Ye Feng said a love letter, immediately began to continue to go upstairs, he admitted his identity in front of Gu zhaohuichi, just pure want to encourage him, no other ideas.

With Gu zhaohuichi's contact, Ye Feng also feels that he is an ordinary hot-blooded boy who has his own idol and his own emotions in order to pursue his love at the expense of his own life.

And look at Gu zhaohuichi's appearance, he really takes himself as an idol, so tell him his true identity, at present, there is no adverse effect, so Ye Feng will decide to tell him.

When Gu Zhaohui saw Ye Feng like this, he immediately looked at jestefel on one side and wanted to get the answer from her. After all, when they met before, they didn't have much impression on Ye Feng, but this jestefel seemed to know everything and his father's identity.

This appearance of jastefer makes jastefer feel that her words are most reliable among Ye Feng and his group. Therefore, Gu Zhaohui casts a questioning, inquiring and consulting look at jastefer at the critical moment.

Jester Fei saw Gu Zhaohui look at himself, immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "he himself has admitted, what do you think I do, what else can I say?"

Listening to jesteffe's saying, it is tantamount to admitting Ye Feng's identity as Satan in disguise. At this time, jesteffe has been convinced, and immediately quickened his pace to keep up with Ye Feng. At this time, he seems to have completely forgotten the pain of his legs and feet.

Jesteffe quickly caught up with Ye Fengdao, "Satan, do you know? You've always been my idol. More than that, many of our trainee agents want to enter the FBI because of your influence

Ye Feng just nodded, said a thank you, and continued to walk forward, while the cat face man said for Ye Feng, "we all know that Satan is your idol, and Dixie is your goddess and dream lover. You have said these words several times!"

Gu Zhaohui said, "Oh? really? Did I say that many times? Maybe I didn't realize it. I just met my idol and I was so excited! "

At this time, the cat faced man shook his head helplessly. Passing by Gu zhaohuichi, he said to Ye Feng in front of him, "it seems that you are really famous in eisf. How many greenhouse flowers have you consumed?"

Ye Feng also looks at the cat face man helplessly, but Gu Zhaohui catches up with Ye Feng and says, "idol, do you still accept apprentices? I want to be your apprentice. Do you think I'm qualified? "

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, the cat faced man said to Gu Zhaohui, "it seems that your memory is really bad. They all said that you are not suitable to be an agent!"

Gu Zhaohui was shocked when he heard that. He remembered this, but he still said to Ye Feng, "I don't have to be an agent. In short, idols No, Shifu, I've determined that you are my Shifu all my life... "

Ye Feng stops helplessly, looking at Gu Zhaohui and says, "do you want to be my apprentice?"

Gu Zhaohui immediately said, "I really want to, especially want to, especially want to..."

Before Gu Zhaohui finished, jesterfield came up and said, "I said, even if you want to accept apprentices, you should wait until the top of the building?"

Ye Feng also nodded and said to Gu Zhaohui, "we'll talk about this later. Our goal now is to meet Joanna and them. Have you forgotten?"

Without waiting for Gu Zhaohui to speak later, the cat faced man immediately said with a smile, "this boy sees that his idol is here, and even his future daughter-in-law can stop it!"

Gu Zhaohui said with an embarrassed smile, "OK, OK, wait until you see Joanna!" Said immediately toward Ye Feng said, "you know, in fact, you are also Joanna's idol, I know you, or from Joanna's mouth to hear some of your anecdotes!"

Ye Feng frowned at Gu Zhaohui and said, "if you want me to accept you as an apprentice, the first thing you need to do is not to expose my identity without my instruction!"

On hearing this, Gu zhaohuichi immediately said, "no problem, I will never say it!" Said the words front immediately a turn a way, "so say, master, you are to accept me?"

Ye Feng cold hum a way, "early, you do this first to say!"

Gu zhaohuichi immediately raised his hand and swore, "if Gu zhaohuichi reveals any secrets of his master, I will die..."

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I believe more in your future performance than the oath!"

Gu Zhaohui was stunned when he heard about the speech. Then he nodded his head and said, "OK, master, I'll see what I do in the future."

Ye Feng took a look at Gu Zhaohui and immediately shook his head. Then he went on to the top of the building.

Jesteffe quickened his pace and shook his head as he passed Gu Zhaohui with an excited face.

Gu Zhaohui didn't care. In a word, meeting his idol today is equivalent to fulfilling one of his wishes. At this time, he even felt that it was not difficult to continue climbing upstairs. He felt that his legs and feet were open, and he didn't feel tired.After about half an hour, the four finally saw the ceiling of the corridor on the top floor. Originally, they were all a little weak. Even Gu Zhaohui, who was still excited, felt tired at this time.

But when the four people saw the ceiling, they all felt energetic and immediately quickened their pace and continued to move forward.

At this time, the cat faced man stopped and looked down one side of the corridor. He found that there was almost no one to follow.

Ye Feng is the first to walk out of the safe passage and push open the rusty iron door. He is the first to get to the top of the building. As soon as he pushes the door open, a gust of prestige blows over. He feels very comfortable.

Jestfel and Gu zhaohuichi came out immediately. Gu zhaohuichi was like a ball full of breath. He was originally breathing. When he got to the top of the building, he immediately sat down on the ground like the annihilated ball. He couldn't help breathing, and his forehead was still sweating.

The cat faced man came in and breathlessly looked at Gu zhaohuichi sitting on the ground. He wanted to make fun of Gu zhaohuichi, but his mouth coughed immediately. He didn't even have the strength to say a word. He couldn't even breathe.

Ye Feng also bent down and stretched out his hand to support his knees for a few breaths. At the same time, he looked around the rooftop. The building must be at least forty or fifty stories high, but it is not the tallest building in the abandoned city. There are several tall and dilapidated buildings in the distance, which seem to tell Ye Feng that it used to be a prosperous metropolis, but there is only bleak wind at this time And endless dust blown by the wind.

After catching a few breaths, jesteffe immediately went to the side of the roof and observed the roof of the building opposite. From below, it seemed that the two buildings were the same height, but when he got to the roof, he found that the building opposite was two or three stories shorter than this one.

Ye Feng also had enough rest at this time. He immediately went to the side of jesterfield and took a look at the opposite building.

Without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, jastefer immediately said to Ye Feng, "although the distance has been shortened a lot, the floor disparity is too big. Even if you jump over, you will be injured, right?"

Ye Feng didn't say a word, just looked at the situation around him, and then said to jesterfield, "as long as there is one person who can pass, it will all pass!"

Jester Fei looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you mean? How is it possible to go alone and then go all the way? "

At this time, Ye Feng went to one side and pulled up the abandoned cable on the roof. Then he said to jesterfield, "I'll go there first. I'll take this cable and tie it on the opposite side. It's like linking the two buildings together! All you have to do is paddle over the cable! "

Jester fee heard Ye Feng say so, immediately stunned, looked at the cable in Ye Feng's hand, then said to Ye Feng, "the method is feasible, the problem is how do you get there? Are you going to fly there? "

At this time, Ye Feng went to the edge of the roof. After looking at the opposite roof, he said to jester, "do you have to try? How do you know if you can do it without trying? "

At this time, the cat faced man said to Ye Feng, "do you take this experiment? If you can't, you'll just fall down and fall into a meat cake. That's good. The people below are just hungry. You don't have to think about it. You can eat your meat directly! "

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