Three people listen to Gu zhaohuichi said, can't help but have a look at Gu zhaohuichi, didn't expect that this boy is still struggling with this problem.

Ye Feng did not speak, went to the side of the corridor, looked downstairs, immediately waved, motioned three people to follow him, walked out toward the side of the safety channel.

After getting out of the door, there was an elevator corridor outside. The elevator door was rusty. There were sundries everywhere on the ground, and even some human excrement and other things in the corner. It was obvious that someone had visited this floor.

Ye Feng didn't stay much, so he went directly to the lobby outside. It must have been an office area before. It looked very empty, and only some old office equipment was left there.

Ye Feng went directly to one side of the window, where the glass has completely fallen off, and occasionally there are half full of dust in some places, which has completely opaque glass fragments.

And Ye Feng looked directly at the opposite building, and saw that the building was similar to these, and it was also an office area, which was very empty.

Then Ye Feng took out the location map and took a look. After confirming that it was the building, he began to observe the distance between the two buildings.

At this time, jesteffe went to Ye Feng's side, and after staring at the opposite for a long time, he said, "at least ten meters away, normal human beings can't pass!"

Ye Feng also visually detected the distance. He knew that jesteffe was right. If you want to jump from here, it's like suicide. It's impossible.

Gu zhaohuichi and maorenren also came over at this time. They looked at each other and then looked down. They should be at least 20 stories high. They felt that their legs were soft when they looked at them. A gust of wind could blow people down directly. They instinctively stepped back a few steps.

Ye Feng was still pondering about how to do it, while jastefer was looking around. Gu Zhaohui said to Ye Feng, "even if you are Satan, you can't jump to that building from here?"

Listening to Gu Zhaohui's words, Ye Feng didn't say a word. At this time, he already looked down. If he jumped directly, even if he ran to sprint for himself, it was unlikely.

But if you want to jump to the next few floors, the inertia of sprint will surely send you to the opposite building. At that time, you just need to see how many floors you can descend. And the most important problem is not the distance, but whether you can support the impact of inertia once you land.

There are only two ways to land. One is that people rush directly into the opposite building, and then they will land on their legs. In that case, if the floors are too far apart, the force of gravity and inertia will hurt their legs and feet.

Another is that if you can't rush to the opposite building, but outside, you have to use your hand to grasp the key points outside the stair wall. Ye Feng believes that he can do it.

However, the biggest problem of this landing method is not whether you can grasp the key points, but whether your arms and hands can bear such impact force after you grasp the key points. If the operation is not good, I'm afraid your arms will be broken directly.

So for Ye Feng, there are certain risks in these two situations. If he thinks there are risks, he can't expect jesterfield and Gu Zhaohui to do it. Even if he can do it, it will be difficult for them.

Jesterfield came up to Ye Feng and said, "I didn't find any climbing tools. It seems that it won't work!"

Gu Zhaohui immediately said to Ye Feng, "it seems that we can only rush downstairs!" Then he saw jesteffe look at him, and immediately explained, "if you don't shoot, those people look like they don't have enough to eat. It's OK not to use a gun."

The cat faced man said to Gu Zhaohui later, "the more people who don't have enough to eat, the more they can do anything for the sake of a mouthful. Don't underestimate these people! Even if you are one-on-one, you may not be their opponent! "

Then, seeing Gu Zhaohui's suspicious look on his face, he immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "they are desperate. Can you?"

When Gu Zhaohui heard what the cat face man said, he immediately pondered. Yes, compared with those people, he worried too much. On the contrary, those people had nothing to worry about. If he was cruel, he might not be able to bear it.

At this time, Ye Feng went to the window, supported the stone column on one side, and looked toward the roof. However, he saw that the construction of the opposite building was special. The roof was stretched out. Although it was not completely linked with the building, it shortened the distance of the building, at least half of it.

But from the bottom up, this upstairs is at least thirty stories high. It's estimated that if you climb up it, you will have half your life here.

But Ye Feng or immediately turn back, toward three humanitarian, "continue to the roof, the roof can pass!"

Gu Zhaohui heard this later and said, "ah? I have to go to the top of the building. I can't climb any more! "

Ye Feng didn't pay any attention to Gu zhaohuichi. He immediately went to the elevator corridor, and jesteffe and cat face immediately followed him.

However, the cat face man stopped at the door on purpose and said to Gu Zhaohui, "if you don't go down alone, now that you've climbed more than 20 floors, it's a hard work to go down. Besides, there are so many people waiting for you!"As soon as the cat faced man said that, Gu Zhaohui immediately gave a pep talk and quickly followed him.

As soon as Gu Zhaohui went out, he saw Ye Feng standing on the other side of the elevator corridor. Seeing him motionless, he couldn't help asking, "do you think of other ways..."

Before Gu Zhaohui finished, Ye Feng immediately turned to Gu Zhaohui and made a silent gesture, then pointed to the safe passage.

Gu Zhaohui's heart moved and he quickly closed his mouth. However, it was too late. The sound of footsteps on the other side of the safe passage suddenly stopped.

After a moment, the sound of footsteps rang again. A moment later, the door of the safe passage had been pushed open. Five or six poor people rushed towards Ye Feng immediately.

Gu Zhaohui felt guilty when he saw this. He thought that these poor people were climbing up the corridor. Unexpectedly, he came out and said a word. On the contrary, he was heard by these people, which made them find out how many of them were.

At this time, Ye Feng immediately put down the poor people, and then began to step out. After putting down the poor people behind, he immediately ran to the safe passage, and his mouth was still shouting, "keep up!"

As soon as Gu Zhaohui ran to the gate of the safe passage, he saw that someone had caught up with him under the corridor. When he saw Gu Zhaohui, he immediately went crazy and ran towards Gu Zhaohui.

Gu Zhaohui wanted to take out the laser gun, but when he thought of jesterfield, he immediately clenched his teeth, released his hand, and ran upstairs.

When Gu Zhaohui caught up with Ye Feng, he was out of breath again. He looked up and wanted to see how many floors there were, but the countless corridor circles made Gu Zhaohui feel desperate.

Although Ye Feng also felt very tired, he didn't show anything on the surface. He only occasionally asked Jester Fei, who followed him closely, "do you want to have a rest?"

Jesterfield was sweating, but he shook his head at Ye Feng and said, "I can still hold on!"

Gu Zhaohui complained, "I knew earlier, but I just drove the aircraft to the top of this building! It's killing me

The cat faced man said to Gu Zhaohui later, "if you had known so much earlier in life, how many mistakes would you have made less?"

Jesteffe turned back to encourage Gu Zhaohui and said, "hold on a little longer, you'll be there soon. Anyway, aren't you also an FBI agent?"

Gu Zhaohui said bitterly, "to tell you the truth, I'm just a trainee agent. I don't even have a chance to be on duty! I don't want that face, either! "

Ye Feng later said to Gu Zhaohui, "the trainee agent is also an agent. Isn't your idol Satan from the beginning of the trainee? Since you regard him as an idol, you can't disgrace him! "

On hearing this, Gu Zhaohui suddenly nodded solemnly and said, "yes, Satan also started from probation. I'm also a trainee. I want to learn from him!"

But when he said that, he immediately asked Ye Feng, "are you Satan or not? When it's time, just tell me! "

Ye Feng heard speech stopped, looked back at Gu Zhaohui, nodded, "yes!"

Gu Zhaohui's face suddenly changed when he heard the words. Then he quickened his pace. In an instant, he came to Ye Feng's side and said, "are you really Satan?"

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