After the aircraft made a circle over the abandoned city, jesteffe immediately turned the aircraft and drove towards Huck Bay. The whole journey lasted more than 50 minutes, which was more than half an hour in the time of eisf.

During the journey, no one spoke. In fact, all that should be said has been said. The rest is the independent thinking process of all people.

Ye Feng also knows that some people, some things and some thoughts are deeply rooted. The change is not temporary. It takes time to change. I hope Gu Zhai Huichi and Joanna can change!

Of course, Ye Feng only hopes that Gu zhaohuichi and Joanna will change, and how much, which is beyond Ye Feng's control.

The aircraft flew up and down to the open space of Huck Bay Federal Bureau. Several people got off the aircraft one after another. As soon as they got off the aircraft, they just saw many staff members of the Bureau running towards the outside.

Ye Feng see those people's facial expression nervous, also don't know what happened, immediately pull a person way, "how to return a responsibility? Why run? "

The staff member immediately said, "someone called the police and said that there was a laser bomb in this building, so let's evacuate quickly!"

Ye Feng can't help frowning when he hears the words. He says in his heart, "what is a laser bomb? I have a little impression in my mind, but I can't think of any more. However, since I can call a bomb, I also bring the word" laser ", which means that the power will not be too small.

The first thing he thought of was Zhuo wanqiu. He was just about to run in to see what happened to them. At this time, he saw that Zhuo wanqiu and others had already come out one after another. When he saw Ye Feng and them, a group of people immediately ran to this side.

"Brother Satan, there's a bomb Run

Ye Feng smell speech immediately nodded, and then began to turn back to let jasterfeld and Dixie they run to the branch door.

Gu Zhaohui hears that the speech also immediately protects Joanna to run toward the door, but Joanna hesitates to look at Ye Feng, and then asks Gu Zhaohui, "what did the woman call him just now? Satan? Is he Satan

Gu Zhaohui can't help but feel a move when he hears the words. Master of secret ways, I didn't betray you. Your sister betrayed you.

But he said, "you've heard me wrong. The four words that people call, brother Satan, may be his alias or something?" Said quickly pulled Joanna ran out of the door, mouth also said, "how can there be a bomb here?"

At this time, Ye Feng and the others ran out. Everyone stood across the road and looked back at the Huck Bay Federal Bureau. However, the Federal Bureau didn't want to explode and still stood there.

Ye Feng was surprised. At this time, two aircrafts fell from mid air. Libo Zhihui was in one of them, while the others were fully armed blasters, wearing heavy clothes and carrying the tool box.

Ye Feng immediately walked toward Li Bo Zhi Hui and said, "what's the matter?"

Libo Zhihui also said helplessly, "I'm not very clear either. I heard that there were laser bombs here, so I asked people to evacuate at the first time. I'll go to the blasting experts to see what's going on!"

At this time, a sound of police siren sounded, and several aircraft came from all directions and stopped on the road one after another. Then many police officers came down from the aircraft and began to persuade the onlookers back. At the same time, they drew a cordon across the road.

Victor also got off one of the aircrafts. After getting off, he went straight to Libo Zhihui and said, "how are you getting ready?"

Libo Zhihui took out a cigarette and lit one. He said with a depressed face, "the blasting experts are here. They will go in to investigate later!" Then he handed Victor a cigarette and asked, "did the reporter find out?"

Victor shook his head and said, "we haven't tracked the signal yet. Maybe we can use a space card. This card can be used by any signal transmitter. It's hard to find it!"

Libo Zhihui then took a hard puff of cigarette and said, "if I know that I'm going to report to the fake police, I'll catch this kid and skin him alive!"

Ye Feng heard in his ears, then toward the two humanitarian, "if it's true, why use the space card that can't be found? It's obviously a problem! "

Victor said to Ye Feng, "even if we know there's a problem, we can't do nothing. If there's a laser bomb, it's too late to regret!"

Ye Feng nodded and pondered. Who would have done such a thing? If there was a bomb, who would have blown up the Huck Bay Federal Bureau? If it's a fake police report, who did it?

Ye Feng didn't speak any more. He lit a cigarette and looked at the blasting experts who were heading for the gate of hukewan branch. He thought to himself that he hoped they could find something.

Jestfeld then went to Ye Feng's side and reminded Ye Feng, "Huck Bay Federal Bureau of investigation belongs to a secret agency, which is different from the police station. If someone installs a bomb in the police station, it's very easy. After all, people usually go in and out there, but Huck Bay federal Bureau doesn't receive ordinary people, so it must be internal personnel who can enter. We should start from the police station The insiders are investigating! "Ye Feng can't help nodding when hearing the speech, while Li Bo Zhihui on one side said, "I've seen the monitoring of the sub Bureau, and there's nothing suspicious, so I suspect that it may be someone reporting a fake police!"

Jesteffe then asked Libo Zhihui, "have you looked carefully?"

Li Bo Zhihui frowned and held a cigarette in his mouth. Then he took out his mobile phone and sent an IP address to Ye Feng, saying, "this is the internal monitoring network of the branch. You can see all the monitoring videos. If you think I didn't watch them carefully, you can have a look for yourself!"

At this time, Ye Feng took out his mobile phone, opened the website, casually intercepted a video and watched it. At most, it was the time nearby. Looking forward, the workload was estimated to be very heavy, and it was impossible to watch it alone.

So it's impossible to see what Libo Zhihui said, but it's also possible that Libo Zhihui, like them, simply looked at it.

Jesteffe said to Ye Feng, "this kind of video depends on human eye recognition. Now the workload is too heavy, so the internal robot can help find relevant information. Just share this video with the robot!"

Ye Feng's heart moved when he heard that the robot's system was not very safe, so he would rather not watch the video than share it with the robot.

On one side, Li Bo Zhihui said, "robot analysis is similar to human eyes. You really think robots are gods. What else do we have to do?"

Jesteffe shrugged, "I'm just giving you my personal advice!"

At this time, Ye Feng fiddled with the mobile phone and found that the so-called Intranet can not only see the previously stored surveillance video, but also the current real-time video playback window.

Just on the screen, we can see that several blasting experts are walking in from the gate, one by one carefully towards the front.

Ye Feng looked at these people standing near the playground, there seems to be saying something, and then several people separated, each responsible for a direction to investigate one by one.

At this time, another aircraft flew over, and soon landed on one side. The person who came down was Shylock, mayor of Huck Bay.

After Shylock came down, he looked at Ye Feng and some of them with his eyebrows locked. Then he came towards them. As soon as he stood still, he yelled at Li Bo Zhihui, "what's the matter? The last time the police department was bombed has not been solved, and now the FBI has found another bomb? "

Li Bo Zhi Hui sees Shylock, shrugs his shoulders and says, "then you're going to ask the person who called the police!"

In fact, the reason why Libo Zhihui has such an attitude towards Shylock is that the FBI is a separate agency, and even the local administration is directly under the Federation, so there is no need to report to the governor.

So although Shylock is the mayor of Huke Bay and Libo Zhihui is the director of Huke Bay branch, Shylock can't manage Libo Zhihui at all in the administrative system. He can only manage Victor, who is also the director, because the police system needs to cooperate with local administration.

Secondly, Libo Zhihui knows that Shylock has been pushing his teacher, so he doesn't like Shylock personally, so it's reasonable that he doesn't love Shylock at all.

However, Shylock seems to be used to the attitude of Libo Zhihui towards him. He turns to victor and says, "what's the matter, tell me!"

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