Ye Feng didn't say much. He tied the cable in his hand to his waist. When Jester Fei saw Ye Feng, he knew that Ye Feng had made up his mind. No matter what others said, he would not change his mind, so he didn't say any more.

Jesteffe then went to check the cable line for Ye Feng. He found the root of the problem all the time. Then he pulled it hard and found that it had been welded to the reinforced concrete. Generally, it was impossible for it to fall off, so he was relieved.

At this time, Ye Feng had already tied the cable, and then stood up on the concrete fence of the roof. Both maorenren and Gu zhaohuichi looked at Ye Feng in surprise. Gu zhaohuichi even said to Ye Feng, "master, be careful!"

At this time, Ye Feng felt the breeze fluttering on his face. He glanced at the situation downstairs and couldn't see what the ground looked like. Then he looked up at the roof of the opposite building and took a deep breath.

Jesterfield walked to Ye Feng's side and said, "pay attention to yourself!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward Jester fee nodded, but see Jester fee's eyes full of worried look, then a smile way, "don't worry! When I get there, all of you come here at once! "

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Feng didn't wait for jesterfield to speak. He immediately pushed his legs forward, and his whole body soared up in the air and flew toward the opposite side.

Jesterfield's pupil suddenly enlarged, originally also wanted to command Ye Feng a few more, let him pay attention to safety, did not expect Ye Feng suddenly so jumped out.

Cat face man and Gu zhaohuichi also look at Ye Feng in surprise. Gu zhaohuichi is full of adoration. His master's jumping posture is so handsome that it's worth imitating and learning.

At this time, Ye Feng has been flying towards the roof of the opposite building, but after a visual inspection of the distance, I feel that if I follow this inertia, I may fall on the edge of the roof, which is a bit suspended.

The periphery of the edge zone is a cement fence. If the distance is a little different, it is likely to be outside the fence, which is equivalent to a jump failure.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately shrunk his hands, tried to minimize the resistance of his body, and continued to slide forward.

At this time, jastefer's hands were firmly on the concrete fence, and his eyes were full of worry. The cat faced man looked in his eyes. He looked at jastefer, then at Ye Feng, and then said to jastefer, "a Nan, do you have anything to do with this boy..."

When he said this, cat face man didn't go on, because he found that he had got the answer he wanted. When he talked with jesteffe, jesteffe didn't even look at him. Maybe she didn't listen to what he was saying.

At this time, Ye Feng had already flown to the outer sky of the opposite roof. At this time, he was landing. The height was several stories lower. Landing was also a problem. If he was not careful, his legs and feet would be injured.

Ye Feng naturally knew that he bent up his legs at this time, put his hands around his head, and bent his body as far as possible. His whole body was like a round ball.

At the moment of landing, Ye Feng immediately tumbled on the spot, reducing the inertia and gravity of landing. Although he had a sharp pain, he still stood up smoothly after several tumbles. Except for a little pain on the shoulder, it may be that he was in a broken skin. There was almost no skin injury in other places, let alone internal injury.

Standing on the opposite side of the jiestefei see Ye Feng smoothly to the opposite roof, but also can stand up, hanging a heart also finally put down.

Gu Zhaohui then waved to Ye Feng and exclaimed, "master, you are so powerful! Great

At this time, Ye Feng also waved to the opposite balcony, indicating that he was ok, and immediately untied the cable tied to his waist. He used to find a place to fix the cable, and then waved to the opposite side, indicating that they also found a point to fix the cable.

Jestfel immediately understood, then grabbed the cable, straightened it as far as possible, and tied the cable to a steel bar in the fence. Then he found another abandoned cable, cut it into three sections, and gave it to Gu zhaohuichi and maorenren. Then he said, "learn from me! Come with me

With that, jesteffe immediately circled the cable in his hand on one of his hands. After tying this hand, he immediately walked towards the cable connecting the roof of the two buildings. After he circled the cable in his hand, he circled the other hand.

After fixing her two hands, jesteffe immediately turned over and crossed the fence directly. Then the whole person flew out, while her hands were fixed on the cable and glided along the cable towards the opposite side. It was only in a moment that she got to the opposite side.

Ye Feng had already been waiting for jesteffe on the opposite side. When jesteffe was about to land, he immediately went up and hugged jesteffe, and they just hit each other.

Jesterfield's face was slightly red at this time, but his hands were still tied to the cable. He just looked at Ye Feng and said thank you.

Ye Feng slowly pushes away jesteffe. Seeing her blushing face, her heart is also moving. However, she soon returns to her senses and says nothing. She immediately unties the cable tied to jesteffe's hand, and jesteffe gets out of trouble.Jesterfield untied the cable, looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you ok?"

Ye Feng shakes his head and says it's OK. Then he goes to the fence and continues to wave to the opposite side, indicating that maorenren and Gu zhaohuichi also come quickly.

The cat faced man took a look at the other side and then said to Gu Zhaohui, "how about it? You first, I first? "

Gu zhaohuichi was still in a state of excitement. He immediately said that I would come first, but when he got to the fence, he leaned down and looked down. Suddenly, the excitement disappeared completely.

At this time, the cat faced man came over and patted Gu zhaohuichi on the shoulder, which immediately startled Gu zhaohuichi.

Gu Zhaohui took a late look at the distance from the opposite side, and immediately turned back to the cat's face, "you come first!"

The cat faced man looked at Gu zhaohuichi with disdain, and then, like jesteffe, began to tie the cable on his hand. Then he turned over and jumped out, and immediately slid along the cable toward the opposite roof.

After Ye Feng hugs the cat face man, jiestefei comes to help untie the cable that the cat face man tied to his hand. Ye Feng then waves to Gu zhaohuichi on the opposite roof, signaling him to come immediately.

Gu Zhaohui felt guilty, but he still tied one end of the cable to his own hand, just like jesterfield and cat faced man. After bypassing the cable, he tied the other end of the cable to the other hand.

However, he had to learn from jesterfield and the cat faced man to jump out without caring about anything. His heart was still a little empty and he didn't dare to jump.

At this time, the iron gate of the roof clanged, and Gu Zhaohui looked back immediately, only to find that several poor people had the patience to catch up.

After pushing the door open, the poor people first looked around, then locked Gu Zhaohui, and immediately rushed towards him.

Gu Zhaohui's hands had been tied to the cable at this time, so it was impossible for him to get rid of them. He was so scared that he immediately closed his eyes, jumped up and turned over from the fence. He immediately closed his eyes and screamed loudly.

Gu zhaohuichi suddenly felt as if his body had hit something. He opened his eyes and saw that Ye Feng was standing in front of him. He was completely relieved and was about to cry.

Cat face man came to help Gu zhaohuichi untie the cable in his hand. Then he patted Gu zhaohuichi on the shoulder and said, "boy, the performance is OK!"

Gu Zhaohui looked at the cat face man helplessly. He didn't know that he was forced to jump from the building by the poor people on the roof.

Ye Feng also came to pat Gu Zhaohui's shoulder and said, "the performance is OK!" With that, he immediately went to the door of the roof leading to the safe passage corridor.

Jesterfield immediately followed him, and the cat faced man patted Gu Zhaohui, who was still afraid, and said, "let's go!"

Gu zhaohuichi looked back at the opposite rooftop. The poor people just got to the fence of the rooftop. There was a guy who didn't have any safety measures at all. He also learned from Gu zhaohuichi and jumped out by pulling the cable with his bare hands.

However, as soon as the poor man jumped out of the building, he couldn't hold it. He fell directly from the roof of the building. Before he could hum, he fell into a meat cake.

Gu Zhaohui couldn't help fighting a cold war when he saw this. These guys were really hungry. However, at this time, Gu Zhaohui looked at the poor people with more sympathy in his eyes. If he had a choice, who would like to live such a life?

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