When Joanna heard this, her face suddenly changed. Listening to Ye Feng's meaning, he was also in favor of overthrowing the existing regime, that is, overthrowing her father Qiao Huiying.

Gu Zhaohui saw that Joanna's face was not right. He immediately began to make a round and said, "teacher..." Say to see leaf maple facial expression move, immediately change a way, "is! It's true, but after all, it's all about us. How can it be so easy to overthrow a regime? "

Joanna still didn't say a word. After a long time, she said, "you can say that I have no problem. My father is a good man. Maybe you outsiders don't know how hard he works for the planet and the civilization. But as a girl, he can't sleep in other people's sleep every day I saw with my own eyes that his hair turned white one by one, and then fell one by one. The Federation has all kinds of problems, but it's definitely not my father's problem! "

After listening to Joanna's words, Ye Feng noticed that Joanna's eyes were firm and resolute, and it didn't look like she was lying. This shows that Qiao Huiying is probably what Joanna said, at least in front of Joanna. But if you think about it carefully, Qiao Huiying doesn't need to show her diligence in front of her daughter.

But Ye Feng also knows that many things are not diligent, and not slacking means that there is no problem. After all, the problems must be in many aspects. For example, Qiao Huiying is diligent, but she is partial to others, misuses cronies, and may even be coerced by some federal groups. All kinds of possibilities are not impossible.

However, Ye Feng does not intend to discuss with Joanna whether federal president Qiao Huiying has done anything wrong. From the perspective of her children, Joanna has no problem with her attitude. Anyone who hears others say that about her father will not feel better.

What's more, it's meaningless to discuss these now. It's impossible to change the reality. It's an indisputable fact that countless abandoned cities exist on the mainland of eisf. No matter what method is used to force Qiao Huiying to change or directly overthrow Qiao Huiying's regime, it can't be completed in a short time and a half. For example, the problem of these abandoned cities can't be solved It may be formed overnight, and it will take a long time.

Ye Feng thought of this and said to Joanna immediately, "if I said something to offend your father before, I sincerely say sorry to you, but this is not a place to stay for a long time. Let's leave here first!"

At this time, Dixie also said, "you know what you should know, and you know almost what you should know. Seeing leopards, countless other abandoned cities are probably similar to the situation here."

Jesteffe also said to Joanna, "yes, there are various reasons for the suffering of the people, but the crux is all one, so it's meaningless to take risks. Let's go back to Huck Bay first!"

Seeing that Joanna didn't speak, Gu Zhaohui immediately comforted her, "Joanna, I know you are shocked to see such pictures and people. I am just as shocked as you. I didn't expect that there would be such cities and people in the world, but the reality is like this. You and I can't change What have you done

When Joanna heard Gu Zhaohui's words, she sighed, nodded her head and agreed, but she still didn't say anything.

No matter whether my father is diligent or not, and loves the people or not, although I see my father haggard for the sake of the union, such a city does exist, and I can't cheat myself that I didn't see all this.

In the final analysis, it has something to do with my father. Anyway, who calls my father the highest decision-maker of the federal government? Once there is a problem with the federal government, it is certainly the problem of the federal president. It is not his fault, it is also his fault.

Ye Feng didn't talk much, so he immediately took people to go downstairs. Others followed Ye Feng and began to go downstairs. Gu zhaohuichi was always with Joanna. He could see that Joanna was not happy, so as to prevent Joanna from thinking hard.

After going down the building, Ye Feng went to the door on one side and looked out. The building they had just entered was surrounded by many poor people, and they didn't mean to disperse.

Ye Fengxin next move, immediately a wave of hands, signal people from the other side of the building to leave, try to avoid and those poor people face to face, and then cause other things.

Several people carefully out of the building, did not choose to take the main road, but try to choose to take these buildings and the alley between the buildings, where there are many weeds, not easy to be found.

A group of people left the abandoned city in terror, and finally arrived in the suburbs. They could not help sighing. They were not afraid of these poor people. If all of them were out of Joanna, others had their own ways to deal with these poor people.

But it is precisely because they are not afraid to fight with these people, and know that once they fight, those poor people are not opponents at all, so they do not want to fight with them. Just like an adult, he will never want to fight with children in kindergarten.At the landing point of the aircraft, several people immediately got on the aircraft. However, this is a normal private aircraft, and even the pilot has only five positions at most. But now they have seven people, so they can only squeeze.

When the aircraft flew into mid air, jestfeld was just about to turn the aircraft around and drive towards Huck Bay Island, but Joanna said, "can you take a turn over the city?"

Gu Zhaohui looked at Joanna in surprise and said, "what do you want to do?"

Jesteffe hesitated for a moment, but immediately drove over the city. She could fully understand Joanna's idea. She wanted to have a more comprehensive look at the real situation of the abandoned city at high altitude.

When the aircraft passed the high-rise building in front of it, jesteffe deliberately slowed down the flight speed so that Joanna could have a more comprehensive view.

Other people also looked down, but there were poor people on the streets of those abandoned cities. The base number was far more than everyone's imagination. There were so many people in such an abandoned city.

After the aircraft completed a circle and flew away, the cat faced man sighed, "if there is this place in our world, it is estimated that it is a natural disaster, plague or war that has just happened. I didn't expect that there would be such a scene in the peace time of eisf!"

Gu Zhaohui couldn't help looking at the cat's face and said, "your world? Aren't you the people of Esther? "

The cat faced man knew that he had said something wrong. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I mean the world I understand!"

Gu Zhaohui suddenly nodded and said, "yes, there are such cities and people in peacetime! It's incredible

Ye Feng, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly asked Gu Zhaohui, "it's no use sighing. As a member of this planet, this civilization, you..." Said also looked at a dull Joanna way, "you, have not thought about for this civilization, this federation to do something?"

Gu Zhaohui looked at Ye Feng and said, "what do you do? I'm just a little probationary agent of the FBI. I'm not qualified to be on duty. What can I do? "

Ye Feng said, "if all the people in the world share the same idea with you, then the world will not change. He can think, I am an ordinary office worker. You can think, I am a civil servant at the bottom. We even have a problem supporting our family. What else can we do? If you think so, the world will be over! "

Gu Zhaohui looks at Ye Feng in a dazed way after hearing the speech. Joanna says to Ye Feng, "do you want us to fight against the federal government of the other side?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "it can be said, but it can also be understood differently. There are many ways to resist. I don't want you to break up with your father, or even wipe out your family. I just want everyone to do their own thing as well as they can. The premise is that everyone wants to change the world from the bottom of his heart, so the world will naturally change!"

Joanna looked at Ye Feng and said, "how can you come from your heart? How to change? What needs to be changed? "

Ye Feng said to Joanna, "now you ask these questions, but I can't answer them. What I want to explain is that as long as you want to do something for the world, then your heart will naturally tell you what you should do. This is from your heart!"

Joanna and Gu Zhaohui pondered after hearing the words, and asked themselves, do you want the world to change?

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