Ye Feng said to Gu Zhaohui, "are you in such a hurry? In short, tell you there is a way on the line, other you do not ask! There is no answer to the question! "

Gu Zhaohui listened to Ye Feng's words, and immediately hummed, "no way is no way, you just don't want me to go!"

Ye Feng looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "you can understand that, but have you ever thought that if you leave here, not only can you not solve the problem, but you may also create new problems!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng didn't wait for Gu Zhaohui to speak late, and immediately continued to add, "for example, you were captured by the opposition, and we Joanna haven't found you by then, so we have to rescue you. What do you say we should do at that time?"

Gu zhaohuichi is still a little self-conscious. He knows that if he meets the dead servant of the opposition, he may not be an opponent. As Ye Feng said, he may be directly captured by the opposition.

At that time, with my father being the vice president of the Federal Research Institute and my relationship with Joanna, if the opposition uses itself to coerce my father and the federal government, won't it be an eternal sinner?

Thinking of this, Gu Zhaohui didn't speak. He sat on one side and didn't say a word any more. He didn't need to explain anything to Ye Feng. After all, at this time, he couldn't say anything soft spoken. Only silence is the best performance.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone rings. He takes a look at it, and his heart suddenly moves. It's not others who are calling. It's Dixie who he couldn't contact before.

Ye Feng did not want to connect the phone, but did not say anything, just listen to the phone's Dixie said a few words, simply said a know, be careful, then hang up the phone.

Jester fee immediately asked Ye Feng, "who's calling?"

At this time, Ye Feng put away his mobile phone and sighed, "it seems that Joanna is in a bit of trouble. Dixie said that they are targeted by the opposition..."

On hearing this, Gu zhaohuichi immediately stood up and said, "have you been targeted by the opposition? So what are we doing now? Why don't you go and get help? "

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "this little thing can be solved by Dixie alone, and Scarlett is there to help!"

Gu Zhaohui can't help looking at Ye Feng with a frown when he hears the words, "if there's really no problem, he won't come here late to report to you!"

But Ye Feng said, "I told them not to come back for the time being! They have other things to do! "

Gu Zhaohui could not help frowning and said, "is there anything else to do? Is there anything else to do? Can't they send Joanna here before they do anything else? "

Ye Feng looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "what they want to do is to have something to do with Joanna. If Joanna is not here, what else can they do?"

Gu Zhaohui can't help wrinkling his brow more tightly when he hears the words. He looks at Ye Feng and says, "what's Joanna going to do?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "you wait for Joanna to come back and ask her on your own initiative! I can't answer for her

Gu Zhaohui can't help but look at Ye Feng hesitantly when he hears the speech. At this time, his heart is anxious, but Ye Feng doesn't speak slowly, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

But I think of what Ye Feng said just now. I'm afraid that if I leave like this, I will cause more trouble. Don't let Joanna come back safe and sound, but I'll be caught by the opposition.

However, Gu zhaohuichi just sits here and waits for nothing to be done. Gu zhaohuichi can't do it again. In short, now he is in a dilemma.

Jesterfield walked to Ye Feng and said in a low voice, "come out, I have something to say to you alone!"

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly, but see Jie si te fee has already walked toward the door of the office in the past, also didn't think much, immediately followed to go out.

Just out of the door, he saw jesterfield standing on one side, staring at himself. Ye Feng could not help frowning at jesterfield and said, "what's the matter?"

Jesteffe then took out his mobile phone and showed Ye Feng the video of meeting Yueying at the door.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, immediately eyebrow a wrinkly, under the heart tiny move, originally Jie si te Fei knows what person he met outside.

Thinking that Ye Feng gave his mobile phone to jastefer, jastefer looked at Ye Feng, but saw that there was no change in Ye Feng's expression, and he didn't even have the intention to explain anything.

Jester fee see Ye Feng didn't explain meaning, immediately toward Ye Feng said, "this woman should be the opposition's death servant?"

Ye Feng smell speech a shrug a way, "may be?"

Jesterfield frowned slightly. "Maybe? This woman is called Yueying Wuxiu. She has been serving the opposition. I know her, but you tell me that she's victor's? "

Ye Feng listen to Jester fee so say, can't help but also a frown to look at her way, "do you know her?"Jesteffe turned his back and said, "you don't care if I know her. Now I'm asking you! Why are you hiding this from us? Have you reached any agreement with the opposition? "

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then said to jester, "since you know you and me, I have nothing to explain!"

Jester fee listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help but return to God, brow wrinkle ground more tight, looking at Ye Feng way, "don't explain?"

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "I don't understand. What's the significance of your doing this? You didn't trust me from the beginning, so would you secretly investigate me? "

Jesteffe then stares at Ye Feng and says, "since you're talking about this, I'll hide it. Yes, I do have doubts about you, but on the contrary, haven't you doubted me at all?"

Ye Feng's heart moves when she hears the speech. To be honest, Ye Feng is also suspicious of jesteffe. After all, jesteffe has the memory of eisf. She knows more than herself, but it seems that she can't say anything, which is enough to make Ye Feng hesitate.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng didn't hide it. He nodded and said, "yes, I doubt you. That's why I didn't tell you the truth about it!"

Jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "do you doubt me? What do you suspect? "

Ye Feng immediately said to jesterfield, "for example, what was the connection between you and me before? What's more, you're a technician from the Federal Research Institute. Why do you have all kinds of secret service skills? And the Federal Institute should belong to the federal government. Are you from the federal government or the opposition? Or someone from another organization? "

After listening to Ye Feng's question, jestefel said to Ye Feng, "I wanted to tell you after your memory is completely restored, but since you have so many doubts about me, I won't hide you any more!"

Speaking of this, jesteffe immediately took a look at the office door behind Ye Feng, then walked to one side and said, "it's not convenient to talk here, let's go there and say it!" Then he walked forward until he reached a corner of the playground.

After Ye Feng followed, jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "I really came from the Federal Research Institute, and I really belonged to the federal government before, but since I joined your organization, I have no relationship with the federal government!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown at jesterfield and say, "wait! I beg your pardon? My organization? I'm organized? Am I not an FBI agent? "

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "you really don't remember anything. On the surface, you are indeed an FBI agent, but on the surface, you are ZuLong's decision maker!"

Ye Feng smell speech is again a dismay ground looking at the Jie si te Fei way, "Zu long?" In my mind, I tried my best to think about the name, but I had no impression at all.

Jesteffe said, "this organization has not been established for a long time, its scale is not very large, and there are not many members in it, but every member is selected by you! Your code name at the FBI is Satan. In ZuLong, your code name is ZuLong. "

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, jesterfield continued, "and I am one of the members you recruited from the Federal Research Institute. I am your subordinate in zulongli. Now you understand?"

Ye Feng's heart suddenly a Lin, see Jester fee said have nose have eyes, see Jester fee look and don't want to be lying, but he actually didn't have any impression, this is in let Ye Feng headache.

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