But Gu Zhaohui didn't think much about it. He immediately followed Ye Feng into the building. There were no poor people in the building, and going downstairs was a little easier than going upstairs.

At this time, Ye Feng has taken out the phone in front of her to call Scarlett and ask her where they are on the first floor. However, the building at this time is not the same as it was before. She can't tell which floor it is.

Ye Feng immediately asked Scarlett to go to the safe passage on that side. As long as they went down the corridor of the safe passage, they would surely meet her.

After the appointment, Ye Feng immediately quickened their pace and continued to go down. After running more than ten floors, they finally saw Scarlett below. They were looking up the corridor.

At this time, Gu Zhaohui looked down, saw Dixie and Scarlett, and another woman he had never seen. He could not help frowning, and immediately sped up his pace and ran downstairs. It took Gu Zhaohui only a few minutes to walk for more than ten minutes.

When they got to Scarlett's floor downstairs, they immediately asked Dixie and Scarlett, "where's Joanna? Where's Joanna? " He looked worried when he spoke.

Scarlett pointed to the woman he didn't know and said, "isn't she?"

Gu Zhaohui looked at the strange woman in front of her in surprise. She looked so plain that she couldn't be compared with Joanna at all. She frowned and couldn't believe that she said, "are you Joanna?"

Dixie explained to Gu Zhaohui, "she has been changed by me! That's what she looks like now. Otherwise, she would not be able to move in Huck Bay, and she would be discovered soon! "

On hearing this, Gu Zhaohui suddenly looked at Joanna, who had changed her face. Then he asked her anxiously, "Joanna, are you ok?" Then he looked at her leg and said, "they said you sprained your leg. Is that ok?"

Joanna saw that Gu zhaohuichi was so concerned about herself. Even if she didn't like Gu zhaohuichi, she didn't want to develop with Gu zhaohuichi in the future. She couldn't help shaking her head to Gu zhaohuichi and said, "it's OK!"

Ye Feng, jesteffe and cat face met with Dixie and Scarlett after they came down. They all told each other that it was OK. After that, jesteffe asked Scarlett, "you're hiding here. Didn't the poor find out?"

Dixie immediately said, "in order to avoid these people, we spared several buildings from the buildings. This is the only way to choose such a building. Those people should be thrown away!"

Scarlett added, "that's when Joanna twisted her ankle!"

Ye Feng just nodded, and then looked at Joanna, who had changed her original appearance, and asked, "is it OK?"

Joanna shook her head and said, "I've had a good rest, and they've pressed it for me. It's much better now!"

Ye Feng smell speech a nod, immediately looked around the situation, toward the public humanitarian, "we now back to Huke Bay?"

But Joanna said to Ye Feng, "I actually want to stay and have a look!"

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but wrinkle, looking at Joanna way, "what else to see?"

Joanna sighed, "I don't know what's going on here. Why does a good city look like this? This world shouldn't be like this!"

At this time, the cat face man said to Joanna, "there's nothing to look at when you stay here, and there's nothing to ask. If you want to ask, go directly to your Lao Tzu. If he is really a wise leader, under his leadership, there shouldn't be such a city!"

Jesteffe added at this time, "such cities are just the tip of the iceberg. There are many such cities all over the world. This is just a miniature."

When Joanna heard this, she was suddenly silent. In fact, what the cat faced man said was right. Her father, as the supreme leader of the Federation, now there are countless such cities in the world. This shows that there is absolutely a problem in the supreme rule, otherwise there would not be such a problem.

But Joanna, after all, is his father's daughter. She can't accept such a problem for a moment. Even though she is in such a deserted city, she feels that it's not true, but in her own dream.

Gu Zhaohui then sighed, "if I didn't leave longarsene castle, I can't believe it's true, let alone Joanna!"

Joanna also took a deep breath and said, "if there are many such cities in the world, there must be some problems. We must find a way to find out the problem and thoroughly solve the problem, so that the people here, like all the abandoned cities here, can get the same right of survival as the residents of longarsenburg!"

The cat faced man sneered, "everyone can say what they say, but it's easy to know but difficult to do. What rights do the residents of longarsenic castle have? Is it OK for other cities to ask for free access to longarsenic Fort? Don't be joking. I'm afraid those rich masters and rich ladies in longarsenic castle will kill them and they don't want to live in the same city with the people here! "Jesteffe also immediately said, "the Federation of eisf is global in nature. There is no actual statistics on how many cities there are in the world. Let alone emigrate to lonasburg, people in those cities may not accept people here even if they emigrate nearby. Therefore, it is totally unrealistic to migrate to other cities. To change this situation, we have to take underground medicine, In terms of disease, other methods are like drinking poison to quench thirst, which will bring endless troubles to the future! "

But the cat face man immediately said, "if you want me to say that no medicine can cure the disease, the only way to change the status quo is to break all the rules now, draw up a new order, and re-establish a fair and just new regime that can benefit all people. That's the most practical!"

Joanna smelled the words and looked at the cat's face. "What do you mean? Are you going to overthrow my father's regime? "

With a shrug, the cat faced man looked at Joanna and said, "since ancient times, the rise and fall of dynasties have been very common? If you don't do well, there will be a new one to replace you. If you do well, there will be no chance for others to replace you. If your father really does well, who would be willing to risk his own life? Little girl, the change of Dynasty is bloody, and many people, many people will lose their lives! Who's going to do this when he's full? "

When Joanna heard the words, she pondered for a while, then looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "you are on their side, too. Are you against my father?"

Gu Zhaohui couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the speech. Then he shook his head and said, "I don't mean that!" Then he looked at Ye Feng and cat face people, and then he said, "but some of what they said is reasonable. Some of these people even eat human flesh because they are hungry. This phenomenon has been going on for a long time. If you think about it, we can't stay here for a while, but the people here will live here forever, and may live here for generations!"

Joanna's brow was slightly wrinkled. She knew what was going on here, but she still looked at Gu Zhaohui and said, "then you still want to be against my father?"

Gu zhaohuichi immediately said, "I really don't mean that. I'm just saying what I really think. You can see what it's like here. But when we were in longarsenic castle, did we know that there would be such a place in the outside world? So I think, Joanna, after you go back to longarsenic Castle this time, you must tell your father what you see. It's better that he can change all this. As long as there are fewer and fewer deserted cities, I think fewer and fewer people will oppose your father! "

Joanna pondered for a while. Even Gu Zhaohui, who had always been the most supportive of herself, now said something like this. She really didn't know what to say.

In fact, what Ye Feng and Gu zhaohuichi have said is reasonable. After all, she is now in such an environment, and she has seen all this with her own eyes. This is an indisputable fact.

Ye Feng said at this time, "it's not entirely the fault of the federal president alone!"

As soon as Joanna hears this, she immediately looks at Ye Feng. She finally hears something that is not aimed at her father. Her eyes are full of gratitude and expectation. She expects Ye Feng to continue to say something to protect her father.

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