However, Gu Zhaohui knew that nothing he thought would help him now. Things have come to this stage, and it's too late to say what he thought.

At this time, Ye Feng's mobile phone suddenly rings. Ye Feng immediately takes out her mobile phone and has a look. It's the number of Scarlett that no one answered just now.

Ye Feng didn't want to connect immediately, and then asked, "what's the situation over there? Are you all right? "

Scarlett said to Ye Feng on the phone, "it's OK for the time being, only Joanna's foot is a bit sprained, nothing else is wrong!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately breathed a sigh of relief and then asked Scarlett, "where are you now? Still on the side of the abandoned city? "

Scarlett immediately said, "still, we are hiding in a building. For the time being, the situation outside is very chaotic. Maybe we can't do without it for a while and a half!"

Ye Feng then asked Scarlett with a slight frown, "what's the matter? Have you been attacked by the poor? "

Jasterfeld and others are looking at Ye Feng at this time, trying to listen to what the answer is on the phone. Gu zhaohuichi even asks Ye Feng a few times if Joanna is OK.

Ye Feng takes a look at Gu zhaohuichi, but he doesn't answer Gu zhaohuichi's question. Instead, he continues to listen to Scarlett on the phone.

But at this time, Scarlett said, "it's hard to say. When we came here, Joanna saw these poor people, so she gave a little bread she brought down from the aircraft to a child! And then it's like this! "

Ye Feng smell speech heart immediately move, originally did not quite understand what Scarlett this means, how Joanna gave bread to the children, caused such a big disturbance?

But when I think about it, I immediately understand that these guys don't know how long they haven't seen clean food, let alone bread.

So when they saw that Joanna gave the bread to the children, they thought that there might be food on Joanna's side, so they began to chase Joanna and ask them for food.

But after they came, these poor people were still like this. Maybe their clothes were similar to Joanna's and they were all pretty. They thought they might have food, so they chased them.

Ye Feng asked Scarlett what she thought, which is almost what he guessed. It was Joanna's kindness that caused the turmoil.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng asks Scarlett to send him a location on her mobile phone, asking them to stay where they are. He and jesteffe take the initiative to find them.

After hanging up Scarlett's phone, Gu Zhaohui has already gone to Ye Feng's body, and immediately asks, "where's Joanna? Is there anything wrong with her

Ye Feng said to Gu Zhaohui, "nothing's wrong. Maybe I sprained my leg and foot. It's OK. You can rest assured!"

On hearing this, Gu Zhaohui said in a loud voice, "did you sprain your leg? Isn't that a big deal? "

The cat faced man could not help sneering at the words and said, "it's the flowers in the greenhouse. When did the sprained legs become a big deal?"

Jesterfield asked Ye Feng, "where are they now?"

Ye Feng hasn't answered yet. Scarlett's location information has already been sent. Ye Feng immediately opens the information and takes a look at the location map. Unexpectedly, it's only one building away from her.

Jesteffe immediately pointed to one side and said, "it should be in this building here!"

Gu Zhaohui was ready to run downstairs as soon as he heard this, but he was stopped by the cat faced man, "what are you going to do?"

Jestefeld said immediately, "I don't know where Joanna is. Now I know she's in the next building. Of course I'm going to find her!"

At this time, the cat face man sneered and said, "look below yourself, how many people are blocking up below, you go down, are you not afraid that they will share you as bread?"

Gu Zhaohui was shocked when he heard this. Then he went to the edge of the corridor and looked down. The bottom floor was full of people. The more people went up, the less people there were. There were already people on the nearest floors. They were going up step by step.

Seeing this, Gu Zhaohui's heart sank suddenly, and then he took out his laser pistol and hummed coldly, "what are you afraid of? These people have no weapons. I'll kill them

Ye Feng is toward Gu Zhaohui late way, "you are crazy, you a gun, can kill how many people?"

Gu Zhaohui immediately snorted, "how much can I kill? I can't wait here, can I?"

Jasterfeld said coldly to Gu Zhaohui, "these people's lives are just like mole ants in your eyes, right? In the eyes of you people, I'm afraid everyone can die except the one you cherish? "

Gu Zhaohui was silent when he heard what jesteffe said. Then he sat down slowly and looked down from one side of the corridor. He looked at those people as if they were all living beings.

Jestfeld continued at this time, "what do they have to die for? But I just want something to eat. Is that too much? "Gu Zhaohui heard the words later. At this time, his heart suddenly tangled. After staring at the people downstairs for a long time, he slowly put away the laser gun in his hand, and then sighed, "I don't want to kill people, but what about Joanna?"

Ye Feng said at this time, "Joanna is not in danger for the time being, and Dixie and Scarlett are not ordinary people, they can fully protect Joanna's safety!"

Gu Zhaohui murmured, "Dixie? "Not ordinary people?" Said immediately surprised to see to leaf Feng way, "she shouldn't be that Dixie of the Federal Bureau of investigation?"

Ye Feng can't help but move when he hears the words. The pseudonym of Dixie here is Lengyue, but they don't like to call her that, so they always talk about Dixie, but they don't pay attention to Gu Zhaohui.

At this time, Gu Zhaohui later realized that Dixie was probably the former Dixie in the FBI, which was already a hindsight.

Hearing this, Ye Feng knows that more explanation is just a cover up, and for Gu Zhai Hui Chi, Ye Feng also knows that there is no need to hide anything.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to Gu Zhaohui, "yes, that's her!"

On hearing this, Gu Zhaohui immediately stood up excitedly, looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "is she really Dixie of the FBI?"

Seeing that Ye Feng's expression had not changed, and he did not deny it, he knew that this was the same as acquiescence, and immediately said excitedly, "it's really her. She's the idol of many FBI agents!"

The cat faced man could not help but wrinkle his forehead and say, "another idol? You have so many idols

Gu Zhaohui immediately said, "that's different, Satan. That's an idol. What about Dixie To be exact, she is the goddess of many people, the lover of dreams

The cat faced man said with a smile, "the lover of my dream? Joanna, do you know that your dream lover is Dixie

Gu Zhaohui's face turned red and he coughed softly to resolve his embarrassment

"What's the difference? Joanna and Dixie, let you choose. Who do you choose? "

Gu Zhaohui later heard that Yan's face became more red, and then he became angry and said, "what do you mean..."

Ye Feng then interrupted, "well, with Dixie by Joanna's side, you can rest assured of her safety?"

Gu Zhaohui immediately nodded and said, "of course, don't worry..." But then his face moved, "no? Dixie? I heard that she had already died in the service? "

Ye Feng said to Gu Zhaohui later, "it's hard to explain to you for a moment. In a word, if there's something wrong with Joanna, you can ask me for accountability afterwards!"

Gu Zhaohui looked at Ye Feng in surprise, then nodded. A moment later, he looked at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "people like Dixie also obey you. Who are you?"

Jasterfeld said to Gu Zhaohui, "are you here to save people or gossip?" Then he immediately asked Ye Feng, "what shall we do now? When all the people below are gone? "

The cat faced man went to one side of the corridor, looked down and said, "I'm afraid it's not so easy. A few people are going to catch up with us!"

Ye Feng said at this time, "go to the window and other places. Since their hiding place is separated from us by a building, I think there is always a way to get there!"

Jaster fee looked at Ye Feng in amazement and said, "do you want to jump directly from the window to another building?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not sure. Let's have a look at the specific place! Can't you really go down the corridor and fight with these people? "

Gu Zhaohui patted his brain and said, "if Dixie can come back from the dead, then you must be Satan!"

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