Jester fee saw Ye Feng's expression at this time, then shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "I knew that after I told you, you would look like this, and you can't remember anything, so I said before, waiting for your memory to recover!"

Ye Feng asked jesterfield at this time, "who else is in ZuLong's organization besides you? Is the organization still there? "

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "I'm not very clear now. After all, we've been away from eisf for so long. You didn't care about anything in those years. For Dixie's sake, people in zulongli opposed to joining in the micro universe project of Jock Emma. You didn't care about their opinions. We know we can't stop it!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help looking at jesterfield and said, "I came to join the micro universe project of Jock Emma for Dixie. Why did you come to join it?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, jestefel turned around and said, "I just want to see what this project is and what attracts so many people to participate in!"

Ye Feng then slightly a frown way, "are you sure you are for this purpose?"? Not for whom? "

Jesterfield smell speech complexion is to turn head to look at Ye Feng again, the facial expression is very strange ground ask a way, "do you think I am for who?"

In fact, Ye Feng wanted to ask whether jesterfield was for himself, but he didn't ask, just shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, I just asked casually!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words and staring at Ye Feng for a long time, jestefel continued to ask Ye Feng, "in the organization, there were some of your colleagues in the FBI and some of my colleagues in the Federal Research Institute. Your people were the front line, my people were the logistics, and ZuLong was such a characteristic before!"

Ye Feng stares at jesterfield again at this time and says in a deep voice, "is Dixie ZuLong's person?"

But jesterfield said to Ye Feng, "I don't know the people in the front line. You haven't told me before! So I don't know if she belongs to ZuLong! "

Ye Feng originally wanted to ask if Dante Emma was, but after listening to jesteffe, if jesteffe didn't know the name of the front line person, then Dante Emma, she certainly didn't know, so it's in vain to ask.

Jester fee saw Ye Feng ponder for a while, did not speak, immediately said, "I said all that should be said, now you should talk about your relationship with this moon shadow sleeveless!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng regained her mind and said to jesterfield, "I have nothing to do with her, but according to her, there should be some unclear relationship between him and Satan, so she knew that I might know Satan, so she came to me to inquire about the whereabouts of Satan! Nothing else

Jester fee heard Ye Feng say so, can't help but frown and say, "aren't you Satan? Is there an indescribable relationship between her and you? " Say cold hum a way, "still have what to say not clear way is unidentified, affirmation is the romantic debt that you leave before chant!"

Ye Feng's tone when he heard that was just like what a jealous man said. He couldn't help smiling at him and said, "it seems that you care about it very much!"

Jesterfield shrugged. "What do I care about? What does it have to do with me? "

Ye Feng stared at jesterfield for a long time and then said, "although my memory has not completely recovered to Satan, I know that there must be a story between me and you. Maybe it's also like the moon shadow, which is a kind of relationship that can't be explained clearly!"

Jesteffe's face turned red and he immediately turned his head and spat, "nonsense!"

Just as Ye Feng was about to speak, Gu zhaohuichi rushed out at the door of the office, and the cat faced man was closely following him. He wanted to reach out to pull Gu zhaohuichi, but Gu zhaohuichi threw him away.

Ye Feng see this, heart immediately move, immediately toward two people walked past, block in front of Gu Zhaohui late way, "how? Where are you going again? "

Gu Zhaohui then said to Ye Feng, "if you want me to wait for Joanna's news here, I can't wait. I'd better go out and find her myself!"

Ye Feng harshly said to Gu Zhaohui, "do you know where she is?"

Gu zhaohuichi immediately said, "I didn't know that Joanna was in Huke bay at the beginning. I found her. If you don't help me, I'll find her myself. I don't believe I can't find her!"

Jesteffe also came over and comforted Gu Zhaohui and said, "Joanna is with Dixie and Scarlett now. She should have no problem. If you go out so rashly, it's easy to have an accident!"

Gu Zhaohui snorted coldly, "I know that as long as I go out, I may become the target of the opposition's attention, but I can't ignore Joanna just because I'm worried about my own safety. If I'm captured by the opposition, you don't have to save me. Let me live and die on my own!"

With that, Gu Zhaohui walked towards the gate without looking back, but was stopped by Ye Feng.

Gu Zhaohui saw that Ye Feng was standing in front of him. He said to Ye Feng in a loud voice, "what do you mean when you insist on not letting me go to find Joanna?"Ye Feng said to Gu Zhaohui, "what do you mean when you insist on looking for Joanna?" Without waiting for Gu Zhaohui to speak, he immediately said, "don't say you're worried about Joanna's safety. It's just an excuse. You just don't want Joanna to know that you didn't do anything here when she was in danger. In the end, you're just for your image in Joanna's heart, so in the end, you're not for Joanna, but for yourself!"

Gu Zhaohui listens to Ye Feng's words and looks at Ye Feng in a dazed way. He doesn't say anything for a long time. He can't help but feel funny and says, "do you think I'm for myself?"

But Ye Feng shrugged, "isn't it? I've told you all about what's going on outside. You don't know anything about it. If you go out like this, it's just like a fly without a head. You can only bump around. Fortunately, if you're lucky, you'll be targeted by the opposition when you go out. If you just catch you, it's all right. You don't care about yourself anyway, and you'll die. But have you ever thought about it Maybe you don't know Joanna's whereabouts at all, but you are lucky to find Joanna, and the opposition has followed you to find Joanna, who was impossible for them to find. Do you think you helped Joanna or hurt her in the end by making such a fuss? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Gu Zhaohui was shocked. Yes, if the opposition captured him, he would. It's no big deal. In order to save Joanna, he made a dangerous journey from longarsene castle to Huke Bay by himself. In fact, before he set out, he had already put aside his thoughts. There was nothing to be afraid of. He didn't have that I cherish my life.

But as Ye Feng said, if you want to save Joanna, but eventually become yourself hurt Joanna, how can you bear it in your heart?

Seeing that Gu zhaohuichi had already been hesitated by Ye Feng, jester immediately comforted him while the iron was hot and said, "more than that, if I remember correctly, you should be the only son of vice president Gu zhaohuide. He holds an important position in the federal government. If the other party takes advantage of him, he wants to coerce your father into doing something against heaven and earth's conscience, which is your father's life Isn't fame ruined by your impulse? You may not cherish your own life, but as a son, you have to think about your father! "

At this point, jestfeld continued to add, "if I remember correctly, you are the son of vice president Gu Zhaohui De, and your father is approaching retirement age. Don't you want your father to die?"

After listening to jasfield's words, Gu Zhaohui suddenly thought of his old father, and his eyes were moist. After all, he was the only son in the family, and his father's love for him was vivid. He didn't want to be filial to his father. Instead, for Joanna's sake, he left his father in lonarsene castle alone. It's unfilial. If he had another one, it's conceivable that his father would not be filial When I know the news, I will die soon.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhaohui sighed, "why can't everything go smoothly and smoothly in this world? There are so many obstacles! Alas

Listening to Gu Zhaohui's words, Ye Feng sighed and patted Gu Zhaohui, saying, "isn't life just so colorful?"

Gu Zhaohui, listening to Ye Feng's words, can't help but look at Ye Feng. He sighs a little in his heart. The secret is that life is so wonderful because of so many mistakes, right?

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