After listening to Ye Feng and jastefer's advice, Gu zhaohuichi has realized that he can't leave here in any case. He even has a kind of psychology that if he didn't come to Huke Bay, he might not have so many problems.

At that time, when they went to save Joanna, they also went to save people. If they didn't come, they would save Joanna, even if it was just by the way.

Seeing Gu Zhaohui's expression, Ye Feng immediately came forward and patted Gu Zhaohui's shoulder and said, "men, sometimes, besides women, should have many things to think about, such as career, such as ideals and so on!"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng asked Gu Zhaohui, "what's your ideal? It's not just about how to be with Joanna forever, is it? "

Gu Zhaohui pondered after hearing the speech. Yes, what is his ideal? After thinking for a long time, he said to Ye Feng, "I want to be an excellent agent like Satan!"

Ye Feng and Jaster Fei can't help but look at Gu zhaohuichi in amazement when they hear the words. Ye Feng is even more surprised and says, "is your idol Satan?"

Gu zhaohuichi immediately said, "it's not just my idol, all our FBI agents, who don't take Satan as our idol, he's our benchmark, our example! If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be a gap agent with the FBI! "

Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then patted jasterfeld on the shoulder. He could see that jasterfeld was not a good material to be an agent, but he still said, "if you have an example, you should work hard towards it, learn from it, and improve yourself. No woman would like a man who is not promising, even if you can die for her, as long as you don't have a good example At last, it will be your death

Jasterfeld nodded and agreed with Ye Feng's words. But he finally sighed, shook his head and continued, "forget it. In fact, I can't reach the height of Satan in my life. Maybe Maybe I'm not fit at all! "

At this time, jesterfield said to Gu Zhaohui, "your character is really not suitable to be an agent. I suggest you change your career before you get deeper and deeper."

Gu Zhaohui couldn't help but look at jesterfield and said, "although this may be true, do you say so? How hurtful

Jesteffe shrugged his shoulders and said, "good advice is always against the ear. I'm also honest. I think it's better than useless encouragement. At least it won't let you go too much wrong!"

Then jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "don't you think so?"

Ye Feng understands a lot of information from jesterfield's eyes. For example, jesterfield is saying that people are treating you as an idol. You can't lead people to the wrong way.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng also nodded, indicating that he agreed with jesterfield's idea, and then said to jesterfield, "in this case, besides being an agent, what's your ideal?"

Jaster Feifei thought again, and finally sighed, "I can't remember. When I was a child, I had many ideals and wanted to do everything. I thought I could do anything. I didn't know until I grew up. In fact, I couldn't do anything!"

After hearing the speech, Ye Feng immediately patted Gu Zhaohui's shoulder and said, "don't worry, life is long, and the days after that are still long. You will always think of what you want to do!"

Just then, Ye Feng's mobile phone rang, he immediately took out a look, found that it was Dixie's number, immediately connected.

As soon as Dixie got on the phone, he immediately said, "no, we're under siege. We can't solve it for the time being. Do you think you can come in person?"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when hearing the speech. If Dixie can't solve it, it must be very troublesome and even dangerous.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately asked Dixie, "where are you now?"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "I don't know where this is. Oh, by the way, we are not in Huke Bay. Let me send you a location! See for yourself

Dixie said to hang up, and then Ye Feng's mobile phone came to Dixie's information, Ye Feng opened a look, found that Dixie they really are not in Huke Bay, but ran inland.

Ye Feng looks at the positioning displayed on his mobile phone, and his heart can't help but move. Isn't that the abandoned city he had been to under the leadership of Jia Sike before?

Ye Feng thought to call Dixie immediately, but no one answered the phone and didn't know what happened there.

Ye Feng then looked at jesterfield and said, "leave Huck bay with me?"

Jesteffe just noticed that the point on Ye Feng's mobile phone was Dixie's, and he thought whether Ye Feng would hide himself again.

Listen to Ye Feng say so, jesterfield immediately surprised way, "leave Huck Bay?"

Ye Feng immediately said in a deep voice, "Dixie, they may be in trouble. We have to go there!"Without waiting for jesterfield to speak, Gu zhaohuichi on one side immediately volunteered to Ye Feng, "count me in, I'll go with you!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Gu Zhaohui. He secretly wants to leave him behind. After a while, he starts to think wildly about going out to save Joanna and causing trouble here. Instead of doing this, it's better to take him with him.

Thinking of Ye Feng nodded, at this time, jesteffe had walked towards the side of the aircraft, and said, "what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

Seeing this, the cat faced man immediately stepped forward and said, "count me, too!" Said to have run toward the aircraft in the past, Gu Zhaohui late see also don't wait for Ye Feng to say anything, also began to run toward the aircraft.

When Ye Feng was the last one to get on the aircraft, jesteffe immediately started the aircraft. After the aircraft slowly lifted off, he immediately drove inland.

After the aircraft smoothly advanced, jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "you call Libo Zhihui and ask him to shut down the prevention and control system. Now Huke Bay is in the closed phase, otherwise our aircraft will never leave Huke Bay's airspace!"

Ye Feng immediately picked up the phone and made a phone call to Libo Zhihui. He simply explained the situation here and asked Libo Zhihui to help apply for them to leave Huke Bay.

Libo Zhihui agrees on the phone and agrees to help. Finally, he asks Ye Feng, "so how did Dixie leave Huke Bay? What's your waterway

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders. He didn't know. He hung up the phone after saying something unclear to Li Bo Zhihui. Then he looked at jesterfield and said, "how did they leave Huck bay without air defense?"

Jesteffe said, "maybe it's water. Now, with the rapid development of science and technology, aesf's travel is usually personal aircraft or business aircraft, and few people go by land or water. However, it doesn't rule out that no one will use it. If they don't go by air, they will not be restricted by the air defense system. They just leave Huck The bay is a lot slower than the aircraft! "

Gu Zhaohui then said to jesterfield, "can you go at full speed? There's no need to argue at this time. What's their way?"

Ye Feng can't help nodding when he hears the speech. Now it's meaningless to tangle with these things, but he still says to Gu Zhaohui, "although I've brought you here, after landing, everything is under my command. If you mess around, then don't blame me for being impolite!"

Gu Zhaohui immediately nodded his head and said, "I know, I know. Don't worry. I won't mess with you!"

The aircraft continued to fly towards the coastline of Huke Bay. When the aircraft crossed the coastline, it did not encounter any laser missile attack, which indicated that Libo Zhihui's look had passed, otherwise it would not be so smooth.

The whole process of flight in more than half an hour, and finally saw the inland coastline, Gu Zhaohui was a little excited to watch, eager to now put on a pair of wings, toward Joanna where fly to save her.

After flying for another half an hour, that is, about 50 minutes, Ye Feng had been to the abandoned city before, and the dilapidated high-rise buildings and mountains that were once landmarks could be seen clearly.

When the aircraft flew past, jesteffe chose to land outside the city. After the people got off the aircraft, jesteffe gave them a laser pistol and said, "this is an abandoned city. The people in it belong to three. No matter what, everything can happen. Be careful!"

Gu Zhaohui took a pistol and took a look at the buildings not far away that had been abandoned for many years. He sighed in his heart, "is there such a place?"

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