Ye Feng can't help but look at Gu Zhaohui, surprised, "you won't see such a place for the first time, will you?"

Gu zhaohuichi also looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "it's really the first time that I've ever heard of such a place in longarsenbao. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I didn't know there was such a place in the world!"

Jasterfeld said to Gu Zhaohui later, "you've come all the way from longarsenburg to Huke Bay. You haven't met such a place on the way?"

Gu Zhaohui said, "I come from longarsenbao, and I fly directly from one city to another..." Then he immediately took a look at the abandoned city in front of him, and immediately added, "of course, it's not such a city! It's our kind of city... "

Ye Feng and jasterfeld can't help but look at Gu zhaohuichi in dismay when they hear the speech. They can't help but sigh that the children in the greenhouse are different.

Ye Feng thought and patted Gu zhaohuichi on the shoulder and said, "since you haven't seen it, let's have a good look at the other side of the eisf civilization that you haven't heard of in the greenhouse, and fully understand what the real eisf civilization is like!"

Gu Zhaohui was surprised, even with a look of excitement and curiosity in his eyes. Indeed, they had never thought about such a deserted city before.

In their minds, the second most important city, and the most important one, is that science and technology can not be compared with lonasburg, which is the federal capital of the civilization of eisf.

In front of us, this kind of deserted place is full of ruins and weeds. Can we call it a city? Gu Zhaohui drew a big question mark in his heart.

At this time, Ye Feng waved to everyone to follow him into the abandoned city. There was no road at all along the way, but it was all weeds higher than the human body.

As they reached out to poke the weeds on both sides, they marched towards the city. However, when they entered the city, they saw that there was no one here. This was just the edge of the city. However, it seemed that the damage of the buildings was not as serious as that in the city. Some buildings were basically preserved except for the old ones.

After they continued to walk forward, they saw people one after another. However, those people were similar to what Ye Feng had seen before. They all shrunk on the facade of the building, looking lazy and dirty. When they saw Ye Feng a few times, they just looked up, and then they continued to close their eyes to rest.

Gu Zhaohui can't help but wonder and ask Ye Feng, "so many people are crowded here, don't they have to work?"

Ye Feng, on the other hand, said to Gu Zhaohui, "I don't know if you have heard of a fable?"

Gu Zhaohui can't help but wonder when he hears the story, "what fable?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "a long time ago, there was a king. Now he came to report that the people were suffering. The people were so poor that they ate up all the roots and wild vegetables! Guess what the king said? "

Gu Zhaohui said immediately, "let the minister open the warehouse and release grain to relieve the poor people?"

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "the king asked his ministers, why do they have to eat wild vegetable roots? Why not eat meat? "

Gu Zhaohui was shocked when he heard that there was such a wonderful king in the world who asked such a wonderful question?

Ye Feng looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "your question just now is similar to the question that the king asked his ministers!"

Gu Zhaohui listens to Ye Feng's words later. He can't help looking at Ye Feng in amazement. He doesn't seem to understand what Ye Feng means.

Ye Feng also saw that Gu Zhaohui didn't understand what he meant, and immediately explained, "you ask them why so many people are crowded here, why don't they go to work? I ask you, just as the king said, if people have meat, will they choose not to eat it, but to eat roots and wild vegetables? "

Gu Zhaohui understood Ye Feng's meaning immediately after listening to Ye Feng's words. He immediately said, "do you mean that the reason why they are like this is because of the federal government?"

Ye Feng said to Gu zhaohuichi, "if the federal government does everything well and can take care of all the people, who would like to stay here?"

Gu zhaohuichi immediately said, "they can take care of themselves. With so many people gathered here, they can build this city into Even if it's not as good as a first tier city like lonasburg, at least it's not too bad? "

Jesteffe sneered at this time and said, "once the city is built, the people here are afraid that they have not filled their stomachs. They have to deal with some taxes issued by the government first."

Gu Zhaohui's face could not help but move when he heard the words, and immediately said, "doesn't the government have tax subsidies every year? Many people who fail to meet the standards can actually apply for tax relief! "

Jesteffe said, "it's good to have this government, but you also said that it needs to be applied for, since you want to be exempted? Why do people still need to apply? "

Gu Zhaohui said immediately after hearing this, "maybe some of the government's policies are negligent, but at least..."

Without waiting for Gu Zhaohui to finish, jesteffe immediately said, "at least what? At least for the moment, all the people who want to apply for tax relief have not met the requirements. However, those rich people who have a large income can enjoy these policies. Their income is hundreds or even thousands of times that of these people, but they can get tax relief. And these people who can't earn a few dollars a year can't apply for tax relief. Are you funny? "Gu Zhaohui looked at jesterfeld and said, "why can't you apply? Is there no one in charge? "

Jesteffe said with a smile, "then you have to ask the officials. I'm afraid the people don't have the money for filial piety."

Gu Zhaohui looked at jastefer in silence. He didn't know whether what jastefer said was true or not, but he didn't look like he was lying to himself, and there was no need to lie. What's more, the abandoned city he had never thought of before was right in front of him.

Ye Feng said to jesterfield, "it's no use talking to him about this. He's just a little trainee agent in the FBI, and he can't change anything!"

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly moved when he heard the words. He wanted to say something, but he finally held back and didn't say a word.

Several people continue to move forward. After entering the center of the city, the buildings here are more and more dilapidated, and there are more and more people gathered. There are even several corpses in the middle of the road. I don't know whether they were eaten or decomposed after natural death.

Gu zhaohuichi's heart has been completely shocked by the scene in front of him. He doesn't even understand why Joanna came to such a place. For Gu zhaohuichi, such a place is like purgatory in a fairy tale, even more terrible than purgatory.

Jesterfield reminds Ye Feng at this time, "you try to contact Dixie to have a look, see where they are!"

Ye Feng takes out his mobile phone, dials the number of Dixie, and finds that Dixie's phone has been turned off. He frowns and looks at jesterfield, "it's turned off, I can't get in touch!"

Jaster Feifei's heart also moved, and immediately reminded Ye Feng, "you enlarge the location map that Dixie sent you just now, we can at least find the location she sent before!"

As soon as Ye Feng heard this, he immediately opened the location map. After enlarging the map, it showed that the location of Dixie was not far from here, and it was only a mile or two at most.

After reading the map, Ye Feng waved his hand and motioned everyone to follow him. Gu Zhaohui looked at one place in a daze. After being reminded by jasterfeld, he followed him.

After walking for about ten minutes, Ye Feng noticed that on the street in front of them, those poor people who should have shrunk in the dilapidated buildings were standing on the joint.

Ye Feng can't help but move when he sees this. Is it Dixie? What happened to them? Are these people coming out to watch the excitement?

Jesteffe suspected so, and immediately signaled the crowd to speed up and walk toward the other side. He didn't want their footsteps to attract the attention of the poor people over there. The poor people turned around and saw Ye Feng coming. First they were stunned, and then they ran towards them in a swarm.

Seeing this posture, even Ye Feng couldn't help but move. He looked at the dirty, dull looking poor people running towards them, just like those European and American zombie movies he saw when he was on the earth. He felt shivering.

Gu Zhaohui was even more surprised and said in a loud voice, "what are they going to do?"

The cat face man didn't speak all the time. At this time, he gave a cold hum, grasped the laser gun in his hand, and said, "these guys are all hungry. Now they regard us as food?"

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