turned and left.

Jia Sike stood in the same place looking at Ye Feng's back. His heart felt empty. Then he quickly followed up and explained, "just now I was chatting with a passer-by. Why don't you believe me?"

Ye Feng looked at Jia Sike and continued to walk forward, but he said, "don't you think your explanation is too much?"Jia Sike was shocked, his face slightly changed and said, "I'm not explaining!" It's not right. It's an explanation. You're doubting me. Of course I'll explain it to you! "

Ye Feng took a look at Jia Sike and said, "if it's really nothing, there's no need to explain so much. The one who is clear is clear."

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Jia Sike immediately stopped, looked at Ye Feng for a long time, shrugged his shoulders and said, "you're right, I don't have to explain so much! Believe it or not, you believe me, if I don't explain, you will believe it. If you don't believe me, no matter how much I explain, you think I'm making excuses! "

Ye Feng listened to Jia Sike's words, but he still didn't say much, just walked slowly towards the front.

Jia Sike stood in the same place to see Ye Feng like this. He hesitated to look at Ye Feng's back, and finally followed him.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't say anything, Jia Sike also began to keep silent, but the road towards the gate of hukewan branch made Jia Sike feel very special.

He obviously felt that Ye Feng had doubted him, but Ye Feng had never taken the initiative to doubt himself, which made Jia Sike's heart a little flustered.

If ye Feng directly questions himself, maybe Jia Sike can find countless reasons to prevaricate and explain, but Ye Feng doesn't ask anything, which makes Jia Sike a bit bottomless.

Looking at the front door of Huck Bay branch in front of him, he could only walk tens of meters away, but jaske obviously felt a kind of pressure on his heart, which made him feel suffocated.

Jia Sike even felt that after Ye Feng arrived at the gate of hukewan branch, there were already people ambushing there. As long as he entered the gate, he would be arrested by Ye Feng's people immediately.

At this moment, jaske's psychological pressure is huge, even his forehead has begun to sweat, and his pace has begun to slow down unconsciously.

Although Jia Sike also knows that Ye Feng does not have the slightest evidence to prove what he has done, Ye Feng no longer believes in himself.

Maybe Ye Feng didn't really believe in himself from the beginning to the end. He never felt so insecure when he stayed by Ye Feng's side.

Thinking of this, jaske is ready to run away. His eyes begin to drift on both sides, observe the nearby terrain, and where he is running to get rid of Ye Feng.

And at this time, Ye Feng suddenly turned around, stopped, stood there looking at jaske and said, "by the way, is there any news from ricksen?"

Jia Sike did not expect that Ye Feng would ask himself this question at this time. He was not ready for the moment, and immediately said vaguely, "what No news

Ye Feng nodded, and then sighed, "we're almost ready here. You can send good news to ricksen tomorrow!"

Jia Sike can't help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "good news?"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "of course, everything is in my plan. It's going well. What's the bad news?"

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, jaske asked, "do I want to send a message to ricksen now?"

Ye Feng said, "no, as long as it's not settled, there are certain variables. After all the dust is settled, you can send him a message not too late!"

Jia Sike was stunned, then nodded and said, "OK OK, everything is up to you! " Said brow slightly a wrinkly ground looking at leaf maple way, "but I hear, Shylock there is also in contact with you, he is a person of opposition!"

Ye Feng shrugged at Jia Sike and said, "your news is well-informed. That's right. I'm really in touch with you there. That's why I'll tell you that everything is going well!"

Jia Sike looked at Ye Feng puzzled by the words, and saw that Ye Feng's look was different. He seemed to have something to say, but he didn't dare to ask more.

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