Gu zhaohuichi was a little nervous when he saw this scene for the first time. Now when he heard what the cat faced man said and looked at the people who rushed in the distance, he felt like hungry people. He felt like animals. He couldn't help fighting a cold war.

Ye Feng also has this feeling at this time. Although he may not think that these people will definitely rush to eat them, their eyes are absolutely abnormal. He immediately signaled the people to avoid, not to have a direct conflict with them, and he also reminded them not to shoot.

Ye Feng knows that in this situation, once someone shoots, it may cause an irreparable situation. It's hard to deal with the aftermath. Moreover, since Ye Feng has set a goal, he knows that if he wants to strengthen himself, he must rely on these people, so he can't offend these people for the time being.

A few people immediately ran away towards the back, but they didn't run far away. They saw a crowd running towards them. The two sides sandwiched them in the middle, forming a situation of encirclement.

Gu Zhaohui asked Ye Feng anxiously, "what shall we do now? Fight back? What do these people want to do? Are they really going to eat us? "

Cat's face was also a little nervous, but seeing Gu Zhaohui was more nervous than him, he immediately joked, "it must be, but your skin is tender and your flesh is tender. When we are caught, we will be the first to eat you!"

Gu Zhaohui's heart was filled with awe. He instinctively took a look at the poor people running from both sides, and at the cat faced man's smile. He knew that he was joking with himself on purpose.

Even though he knew that the cat faced man was joking, Gu Zhaohui could not help feeling a little thrilled. After all, when he met such a person, longarsenbao, where he used to live, was a place where order was stable and such a thing would never happen.

Ye Feng and jastefer did not speak at this time. They were observing the surrounding environment. This road was connected on both sides. There was no other road at all. The only thing they could go to was the old buildings on both sides.

Ye Feng didn't even think about it. He immediately said to the three, "follow me!" Then he rushed into a building first.

After all, she and Ye Feng have the same idea that they can't conflict with each other. However, she didn't expect Ye Feng to use these poor people to strengthen her organization.

What jesteffe thought was that the whereabouts of Dixie, Scarlett and Joanna were unknown. The purpose of this visit was to find the three of them. Now they haven't been seen, so they can't have a direct conflict with them for the time being.

Seeing this, the cat faced man took a look at the poor people on both sides of the road, and then reminded Gu Zhaohui, who was in a daze, to say, "Hey, if you don't run, you'll be roasted and eaten!" With that, he followed jestefeld.

Gu Zhaohui's mind even began to mend the way he was barbecued on the fire when he heard what the cat faced man said. He suddenly had a cold war and followed him.

After Ye Feng entered the building, he quickly found a safe passage. After all, the elevators in this deserted building were already in a state of disrepair, so it was impossible to use them. Moreover, since the poor people were targeting them, they would follow in. They had to continue to run upstairs.

As soon as the four people ran up the corridor of the safe passage, the poor people who came after them had already poured in. As expected, they would keep chasing them.

Ye Feng ran up in front of the others and said, "don't look back, just run to the top of the building!"

Jesteffe and maorenren didn't say anything. They just followed behind and continued to run up the corridor. However, Gu Zhaohui Chi Wenyan looked up and found that the building was at least dozens of stories high. If they ran up like this, they would lose half their lives.

But after hearing the noise from the corridor, Gu Zhaohui suddenly came back to his senses again. No matter how high he was, he had to run up. He lost half his life. How could it be better than to die directly.

When people downstairs were running, there was a traffic jam. Fortunately, they went upstairs instead of downstairs. If they went downstairs, there would have been a stampede. But even so, many people were squeezed from the corridor and fell directly.

After all, this kind of dilapidated building is in disrepair for a long time. The iron on the assistant of the stairs has been corroded by rust, and it may be broken directly at the slightest touch. What's more, people are still squeezing together and suddenly falling off, and the people standing on the edge of the corridor naturally begin to fall off.

Although many people fell down and hurt themselves, those who had nothing to do did not look at them and continued to chase them, regardless of the lives of others.

Gu Zhaohui took a late look and cursed that these people were crazy. He immediately quickened his pace and continued to run as hard as he could. He even surpassed Ye Feng and ran in the front.

Seeing this, the cat faced man could not help but frown, and immediately quickened his pace. He also surpassed Gu zhaohuichi and wanted to compete with him on purpose.

Ye Feng and jesteffe still keep the average speed. They all know that the height of these dozens of floors can't rely on the explosion to run up. They just want to keep running up.

However, maorenren and Gu zhaohuichi didn't think so. They ran up so fast that they soon left Ye Feng and jasterfeld behind.After Ye Feng and jesteffe had run more than ten floors, they saw that both cat faced man and Gu zhaohuichi were sitting on the corridor, panting and sweating. They looked at each other, but they were both unconvinced.

Jesterfield then said to the two men, "what are you doing? Are you running here for a long distance race

At this time, Ye Feng stopped and looked down the corridor. Most of the people below couldn't hold on. Only a few people continued to walk up, but they were also breathless. They took two steps and stopped one step.

Ye Feng looked at this time also toward Jester Fei way, "stop to have a rest, the following people did not follow up!"

Jaster fee smell speech immediately went to the armrest and looked down, Ye Feng immediately remind Jaster fee way, "don't touch the armrest, are not strong!"

Jesteffe nodded, looked down with an empty body, and then sat down on the corridor to rest.

The cat face man gasped for a long time, and finally he could catch his breath. He said to Ye Feng and jesterfield, "what do these guys want to do?"

Gu Zhaohui wanted to speak several times, but he couldn't bring it up in one breath. He just sat there gasping and couldn't say a word.

After a short rest, Ye Feng stood up and said, "maybe it has something to do with Dixie and Joanna!"

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly moved when he heard this. Although he couldn't breathe, he still came out with a few words, "Joan Anna, no By them To Here you are. "

Cat face man understood Gu zhaohuichi's meaning and immediately added, "he asked if Joanna would be eaten by them?"

Gu Zhaohui immediately nods his head when he hears the speech. After throwing a thank you look at the cat face man, he looks at Ye Feng. He hopes Ye Feng tells him that he doesn't.

However, Ye Feng pondered for a while and said nothing. He is not sure what happened to Dixie and Joanna, but the only thing he can be sure is that the poor people are probably related to them.

After all, Ye Feng and Jia Sike were here last time. At that time, the poor people had never been like this. Thinking about it, he immediately took out his mobile phone and tried to contact Dixie, but the phone still turned off.

Immediately Ye Feng heart next move, secretly scold oneself is really stupid, just want to contact with Dixie Si, Scarlett don't also have a mobile phone, maybe Dixie Si just mobile phone no power.

Thinking of Ye Feng immediately looking for Scarlett's mobile phone number in the mobile phone, he finally found it, and immediately dialed it.

However, although Scarlett's mobile phone is on, but no one answers it, which makes Ye Feng worried even more. No one answers her mobile phone, which is far more worrying and reverie than turning it off.

Jesterfield looked at Ye Feng and said, "can't you get in touch?"

Ye Feng shook his head, put away his mobile phone and said, "if they don't have an accident, they should also hide in a building like us!"

Gu Zhaohui asked Ye Feng, "if nothing happened? What if something happens? "

Ye Feng smell speech to see one eye Gu Zhao Hui late, light ground say, "if have an accident, still have what to say?"

The cat faced man couldn't help laughing and said, "if something happens, it means that the three of them may become the dishes of these people!"

Gu Zhaohui looked at the cat face man with a sharp heart when he heard the speech. He didn't speak for a long time, but he was worried. He secretly scolded why he had to leave at that time. If he insisted on staying and going with Joanna, it would not have happened, would it? At least I know what happened to Joanna.

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